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66 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Oct 5 07:14:29 2024 BST.

Book SectionTo Top

Hawkridge, D. G. (1978). The propagation of educational innovations. In: Brook, D.; Race, P. and Budgett, R. E. B. eds. Aspects of educational technology, Volume 12. London: Kogan Page.

Hawkridge, D. G. (1978). Review of the Occupational Check List (Advanced). In: Buros, O. ed. The eighth mental measurements yearbook. Highlands Park, New Jersey: Gryphon Press.

Hawkridge, D. G. (1978). Course evaluation. In: Rowntree, D. F. ed. How to develop self-instructional teaching. Milton Keynes: Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.

Hawkridge, David (1978). Open University. In: Unwin, Derek; McAleese, Ray and Morton, Richard eds. The Encyclopaedia of Educational Media Communications and Technology. London, England: The Macmillan Press Ltd, pp. 588–594.

Toates, F. M. (1978). A physiological control theory of the hunger- thirst interaction. In: Booth, D. A. ed. Hunger Models: Computable Theory of Feeding Control. London: Academic Press, pp. 347–373.

Journal ItemTo Top

Barker, Carol and Wield, David (1978). International firms in Tanzania. Utafiti, 3(2) pp. 316–341.

Booth, D. A. and Toates, F. M. (1978). No paradox in the control of energy intake. Nature, 275 pp. 146–147.

Hawkridge, David G. (1978). British and American approaches to evaluative studies in education. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 4(1) pp. 55–70.

Jordan, C. R. and Jordan, D. A. (1978). Lie rings of derivations of associative rings. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2(17) pp. 33–41.

Jordan, D.A. and Jordan, C. R. (1978). The Lie structure of a commutative ring with derivation. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2(18) pp. 39–49.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). A factor analysis of self-reported handedness. Neuropsychologia, 16(6) pp. 747–748.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). Memory and intelligence following spontaneously arrested congenital hydrocephalus. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 17(3) pp. 261–267.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). Memory for pictures and words, and the negative regency effect. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47(3) pp. 967–970.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). Mental imagery and memory: Coding ability or coding preference? Journal of Mental Imagery, 2(1) pp. 101–116.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). Mental imagery and the distinction between primary and secondary memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 30(3) pp. 471–485.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). Word-Order and Imagery in the Recall of Adjective-Noun Phrases. International Journal of Psychology, 13(3) pp. 179–184.

Smith, Mike; Hartley, Jean and Stewart, Bernie (1978). A case study of repertory grids used in vocational guidance. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 51(1) pp. 97–104.

Smith, Pamela and Wield, David (1978). Frelimo concentrates on the practical side of science. Nature, 276(5690) pp. 751–752.

Toates, F. M. (1978). A circadian rhythm of hoarding in the hamster. Animal Behaviour, 26 pp. 368–380.

Toates, F. M. and Archer, J. (1978). A comparative review of motivational systems using classical control theory. Animal Behaviour, 26 pp. 368–380.

Toates, F. M. and O'Rourke, C. (1978). Computer simulation of male rat sexual behaviour. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 16(1) pp. 98–104.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Hawkridge, David (1978). Designing multi-media courses for 15-19 year-olds learning as individuals. In: International Council for Educational Media, Jan 1978, London. UK.

Hawkridge, David (1978). The development of systematic instruction in the Open University. In: Congress of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungwissenschaft, Mar 1978, Tübingen, Germany.

Richardson, John T. E. (1978). The effects of closed head injury upon memory. In: Practical Aspects of Memory (Gruneberg, M. M.; Morris, P. E. and Sykes, R. N. eds.), Academic Press, London.

ThesisTo Top

Aldiss, Donald Tresham (1978). Granitic Rocks of Ophiolites. PhD thesis The Open University.

Glatt, Max M (1978). Alcoholism and drug dependence. DSc thesis The Open University.

Hill, David Roy (1978). Waveguide slot radiators. MPhil thesis The Open University.

Main, Roger Anthony (1978). Hypergraphic matroids. PhD thesis The Open University.

Murphy, Sean (1978). Intestinal amino acid absorption in development. PhD thesis The Open University.

Noble, Frank (1978). Offa's Dyke re-viewed. The Open University.

Rechtman, Raul Mauricio (1978). Some Problems In Rigorous Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. MPhil thesis The Open University.

Rickwood, Kenneth R (1978). Transversely electrically excited atmospheric and multi-atmospheric CO2 waveguide lasers. BPhil thesis The Open University.

Smetherham, David (1978). Subject Identity And School Knowledge. MPhil thesis The Open University.

Sumner, Rosemary (1978). Analysis and Innovation in the Novels of Thomas Hardy. PhD thesis The Open University.

OtherTo Top

Armson, Rosalind (1978). Copper and aluminium: a data base for a physical input/output study. ERG Report 21; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Bottomley, Bill (1978). Housing in growth-oriented industrial societies: A utopian critique. ATG paper 5; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.

Campeau, P. L.; Brinkley, J. L.; Hawkridge, D. G. and Treadway, P. G. (1978). First-year report: evaluation of project information package dissemination and implementation. American Institutes for Research, for the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington DC.

Charlesworth, G. and Gravelle, G. (1978). The UK coal industry: and its position in the light of an expected energy surplus in the 1980. ERG Report 25; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Cousins, Steve (1978). Green cars: A brief guide to shared car ownership. ATG paper 4; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.

Cousins, Steve (1978). Trophic models - was Elton right? ERG Report 26; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Cross, Anita (1978). Design in General Education: a comparative introductory review. Design Education Research Note 1; Design Education Research Programme, Design Discipline, The Open University.

Energy Research Group and Energy Research Support Unit, Rutherford Laboratory (1978). Report on a Feasibility Study on a Chemical Heat Pump/Energy Storage Device and its Applications. ERG Report 30; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Hemming, D. F. (1978). The relative costs of producing syncrude from oil shales of various grades under varying conditions. ERG Report 22; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Hemming, David F. (1978). Energy analysis and oil shale reserves. ERG Report 23; Energy Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Lockett, Martin (1978). Fakenham Enterprises. Monograph 1; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Lockett, Martin (1978). Worker Information Systems: Towards an Analysis. Discussion Paper; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some Problems of Co-operative Organisation. Monograph 3; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Paton, Rob and Lockett, Martin (1978). Fairblow Dynamics Limited: Participation and Common Ownership. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some problems of cooperative organization. Co-operatives Research Unit, Milton Keynes.


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