Currently browsing: Innovation, Knowledge & Development research centre (IKD)

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Abbott, Dina; Brown, Suzanne and Wilson, Gordon (2006). Development management as reflective practice. Journal of International Development, 19(2) pp. 187–203.

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2012). The lived experience of climate change: complementing the natural and social Sciences for knowledge, policy and action. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 3(4) pp. 99–114.

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2014). Climate change: lived experience, policy and public action. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 6(1) pp. 5–18.

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2015). The Lived Experience of Climate Change: Knowledge, Science and Public Action. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Abdel Sattar, Nesrine; Gillespie, Marie; Lami, Mina; Sayed, Nermeen and Wissam, Maryam (2012). Social Media and BBC Arabic: A case study of ‘Nuqtat Hewar’.

Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahil, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kultaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, j.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schich, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD experimental map: innovative research organisations in European accession countries.

Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahill, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kutlaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schuch, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD manual: Benchmarking innovative research organisations in European accession countries.

Adeola, Ogechi; Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh and Evans, Olaniyi (2018). The Gender Question and Family Entrepreneurship Research. In: Ratten, Vanessa; Braga, Vitor and Marques, Carla Susana eds. Knowledge, Learning and Innovation: Research Insights on Cross-Sector Collaborations. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, pp. 159–176.

Adwera, Andrew; Hanlin, Rebecca and Johnson, Hazel (2013). Developmental education for innovation: lessons from an experience in Kenya. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 6(3) pp. 244–261.

Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane (2004). The dilemmas of lone motherhood: key issues for feminist economics. Feminist Economics, 10(2) pp. 1–7.

Alford, John; Hartley, Jean; Yates, Sophie and Hughes, Owen (2017). Into the Purple Zone: Deconstructing the Politics/Administration Distinction. The American Review of Public Administration, 47(7) pp. 752–763.

Allan, Helen T.; Brearley, Sally; Byng, Richard; Christian, Sara; Clayton, Julie; Mackintosh, Maureen; Price, Linnie; Smith, Pam and Ross, Fiona (2014). People and teams matter in organizational change: professionals’ and managers’ experiences of changing governance and incentives in Primary Care. Health Services Research, 49(1) pp. 93–112.

Amaya, Ana B.; Cabral, Cesar R.; Clavell, Elena; Coitiño, Andrés; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Giler, Gustavo; Faria, Mariana; Herrero, M. Belén; Kingah, Stephen; López Ramos, Santiago; Luna, Cristina; Riggirozzi, Pía; Rojas Mattos, Marcelo; Pippo, Tomás; Tobar, Katherine and Ueleres, José (2015). Measuring the Progress and Success of Regional Health Policies: PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). In: Yeates, Nicola ed. Not Set

Amaya, Ana B.; Choge, Isaac; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephen; Longwe, Samuel; Mhehe, Enock Anthony; Moeti, Themba; Mookodi, Lillian; Luwabelwa, Mubita; Nyika, Ponesai and Phirinyane, Molefe (2015). Measuring Regional Policy Change and Pro-Poor Health Policy Success: A PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In: Yeates, Nicola ed. Not Set

Anamuah-Mensah, Jophus; Banks, Frank; Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda (2012). New modes of teacher pre-service training and professional support. In: Moon, Robert ed. Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: A Global Analysis. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 201–211.

Anand, Paul; Allen, Heidi; Ferrer, Bob; Gold, Natalie; Gonzales Martinez, Rolando; Kontopantelis, Evangelos; Krause, Melanie and Vergunst, Francis (2022). Work-Related and Personal Predictors of COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from the UK and US. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 76 pp. 152–157.

Anand, Paul; Gray, Alastair; Liberini, Federica; Roope, Laurence; Smith, Ron and Thomas, Ranjeeta (2015). Wellbeing over 50. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 6 pp. 68–78.

Anand, P. (2005). Capabilities and health. Journal of Medical Ethics, 31(5) pp. 299–303.

Anand, P. and Dolan, P (2005). Equity Capabilities and Health: Introduction. Social Science & Medicine, 60(2) pp. 219–222.

Anand, Paul (2003). The Integration of claims to health care: a programming approach. Journal of Health Economics, 22(5) pp. 731–745.

Anand, Paul (2003). Does economic theory need more evidence?: a balancing of arguments. Journal of Economic Methodology, 10(4) pp. 441–463.

Anand, Paul (2005). QALYs and Capabilities: a comment on Cookson. Health Economics, 14(12) pp. 1283–1286.

Anand, Paul (2005). Introduction. Social Indicators Research, 74(1) pp. 1–8.

Anand, Paul (2002). Decision-Making When Science is Ambiguous. Science, 295(5561) p. 1839.

Anand, Paul (2003). Le Ambiguita dell mucca pazza. In: Donghi, Pino ed. Il governo della scienza. Rome, Italy: Guis Latera and Figli, pp. 53–71.

Anand, Paul and Clark, Andrew (2006). Symposium introduction: Life satisfaction and welfare economics. Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2) pp. 177–179.

Anand, Paul; d'Ercole, Marco Mira and Low, Hamish (2013). Moving beyond GDP. Fiscal Studies, 34(3) pp. 285–288.

Anand, Paul; Exworthy, Mark; Frossini, Francesca and Jones, Lorelei (2012). Autonomy and improved performance: lessons for an NHS policy reform. Public Money and Management, 32(3) pp. 209–216.

Anand, Paul; Hunter, Graham and Smith, Ron (2005). Capabilities and well-being: evidence based on the Sen–Nussbaum approach to welfare. Social Indicators Research, 74(1) pp. 9–55.

Anand, Paul; Krishnakumar, Jaya and Tran, Ngoc Bich (2011). Measuring welfare: latent variable models for happiness and capabilities in the presence of unobservable heterogeneity. Journal of Public Economics, 95(3-4) pp. 205–215.

Anand, Paul and Lea, Stephen (2011). The psychology and behavioural economics of poverty. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(2) pp. 284–293.

Anand, Paul and Leape, Jonathan (2012). What economists do - and how universities might help. In: Coyle, Diana ed. What's the Use of Economics? Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis. London: London Publishing Partnership.

Anand, Paul and Roope, Laurence (2016). The development and happiness of very young children. Social Choice and Welfare, 47(4) pp. 825–851.

Anand, Paul and Santos, Cristina (2009). Violent crime, gender inequalities and well-being: models based on capabilities and crime data for England and Wales. In: Harris, Bernard; Gálvez, Lina and Machado, Helena eds. Gender and Well-Being in Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 157–184.

Anand, Paul; Santos, Cristina and Smith, Ron (2008). The measurement of capabilities. In: Basu, Kaushik and Kanbur, Ravi eds. Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement, Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 283–310.

Anand, Paul and van Hees, Martin (2006). Capabilities and achievements: an empirical study. Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2) pp. 268–284.

Andersson, Tord; Gleadle, Pauline; Haslam, Colin and Tsitsianis, Nick (2010). Bio-pharma: A financialized business model. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(7) pp. 631–641.

Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael (1995). Conclusions. In: Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael eds. Europe's Next Step: Organisational Innovation, Competition and Employment. London: Frank Cass, pp. 321–332.

Anyanwu, E. and Watson, N. (1997). Alcohol dependence: A critical look at effects of alcohol metabolism. Reviews on Environmental Health, 12(3) pp. 201–213.

Archambault, Éric; Simonetti, Roberto; Côté, Grégoire and Kale, Dinar (2007). The dynamics of pharmaceutical patenting in India: Evidence from USPTO data. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(5) pp. 625–642.

Armson, R.; Ison, R.L.; Short, L.; Ramage, M. and Reynolds, M. (2001). Rapid institutional appraisal. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14(6) pp. 763–777.

Ashman, Sam; Fine, Ben and Newman, Susan (2011). Amnesty international? The Nature, Scale and Impact of Capital Flight from South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 37(1) pp. 7–25.

Ashman, Sam; Fine, Ben and Newman, Susan (2011). The crisis in South Africa: Neoliberalism, Financialization and Uneven and Combined Development. Socialist Register, 47 pp. 174–195.

Ashman, Sam; Fine, Ben and Newman, Susan (2013). Systems of accumulation and the evolving South African MEC. In: Tavasci, D; Fine, B and Saraswati, J eds. Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the Twenty-First Century. London: Pluto Press, pp. 245–267.

Ashman, Sam and Newman, Susan (2018). The Evolution of Manufacturing in the Gauteng City-Region: From De-Industrialization to Re-Industrialization? In: Cheruiyot, Koech ed. The Changing Space Economy of City-Regions: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa. Urban Perspectives from the Global South. South Africa: Springer, pp. 131–156.

Ashman, Sam; Newman, Susan and Tregenna, Fiona (2020). Radical Perspectives on Industrial Policy. In: Oqubay, Arkebe; Cramer, Christopher and Chang, Ha-Joon eds. The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ayele, Seife; Chataway, Joanna and Wield, David (2006). Partnerships in African Crop Biotech. Nature Biotechnology, 24(6) 619 -621.

Azevedo Araujo, Ricardo and Trigg, Andrew B. (2015). A neo-Kaldorian approach to structural economic dynamics. Structural change and economic dynamics, 33 pp. 25–36.

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Bache, Ian; Reardon, Louise and Anand, Paul (2016). Wellbeing as a wicked problem: navigating the arguments for the role of government. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3) pp. 893–912.

Backhaus, J.; de Carteret, R.; Damerius, L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Pfisterer, A.; Pöll, C.; Huppenbauer, M.; Rahn, E.; Reynolds, M. and Wallimann-Helmer, I. (2019). Introduction to critical systems heuristics. In: Paschke, M. and Dahinden, M. eds. Applying Collective Inquiry. Engaging in the science-policy dialogue (Workbook 8). Zurich: Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, pp. 42–45.

Bacon, Nicholas and Storey, John (2000). New employee relations strategies in Britain: towards individualism or partnership? British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(3) pp. 407–427.

Bacon, Nicolas; Ackers, Peter; Storey, John and Coates, David (1996). It's a small world: managing human resources in small business. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1) pp. 82–100.

Bacon, Nicolas and Storey, John (1993). Individualization of the Employment Relationship and the Implications for Trade Unions. Employee Relations, 15(1) pp. 5–17.

Baert, Patrick; Jeronimo, Helena and Shipman, Alan (2009). Social science and the democratic ideal: from technocracy to dialogue. In: Van Bouwel, Jeroen ed. The Social Sciences and Democracy. Palgrave.

Baert, Patrick and Shipman, Alan (2011). Transforming the intellectual. In: Rubio, Fernando Dominguez and Baert, Patrick eds. The Politics of Knowledge. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 179–204.

Baert, Patrick and Shipman, Alan (2013). The rise of the embedded intellectual: new forms of public engagement and critique. In: Thijssen, Peter; Weyns, Walter; Timmrman, Christiane and Mels, Sara eds. New Public Spheres: Recontextualizing the Intellectual. Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 27–50.

Ball, Kirstie; Spiller, Keith; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Daniel, Elizabeth (2010). Making surveillance messy: a conceptual discussion. In: Fourth Biannual Surveillance and Society/SSN Conference, 13-15 Apr 2010, City University, London, UK.

Balogun, Julia; Gleadle, Pauline; Hope Hailey, Veronica and Willmott, Hugh (2005). Managing change across boundaries: boundary-shaking practices. British Journal of Management, 16(4) pp. 261–278.

Banda, Geoffrey; Mugwagwa, Julius; Ndomondo-Sigonda, Margareth and Kale, Dinar (2015). Pharmaceutical Standards in Africa: The Road to Improvement and Their Role in Technological Capability Upgrading. In: Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Wamae, Watu and Tibandebage, Paula eds. Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrializing for Local Health. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 224–242.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Manduku, Veronica and Kale, Dinar (2024). Realistic Ambitions: Technology Transfer for Biologics Platform Technologies. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Sogora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International Political Economy Series (IPES). Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 215–239.

Banda, Geoffrey; Wanjala, Cecilia; Vanduku, Veronica; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar (2024). Broken Supply Chains and Local Manufacturing Innovation: Responses to Covid-19 and Their Implications for Policy. In: Banda, Geoffrey; Mackintosh, Maureen; Karimi Njeru, Mercy; Songora Makene, Fortunata and Srinivas, Smita eds. Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India. International political economy series. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25–46.

Bargawi, Hannah; Bova, Elva; Ferrarini, Benno and Newman, Susan (2011). Low-income countries and commodity price volatility. In: Cottier, T and Delimatsis, P eds. The Prospects of International Trade Regulation: From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge University Press, pp. 452–482.

Barker, C. E.; Bhagavan, M. R.; Collande, M.; Wield, D. V. and Coulson, A. C (1977). The structure and balance of industrial production in Tanzania. Utafiti, 2(1) pp. 81–98.

Barker, Carol; Bhagavan, Malur R.; Collande, Peter Von and Wield, David (1986). African Industrialisation: Technology and Change in Tanzania. Aldershot, UK: Gower Press.

Barker, Carol and Wield, David (1978). International firms in Tanzania. Utafiti, 3(2) pp. 316–341.

Barnett, Elizabeth and Storey, John (2001). Narratives of learning, development and innovation: evidence from a manufacturing SME. Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2) pp. 83–101.

Bartlett, Tom and Erling, Elizabeth J. (2007). Local voices in global English: the authenticity and legitimation of non-standard ways of speaking. In: 33rd International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFC), 10-15 Jul 2006, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert (2012). An emerging typology for analysing OER initiatives. In: Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact – Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, a joint meeting of OER12 and OpenCourseWare Consortium Global 2012, 16-18 Apr 2012, Cambridge, UK.

Bates, Phil (2010). Family Law Statutes, 2010-11. Routledge Student Statutes. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bates, Phil (2009). Family Law Statutes 2009-10. Routledge Student Statutes. Abingdon: Routledge.

Batista, Luciano and Kawalek, Peter (2004). Government readiness to CRM adoption: a LocalAuthority analysis. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 6-8 Aug 2004, New York, US.

Batista, Luciano; Meadows, Maureen; Dibb, Sally; Hinton, Matthew and Analogbei, Mathew (2013). Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – the dynamics of strategy, information systems, and staff empowerment. In: British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, 10-12 Sep 2013, Liverpool, UK, British Academy of Management.

Batista, Luciano (2012). Translating trade and transport facilitation into strategic operations performance objectives. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 17(2) pp. 124–137.

Batista, Luciano (2007). CRM Practices and Resources for the Development of Customer-focused Multinational Organizations. In: O'Sullivan, Kevin ed. Strategic Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations. New York, USA: IGI Global / Information Science Reference, pp. 227–255.

Batista, Luciano; Hinton, Matthew; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – strategy, system effectiveness and staff empowerment perspectives. In: 6th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2012), 13-14 Sep 2012, University College Cork, Ireland.

Batista, Luciano and Kawalek, Peter (2004). Translating Customer-Focused Strategic Issues into Operational Processes Through CRM – A Public Sector Approach. In: Traunmüller, Roland ed. Electronic Government. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3183/2004. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 128–133.

Batista, Luciano; Smart, Andi and Maull, Roger (2008). The systemic perspective of service processes: underlying theory, architecture and approach. Production Planning and Control, 19(5) pp. 535–544.

Batty, Claire A.; Hunter, John O.; Woolner, Jenny; Baglin, Trevor and Turner, Claire (2018). Is food intolerance a factor underlying chronic immunethrombocytopenia (ITP)? British Journal of Haematology, 183(4) pp. 683–686.

Beaver, Kinta; Tysver-Robinson, Debbie; Campbell, Malcolm; Twomey, Mary; Williamson, Susan; Hindley, Andrew; Susnerwala, Shabbir; Dunn, Graham and Luker, Karen (2009). Comparing hospital and telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer: randomised equivalence trial. British Medical Journal, 338(3147)

Becirevic, Majda and Dowling, Monica (2013). The role of non government organisations (NGOs) in advancing the inclusion of children with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Bulgaria. In: Rassel, Michael and Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena eds. Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies, 1. London: Routledge.

Bell, Simon; Gillespie, Marie and Wilding, Colin (2016). Rethinking Models of Evaluation: Sustainability as the Goal of International Cultural Organisations. In: International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 13-15 Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bellani, Luna; Hunter, Graham and Anand, Paul (2013). Multidimensional welfare: do groups vary in their priorities and behaviours? Fiscal Studies, 34(3) pp. 333–354.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2004). Co-research: insider/outsider teams for organizational research. In: Cassell, Catherine and Symon, Gillian eds. Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 361–371.

Benington, John and Hartley, Jean (2010). Knowledge and capabilities for leadership across the whole public service system. In: Brookes, Stephen and Grint, Keith eds. The New Public Leadership Challenge. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187–198.

Benington, John; Hartley, Jean; Neilsen, J. C. Ry and Notten, Ton (2008). Innovation, design and delivery of MPA programmes for public leaders and managers in Europe. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(4) pp. 383–399.

Bennett, Fran; de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Sung, Sirin (2012). Financial togetherness and autonomy within couples. In: Scott, Jacqueline; Dex, Shirley and Plagnol, Anke eds. Gendered Lives: Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. New York: Edward Elgar, pp. 97–122.

Bennett, Fran; De Henau, Jerome and Sung, Sirin (2010). Within household inequalities across classes? Management and control of money. In: Scott, Jacqueline; Crompton, Rosemary and Lyonette, Clare eds. Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century: New barriers and Continuing Constraints. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 215–240.

Berardi, Andrea; Tschirhart, Céline; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Bignante, Elisa; Haynes, Lakeram; Albert, Grace; Benjamin, Ryan; Xavier, Rebecca and Jafferally, Deirdre (2013). From resilience to viability: a case study of indigenous communities of the North Rupununi, Guyana. EchoGéo(24)

Berardi, Andrea; Bachler, Michelle; Bernard, Calvin; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Ganapathy, Savitha; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Reynolds, Martin and Ulrich, Werner (2006). The ECOSENSUS Project: Co-Evolving Tools, Practices and Open Content for Participatory Natural Resource Management. In: Second International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 Jun 2006, Manchester, UK.

Berardi, Andrea; Mistry, Jay; Haynes, Lakeram; Jafferally, Deidre; Bignante, Elisa; Albert, Grace; Xavier, Rebecca; Benjamin, Ryan and de Ville, Geraud (2017). Using visual approaches with Indigenous communities. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 103–128.

Berardi, Andrea; Mistry, Jay; Tschirhart, Celine; Bignante, Elisa; Haynes, Lakeram and Jafferally, Deirdre (2014). The COBRA Project: a community-based approach to public engagement in science. In: Proceedings of PCST 2014.

Berardi, Andrea and Mistry, Jayalaxshmi (2006). A multidisciplinary and participatory research approach in savannas and dry forests. In: Mistry, Jayalaxshmi and Berardi, Andrea eds. Savannas and dry forests: linking people with nature. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 265–271.

Berardi, Andrea; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Tschirhart, Céline; Bignante, Elisa; Davis, Odacy; Haynes, Lakeram; Benjamin, Ryan; Albert, Grace; Xavier, Rebecca; Jafferally, Deirdre and de Ville, Géraud (2015). Applying the system viability framework for cross-scalar governance of nested social-ecological systems in the Guiana Shield, South America. Ecology and Society, 20(3), article no. 42.

Bertie, Andrew; Himmelweit, Susan and Trigg, Andrew (2006). Social norms, cognitive dissonance and broadcasting: How to influence economic agents. In: Bruun, Charlotte ed. Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 584. Berlin: Springer, pp. 235–252.

Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Hanna; O'Dell, Lindsay and Brownlow, Charlotte (2015). “An Association for all” - Notions of the Meaning of Autistic Self-Advocacy Politics within a Parent-Dominated Autistic Movement. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25(3) pp. 219–231.

Bessant, J.; Brown, S.; Francis, D.; Kaplinsky, R. and Meredith, S. (2001). Developing manufacturing agility in SMEs. International Journal of Technology Management, 22(1)

Bessant, John and Kaplinsky, Raphael (1995). Industrial restructuring: facilitating organizational change at the firm level. World Development, 23(1) pp. 129–141.

Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Lamming, Richard (2003). Putting supply chain learning into practice. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23(2) pp. 167–184.

Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike (2003). Developing capability through learning networks. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 2(1) pp. 19–38.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). Operations management: a strategic approach. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). Operations as strategy. In: Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek eds. Operations Management: a strategic approach. London: Sage.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). Approaches and techniques. In: Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek eds. Operations Management: a strategic approach. London: Sage.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). The role of technology. In: Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek eds. Operations Management: a strategic approach. London: Sage.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). Human issues. In: Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek eds. Operations management: a strategic approach. London: Sage.

Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek (2005). Reflections, implications and propositions. In: Bettley, Alison; Mayle, David and Tantoush, Tarek eds. Operations Management: a strategic approach. London: Sage.

Birkin, Mark; Turner, Andy; Wu, Belinda; Townend, Paul; Arshad, Junaid and Xu, Jie (2009). MoSeS: A Grid-Enabled Spatial Decision Support System. Social Science Computer Review, 27(4) pp. 493–508.

Blackmore, Chris (2012). Landscapes of practices, social learning systems and rural innovation. In: The 10th European IFSA symposium: Producing and Reproducing Farming Systems: New Modes of Organisation for Sustainable Food Systems of Tomorrow, 1-4 Jul 2012, Aarhus, Denmark.

Blackmore, Chris (2014). Learning systems, innovation and 'the wrong kind of weather'. In: 11th European International Farming Systems Association Symposium: Farming Systems Facing Global Challenges: Capacities and Strategies, 1-4 Apr 2014, Berlin, Germany.

Blackmore, Chris (2010). Managing systemic change: future roles for social learning systems and communities of practice? In: Blackmore, Chris ed. Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice. Springer, pp. 201–218.

Blackmore, Chris (2013). Knowledge, learning and societal change for sustainibilty. In: Freedman, Bill and Rogers, Deborah S. eds. Global Environmental Change. Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution (1). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 951–958.

Blackmore, Chris; Cerf, Marianne; Ison, Raymond and Paine, Mark (2012). The role of action-oriented learning theories for change in agriculture and rural networks. In: Darnhofer, Ika; Gibbon, David and Dedieu, Benoit eds. Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 159–177.

Blackmore, B. S. and Blackmore, C. P. (2007). People, Robots and Systemic Decision Making. In: Stafford, J. V. ed. Precision agriculture '07. Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 433–439.

Blackmore, C. (2012). Sustainability. In: Chadwick, Ruth; Árnason, Vilhjálmur; Faunce, Thomas; Gillies, Alan; Holm, Soren; McGee, Glenn; Poff, Deborah; Reynolds, Martin and Zwart, Hub eds. Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition), Volume 4. Elsevier, pp. 274–280.

Blackmore, Chris (2004). From one-off events to learning systems and communities of practice. In: (Pre)Proceedings of 6th IFSA European Symposium, 4-7 Apr 2004, Vila Real, Portugal.

Blackmore, Chris (2010). Learning for communication about climate change in the context of farming using Vickers’ concept of an appreciative system. In: Darnhofer, Ika and Grötzer, Michaela eds. Building Sustainable Rural Futures: The Added Value of Systems Approaches. Proceedings of the 9th European International Farming Systems Association Symposium. Vienna: Universität für Bodenkultur, pp. 2228–2236.

Blackmore, Chris (2008). Enabling Duality in Teaching and Learning Environmental Decision Making - A Role for Communities of Practice? In: Kimble, Chris and Hildreth, Paul eds. Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators, Volume 2. Information Age Publishing.

Blackmore, Chris (2006). Where do participatory approaches meet social learning systems in the context of environmental decision making? In: Langevel, Hans and Rolings, Niels eds. Changing European farming systems for a better future: new visions for rural areas. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 29–34.

Blackmore, Chris (2009). Social learning and environmental responsibility. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. Zed Books, pp. 229–235.

Blackmore, Chris; Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray (2017). Understanding and developing communities of practice through diagramming. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. London: Policy Press, pp. 155–182.

Blackmore, Chris and Ison, Ray (2016). Transforming to Sustainable Futures: Learning From 45 Years of Systems Thinking In Practice Pedagogy. In: 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), 23-30 Jul 2016, Boulder, Colorado.

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