Currently browsing: Innovation, Knowledge & Development research centre (IKD)

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2024To Top

Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. (2024). Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Manduku, Veronica and Kale, Dinar (2024). Realistic Ambitions: Technology Transfer for Biologics Platform Technologies. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Sogora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 215–239.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Vanduku, Veronica; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar (2024). Broken Supply Chains and Local Manufacturing Innovation: Responses to Covid-19 and Their Implications for Policy. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Songora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International political economy series. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25–46.

Chiyemura, Frangton (2024). China-Africa relations in a changing world. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B eds. The Companion to Development Studies. London: Routledge.

Cross, Charlotte; Mokua, Sharon; Ngilangwa, Richard; Santos, Cristina; Ngoma, Twalib and Mujinja, Phares G. M. (2024). Beyond “Late Presentation”: Explaining Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in East Africa. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series.. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93–111.

Daniels, Chux; Steenmans, Ine; Makene, Fortunata Songora; Ngilangwa, Richard; Ngoma, Twalib; Santos, Cristina and Mackintosh, Maureen (2024). Innovation and Policy in Cancer Pain Management: Systemic Interactions in Tanzania. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Songora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 265–287.

Deane, Kevin (2024). Cash Transfers and HIV Prevention in Africa. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B. eds. The Companion to Development Studies; 4th Edition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 490–494.

Deane, Kevin (2024). Political economy and social epidemiology in the context of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Primrose, David; Loeppky, Rodney and Chang, Robin eds. The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190–201.

Joshi, Pallavi (2024). Leveraging artificial intelligence for early cancer detection in resource-constrained healthcare settings: Lessons from Indian MedTech. In: 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024, 9-11 Jul 2024, University College London.

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel approaches for scaling up engineering-based inclusive innovation. In: 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024, 9-11 Jul 2024, University College London, London, UK.

Kale, Dinar; Srinivas, Smita and Banda, Geoffrey (2024). Emerging Business Models in Cancer Diagnostic Startups in India and Lessons for African Countries. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Songora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 191–213.

Mackintosh, Maureen; Chaudhuri, Sudip; Mohamed, Nazeem; Wangwe, Samuel; Ngoma, Twalib and Manduku, Veronica (2024). Oncology Drug Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Challenge and Opportunity, with Evidence from India. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Sangora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163–188.

Musoke, David; Deane, Kevin; Nalinya, Sarah; Lubega, Grace Biyinzika; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth and McCoy, David (2024). The Unequal Economic and Livelihood Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns: Qualitative Evidence from Uganda. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 61

Musoke, David; Nalinya, Sarah; Lubega, Grace Biyinzika; Deane, Kevin; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth and McCoy, David (2024). The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on social and economic welfare in Uganda. Archives of Public Health, 82, article no. 117 (2024).

Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Mackintosh, Maureen; Ngilangwa, Richard; Mokua, Sharon; Arun, Richard Mutisya and Mukami, Jane (2024). Access to Cancer Care: navigating the maze. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Srinivas, Smita and Makene, Fortunata Sangora eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69–92.

Nyandieka, Lilian; Cross, Charlotte; Njeru, Mercy Karimi and Makene, Fortunata Songora (2024). The Social Pain of Cancer in East Africa: Understanding Need. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Njeru, Mercy Karimi; Makene, Fortunata Songora and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49–67.

Yeates, Nicola (2024). The globalizing dynamics of social policy: a transnational analytics of and for Southern social policy. In: Yi, Ilcheong; Kaasch, Alexandra and Stetter, Kelly eds. Emerging trends in social policy from the South: challenges and innovations in emerging economies. Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy. Policy Press, pp. 20–40.

2023To Top

Deane, Kevin; Chukwuma, Julia and Lombardozzi, Lorena (2023). COVID-19 in an African Context: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About the Development Economics Curriculum and the Need for Reform. In: Yusuf, Abdullah; Morelli, Carlo and Feraboli, Omar eds. Post-Crash Economics and the Covid Emergency in the Global Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49–68.

Dhairyawan, Rageshri; Milner, Adrienne; Thornhill, John P; Kwardem, Longret; Matin, Nashaba; Orkin, Chloe and Deane, Kevin (2023). Experiences of initiating rapid antiretroviral therapy among people newly diagnosed with HIV in East London: a qualitative study. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 99(7) pp. 455–460.

Hickey, Sam and Mohan, Giles (2023). Reconceptualizing the Politics of Pockets of Effectiveness: A Power Domains Approach. In: Hickey, Sam ed. Pockets of Effectiveness and the Politics of State-building and Development in Africa. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 30–58.

Kale, Dinar; Nabar, Janak; Garda, Laila and Tol, Varsha (2023). Exploring Inclusive MedTech Innovations for Resource-Constrained Healthcare in India. Innovation and Development (Early access).

Merriman, Catherine and Deane, Kevin (2023). Evaluating HIV policy: a gender analysis of the representation of women and men in UNAIDS HIV-prevention guidelines. African Journal of AIDS Research, 22(1) pp. 9–17.

Papaioannou, Theo (2023). Directing Innovation Towards Just Outcomes: The Role of Principles and Politics. In: Critiquing the Direction for Innovation – The Role of Justice and Exnovation, 13-14 Apr 2023, University of Montreal.

Reynolds, M. (2023). Professionalising Systems Thinking in Practice: what's not to celebrate? In: Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences | 67th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (Wilby, J. M. ed.), 67.

Reynolds, Martin (2023). Making ‘systems’ work for evaluation. In: Rising to Challenges: how does evaluation rise to the challenge of competing issues, crisis and uncertainty?, 3-5 Oct 2023, Friends Meeting House, London NW1 2BJ..

Yeates, Nicola and Voogsgerd, Herman (2023). Social security, social protection, GATS and the new generation of EU trade agreements. In: Pennings, Frans and Vonk, Gijsberg eds. Research Handbook on European Social Security Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 380–397.

2022To Top

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. (2022). Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd ed). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Anand, Paul; Allen, Heidi; Ferrer, Bob; Gold, Natalie; Gonzales Martinez, Rolando; Kontopantelis, Evangelos; Krause, Melanie and Vergunst, Francis (2022). Work-Related and Personal Predictors of COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from the UK and US. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 76 pp. 152–157.

Deane, Kevin; Wamoyi, Joyce; Mgunga, Samwel and Changalucha, John (2022). HIV testing attitudes and practices amongst 'wealthy men': qualitative evidence from Tanzania. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 24(9) pp. 1215–1229.

Deane, Kevin; Wamoyi, Joyce; Mgunga, Samwel and Changalucha, John (2022). A win-win scenario? Employers’ responses to HIV in Tanzania: A qualitative study. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(11), article no. e0000058.

Levidow, Les; Berardi, Andrea; Jung, Julia; Richards, Dave; McAllister, Fiona; Scott, Beth; Burton, Kath; Nuzzo, Claudia and Forest-Briand, Victoria Emanuelle (2022). Visual Storytelling about Community Food Growing: Participatory Action Research Methods, Processes, and Wider Implications.

Lombardozzi, L. (2022). Re-centring Value in the EU: a Care and Ecological-led Economy. In: Schieder, A.; Andor, L.; Maltschnig, M. and Skrzypek, A. eds. Progressivism after COVID: Experiences, Impulses, Ideas. Next Left, 12. Brussels: FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Renner Institut, pp. 149–170.

Makene, Fortunata Songora; Ngilangwa, Richard; Santos, Cristina; Cross, Charlotte; Ngoma, Twalib; Mujinja, Phares G. M.; Wuyts, Marc and Mackintosh, Maureen (2022). Patients’ pathways to cancer care in Tanzania: documenting and addressing social inequalities in reaching a cancer diagnosis. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1)

Newman, Susan and Nahman, Michal (2022). Nurture commodified? An investigation into commercial human milk supply chains. Review of International Political Economy, 29(6) pp. 1967–1986.

Russo, Giuliano; Jesus, Tiago Silva; Deane, Kevin; Osman, Abdinasir Yusuf and McCoy, David (2022). Epidemics, Lockdown Measures and Vulnerable Populations: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review of the Evidence of Impacts on Mother and Child Health in Low-And-Lower-Middle-Income Countries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11(10) pp. 2003–2021.

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris (2022). Theorising global social policy. In: Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd Edition). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 89–110.

2021To Top

Bowman, Andrew; Frederiksen, Tomas; Bryceson, Deborah; Childs, John; Gilberthorpe, Emma and Newman, Susan (2021). Mining in Africa after the supercycle: New directions and geographies. Area, 53(4) pp. 647–658.

Fransman, Jude; Hall, Budd; Hayman, Rachel; Narayanan, Pradeep; Newman, Kate and Tandon, Rajesh (2021). Beyond partnerships: embracing complexity to understand and improve research collaboration for global development. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 42(3) pp. 326–346.

Hanlon, Joseph (2021). Turning Mozambique into a mafia, resource curse state. The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 110(3) pp. 405–406.

Hanlon, Joseph and Jones, Tim (2021). Debt and Development. In: Haslam, Paul; Schafer, Jessica and Beaudet, Pierre eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice (4th ed.). Don Mills, Canada: Oxford University Press Canada, pp. 263–281.

Laffey, Des; Durkin, Mark; Cummins, Darryl and Gandy, Anthony (2021). A shift in power? Value co-creation through successful crowdfunding. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 172(4), article no. 121035.

Laskaridis, Christina (2021). When push came to shove: COVID-19 and debt crises in low-income countries. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 42(1-2) pp. 200–220.

Lombardozzi, Lorena (2021). La donna propone, l'UE dispone: l'impatto di genere delle politiche di austerita' nell' Unione Europea. In: Giannone, Diego and Cozzolino, Adriano eds. Fratture Nell' Unione. Globus. Mimesis, pp. 195–211.

Lombardozzi, Lorena (2021). From Marx's 'Double Freedom’ to ‘Degrees of Unfreedom’: Methodological Insights from the Study of Uzbekistan’s Agrarian Labour. In: Mezzadri, Alessandra ed. Marx in the Field. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development. London: Anthem Press, pp. 147–159.

Newman, Susan (2021). Finance and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Knox-Hayes, Janelle and Wójcik, Darius eds. The Routledge Handbook of Financial Geography. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing. Routledge.

Newman, Susan (2021). Marx on the Bourse: Coffee and the Intersecting/Integrated Circuits of Capital. In: Mezzadri, Alessandra ed. Marx in the Field. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development. London: Anthem.

Robbins, Peter; Wield, David and Wilson, Gordon (2021). Engineering for Development. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 21st Century Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 416–432.

Steenmans, Ine; Daniels, Chux; Makene, Fortunata; Ngoma, Twalib; Mujinja, Phares GM; Mackintosh, Maureen; Cross, Charlotte; Ngilangwa, Richard and Chataway, Joanna (2021). Cancer pain management in Tanzania: using scenarios to explore critical interrelationships and potential interventions.

Stevano, Sara; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Lombardozzi, Lorena and Bargawi, Hannah (2021). Hidden Abodes in Plain Sight: the Social Reproduction of Households and Labor in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Feminist Economics, 27(1-2) pp. 271–287.

Wield, David (2021). Unemployment and Making a Living. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 21st Century Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 166–185.

Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane (2021). International Organisations, Care and Migration: The case of migrant health care workers. In: Martens, Kerstin; Niemann, Dennis and Kaasch, Alex eds. International Organisations in Global Social Governance. Global dynamics of social policy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83–111.

2020To Top

Ashman, Sam; Newman, Susan and Tregenna, Fiona (2020). Radical Perspectives on Industrial Policy. In: Oqubay, Arkebe; Cramer, Christopher and Chang, Ha-Joon eds. The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Collins, Hilary and Saliba, Cosette (2020). Connecting people to purpose builds a sustainable business model at Bark House. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(3) pp. 29–37.

Hanlon, Joseph (2020). Bangladesh farmers push for temporary flooding to correct Dutch polder failure. Journal of International Development, 32(1) pp. 29–43.

Makene, Fortunata Songora; Ngilangwa, Richard Gordon; Mackintosh, Maureen; Santos, Cristina; Cross, Charlotte; Mujinja, Phares G.M. and Ngoma, Twalib (2020). Cancer patients’ pathways: evidence and implications for policy.

Newman, Susan (2020). How are things produced? In: Deane, Kevin and van Waeyenberger, Elisa eds. Recharting the History of Economic Thought. London: Macmillan International Higher Education, pp. 53–68.

Reynolds, M. and Holwell, S. (2020) 'Chapter 1: Introducing systems approaches'. Systems approaches to making change: a practical guide 2nd Edn. pp. 1-24. London: Open University and Springer

Reynolds, M.; Lyons-White, J. and Knight, A. T. (2020). Systemic failure and the ‘Iron Triangle’ of conservation practice. In: Wyborn, Carina ed. Seeds of Change: Provocations for a new research agenda. Geneva: Luc Hoffman Institute, pp. 138–142.

Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue (2020). Chapter 7 Epilogue: Systems Approaches and Systems Practice. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edn. London: Open University and Springer, pp. 307–321.

Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond; Shah, Rupesh and Wilding, Helen (2020). Beyond employability: a more radical role for Higher Education in developing workplace capabilities. In: Employability Conference 2020 Expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world, 11 Mar 2020, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.

Ribbens McCarthy, Jane and Evans, Ruth (2020). The (cross-cultural) problem of categories: who is ‘child’, what is ‘family’? In: Frankel, Sam and NcNamee, Sally eds. Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality, Connectedness and Home. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 27. Bingley UK: Emerald Publishing, pp. 23–40.

Srinivas, Smita (2020). Institutional variety and the future of economics. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1(1) pp. 13–35.

Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2020). Innovating Healthcare: The Role of Political, Managerial and Clinical Leadership. Routledge Studies in Health Management. Abingdon: Routledge.

Trani, Jean-Francois; Moodley, Jacqueline; Anand, Paul; Graham, Lauren and Maw, May Thu Thu (2020). Stigma of persons with disabilities in South Africa: Uncovering pathways from discrimination to depression and low self-esteem. Social Science & Medicine, 265 pp. 1–12.

Ulrich, Werner and Reynolds, Martin (2020). Ch. 6. Critical Systems Heuristics: The Idea and Practice of Boundary Critique. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edn. London: Open University and Springer, pp. 255–305.

2019To Top

Backhaus, J.; de Carteret, R.; Damerius, L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Pfisterer, A.; Pöll, C.; Huppenbauer, M.; Rahn, E.; Reynolds, M. and Wallimann-Helmer, I. (2019). Introduction to critical systems heuristics. In: Paschke, M. and Dahinden, M. eds. Applying Collective Inquiry. Engaging in the science-policy dialogue (Workbook 8). Zurich: Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, pp. 42–45.

Caird, S. P. (2019). Measurement and Evaluation of Smart City Outcomes for Smarter Governance. In: Nuttall, W.; Gibson, D.; Ibarra-Yunez, A. and Trzmielak, D. eds. Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities. Institution of Civil Engineers Publishing, UK, pp. 167–185.

Deane, Kevin; Stevano, Sara and Johnston, Deborah (2019). Employers’ responses to the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: Revisiting the evidence. Development Policy Review, 37(2) pp. 245–259.

Evans, Ruth; Bowlby, Sophie; Gottzén, Lucas and Ribbens McCarthy, Jane (2019). Unpacking ‘family troubles’, care and relationality across time and space. Children's Geographies, 17(5) pp. 501–513.

Knight, Andrew T.; Cook, Carly N.; Redford, Kent H.; Biggs, Duan; Romero, Claudia; Ortega‑Argueta, Alejandro; Norman, Cameron D.; Parsons, Beverley; Reynolds, Martin; Eoyang, Glenda and Keene, Matt (2019). Improving conservation practice with principles and tools from systems thinking and evaluation. Sustainability Science, 14(6) pp. 1531–1548.

Levidow, Les; Nieddu, Martino; Vivian, Franck-Dominque and Béfort, Nicolas (2019). Transitions towards a European Bioeconomy: Life Sciences versus agroecology trajectories. In: Allaire, Gilles and Daviron, Benoit eds. Ecology, Capitalism and the New Agricultural Economy: The Second Great Transformation. London: Routledge, pp. 181–203.

Mittra, James; Mastroeni, Michele; Haddow, Gill; Wield, David and Barlow, Elisabeth (2019). Re-imagining Healthcare and Medical Research Systems in Post Devolution Scotland. Sociological Research Online, 24(1) pp. 55–72.

Mohan, Giles; Lampert, Ben; Tan-Mullins, May and Atta-Ankomah, Richmond (2019). The (im)possibility of Southern theory: the opportunities and challenges of cultural brokerage in co-producing knowledge about China-Africa relations. In: Mawdsley, Emma; Fourie, Elsje and Nauta, Wiebe eds. Researching South-South Development Cooperation: The Politics of Knowledge Production. Rethinking Development. Routledge, pp. 12–26.

Papamichail, George; Rosiello, Alessandro and Wield, David (2019). Capacity-building barriers to S3 implementation: an empirical framework for catch-up regions. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 32(1) pp. 66–84.

Reynolds, Martin (2019). Systems Thinking for Assessments: beyond ‘getting the bigger picture. In: European Environment Agency (EEA) Academy Winter School 2019, 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2019, Copenhagen.

Storey, John; Ulrich, Dave and Wright, Patrick M. (2019). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Research Overview. State of the Art in Business Research. London: Routledge.

Yeates, Nicola (2019). World regional social governance, policy and development. In: Midgley, James; Surender, Rebecca and Alfers, Laura eds. Handbook of Social Policy and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 224–245.

2018To Top

O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. (2018). Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Storey, John; Wright, Patrick M. and Ulrich, David O. eds. (2018). The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management 2018. Routledge Companions. Routledge.

Adeola, Ogechi; Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh and Evans, Olaniyi (2018). The Gender Question and Family Entrepreneurship Research. In: Ratten, Vanessa; Braga, Vitor and Marques, Carla Susana eds. Knowledge, Learning and Innovation: Research Insights on Cross-Sector Collaborations. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, pp. 159–176.

Ashman, Sam and Newman, Susan (2018). The Evolution of Manufacturing in the Gauteng City-Region: From De-Industrialization to Re-Industrialization? In: Cheruiyot, Koech ed. The Changing Space Economy of City-Regions: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa. Urban Perspectives from the Global South. South Africa: Springer, pp. 131–156.

Batty, Claire A.; Hunter, John O.; Woolner, Jenny; Baglin, Trevor and Turner, Claire (2018). Is food intolerance a factor underlying chronic immunethrombocytopenia (ITP)? British Journal of Haematology, 183(4) pp. 683–686.

Blundel, Richard (2018). Reflecting on the relationship between craft and history: perspectives, resources and contemporary implications. In: Bell, Emma; Mangia, Gianluigi; Taylor, Scott and Toraldo, Maria Laura eds. The Organization of Craft Work: Identities, Meanings and Materiality. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society. Routledge.

Blundel, Richard; Smith, David; Ackrill, Robert and Schaefer, Anja (2018). Making ‘greener’ connections: An introduction to the Special Issue. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 19(1) pp. 3–8.

Boojihawon, Dev Kumar and Ngoasong, Zisuh Michael (2018). Emerging digital business models in developing economies: The case of Cameroon. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 27(2) pp. 129–137.

Caird, S. and Roy, R. (2018). Blended Learning and Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W. ed. Encyclopaedia of Sustainability and Higher Education. Springer, Cham.

Caird, Sally P. and Hallett, Stephen H. (2018). Towards evaluation design for smart city development. Journal of Urban Design, 24(2) pp. 188–209.

Deane, Kevin D.; Samwell Ngalya, Penina; Boniface, Lucas; Bulugu, Grace and Urassa, Mark (2018). Exploring the relationship between population mobility and HIV risk: Evidence from Tanzania. Global Public Health, 13(2) pp. 173–188.

Fransman, Jude; Hall, Budd; Hayman, Rachel; Narayanan, Pradeep; Newman, Kate and Tandon, Rajesh (2018). Promoting fair and equitable research partnerships to respond to global challenges.

Hanlon, Joseph and Nvunga, Adriano (2018). Local Media Observation of Mozambique's Elections. Journal of African Elections, 17(1) pp. 72–92.

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy; Hirschmann, Nancy J.; Engster, Daniel; Robinson, Fiona; Yeates, Nicola and Tronto, Joan C. (2018). Symposium Review: 25th Anniversary of Moral Boundaries by Joan Tronto. Politics and Gender, 14(4) pp. 1–28.

Levidow, Les (2018). London’s Urban Agriculture: Building Community through Social Innovation. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 24(3) pp. 354–376.

Mackintosh, Maureen and Tibandebage, Paula (2018). Starting from here: Challenges in planning for better health care in Tanzania. In: Bhan, Gautam; Srinivas, Smita and Watson, Vanessa eds. The Routledge Companion to Planning in the Global South. Abingdon, UK: Routledge (Taylor and Francis).

Mackintosh, Maureen; Tibandebage, Paula; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Kariuki Kungu, Joan; Israel, Caroline and Mujinja, Phares G.M. (2018). Rethinking health sector procurement as developmental linkages in East Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 200 pp. 182–189.

Mohan, Giles; Asante, Kojo Pumpuni and Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru (2018). Party Politics and the Political Economy of Ghana’s Oil. New Political Economy, 23(3) pp. 274–289.

O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna (2018). Introducing normative and different childhoods, developmental trajectory and transgression. In: O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Routledge.

O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna (2018). Conclusion: theorising transgressive developmental trajectories and understanding children seen as ‘different’. In: O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Routledge, pp. 146–156.

O'Dell, Lindsay; Crafter, Sarah; de Abreu, Guida and Cline, Tony (2018). Working Children. In: O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 119–131.

Reynolds, Martin (2018). Making policy and making policy work with developmental evaluation. In: Centre for the evaluation of complexity across the nexus (CECAN) webinar series, 24 Jul 2018, Centre for the evaluation of complexity across the nexus (CECAN).

Reynolds, Martin; Sarriott, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Rusoja, Evan (2018). Navigating systems ideas for health practice: towards a common learning device. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24(3) pp. 619–628.

Rusoja, Evan; Haynie, Deson; Sievers, Jessica; Mustafee, Navonil; Nelson, Fred; Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Williams, Bob (2018). Thinking about complexity in health: A systematic review of the key systems thinking and complexity ideas in health. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24(3) pp. 600–606.

Staritz, Cornelia; Newman, Susan; Tröster, Bernhard and Plank, Leonhard (2018). Financialization and Global Commodity Chains: Distributional Implications for Cotton in Sub-Saharan Africa. Development and Change, 49(3) pp. 815–842.

Szymborska, Hanna (2018). Financialisation And Economic Inequality In Latin America. In: Levy, Noemi and Bustamante, Jorge eds. Financialisation in Latin America: Challenges of the Export-Led Growth Model. Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 72–85.

Thanapalasingam, Thiviyan; Osborne, Francesco; Birukou, Aliaksandr and Motta, Enrico (2018). Ontology-Based Recommendation of Editorial Products. In: ISWC 2018: The Semantic Web (Proceedings, Part II) (Vrandečić, Denny; Bontcheva, Kalina; Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Presutti, Valentina; Celino, Irene; Sabou, Marta; Kaffee, Lucie-Aimée and Simperl, Elena eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11137, Springer, pp. 341–358.

Trigg, Andrew B and Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo (2018). A multi-sectoral approach to the Harrod foreign trade multiplier. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 15(1) pp. 91–104.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel; Cook, Matthew; Potter, Stephen and Langendahl, Per-Anders (2018). Exploring participatory visions of smart transport in Milton Keynes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 171(4) pp. 204–210.

Wahga, Aqueel; Blundel, Richard and Schaefer, Anja (2018). Human Capital and Environmental Engagement of SMEs in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis of the Leather Industry. In: Spence, Laura J.; Frynas, Jedrzej G.; Muthuri, Judy and Navare, Jyoti eds. Research Handbook on Small Business Social Responsibility: Global Perspectives. Edward Elgar Research Handbooks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 401–412.

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2017To Top

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2016To Top

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2013To Top

Butcher, Melissa and Papaioannou, Theo eds. (2013). New Perspectives in International Development. The Open University's International Development series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Erling, Elizabeth J. and Seargeant, Philip eds. (2013). English and Development: Policy, Pedagogy and Globalization. Critical Language and Litearcy Studies. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Papaioannou, Theo and Butcher, Melissa eds. (2013). International Development in a Changing World. The Open University's International Development series. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

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Batista, Luciano; Meadows, Maureen; Dibb, Sally; Hinton, Matthew and Analogbei, Mathew (2013). Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – the dynamics of strategy, information systems, and staff empowerment. In: British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, 10-12 Sep 2013, Liverpool, UK, British Academy of Management.

Becirevic, Majda and Dowling, Monica (2013). The role of non government organisations (NGOs) in advancing the inclusion of children with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Bulgaria. In: Rassel, Michael and Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena eds. Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies, 1. London: Routledge.

Bellani, Luna; Hunter, Graham and Anand, Paul (2013). Multidimensional welfare: do groups vary in their priorities and behaviours? Fiscal Studies, 34(3) pp. 333–354.

Berardi, Andrea; Tschirhart, Céline; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Bignante, Elisa; Haynes, Lakeram; Albert, Grace; Benjamin, Ryan; Xavier, Rebecca and Jafferally, Deirdre (2013). From resilience to viability: a case study of indigenous communities of the North Rupununi, Guyana. EchoGéo(24)

Blackmore, Chris (2013). Knowledge, learning and societal change for sustainibilty. In: Freedman, Bill and Rogers, Deborah S. eds. Global Environmental Change. Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution (1). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 951–958.

Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin (2013). Supporting Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation Through Systemic Praxis. In: Communication for the Commons: Revisiting Participation and Environment. Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Communication and Environment (Meisner, Mark S.; Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah and Depoe, Stephen P. eds.), The International Environmental Communication Association, pp. 107–117.

Blundel, Richard; Killip, Gavin and Fawcett, Tina (2013). Emerging models of environmentally sustainable enterprise: a comparative study of low-energy housing retrofit organisations in the UK and France. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 2013 Conference, 12-13 Nov 2013, Cardiff.

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Caird, Sally; Lane, Andrew and Swithenby, Ed (2013). ICTs and the design of sustainable higher education teaching models: an environmental assessment of UK courses. In: Caeiro, S.; Leal Filho, W.; Jabbour, C. J. C. and Azeiteiro, U. M. eds. Sustainability Assessment Tools in Higher Education – Mapping Trends and Good Practices at Universities round the World. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 375–386.

Clark, Norman; Frost, Andy; Maudlin, Ian and Ward, Andrew (2013). Technology Development Assistance for Agriculture; Putting research into use in low income countries. Routledge Explorations in Development Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.

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Eckert, Claudia; Stacey, Martin and Earl, Christopher (2013). Formality in design communication. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 27(2) pp. 91–103.

Erling, Elizabeth J.; Hamid, M. Obaidul and Seargeant, Philip (2013). Grassroots attitudes to English as a language for international development in Bangladesh. In: Erling, Elizabeth J. and Seargeant, Philip eds. English and Development: Policy, Pedagogy and Globalization. Critical Language and Literacy Studies. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 88–110.

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Marjanovic, Sonja; Hanlin, Rebecca; Diepeveen, Stephanie and Chataway, Joanna (2013). RESEARCH CAPACITY-BUILDING IN AFRICA: NETWORKS, INSTITUTIONS AND LOCAL OWNERSHIP. Journal of International Development, 25(7) pp. 936–946.

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Mohan, Giles (2013). Migrants as agents of South-South Cooperation: the case of Chinese in Africa. In: Dargin, Justin ed. The Rise Of The Global South: Philosophical, Geopolitical and Economic Trends of the 21st Century. London: World Scientific, pp. 283–322.

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2012To Top

Ismailov, Hamid; Gillespie, Marie and Aslanyan, Anna eds. (2012). Tales From Bush House. London: Hertfordshire Press.

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Batista, Luciano (2012). Translating trade and transport facilitation into strategic operations performance objectives. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 17(2) pp. 124–137.

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Blackmore, Chris; Cerf, Marianne; Ison, Raymond and Paine, Mark (2012). The role of action-oriented learning theories for change in agriculture and rural networks. In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 159–177.

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Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray (2012). Designing and developing learning systems for managing systemic change in a climate change world. In: Wals, Arjen E. J. and Corcoran, Peter Blaze eds. Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 347–363.

Blundel, Richard; Obeng, Bernard and Agyapong, Ahmed (2012). Promoting resilience and sustainability amongst informal sector artisans: the case of Sokoban Wood Village. In: Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference: Social, Environmental and Ethical Enterprise Track, 6-8 Nov 2012, Dublin, Ireland.

Blundel, Richard; Monaghan, Adrian and Thomas, Christine (2012). Promoting environmentally sustainable enterprises: some policy options. In: Blackburn, Robert and Schaper, Michael T. eds. Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policy, Practice and Challenges. Farnham: Gower, pp. 171–184.

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2011To Top

Green, David R.; Maltby, Josephine; Owens, Alastair and Rutterford, Janette eds. (2011). Men, Women and Money: Perspectives on Gender, Wealth and Investment, 1850-1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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