Currently browsing: Black Women's Health and Wellbeing Research Network
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Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny (2020). Developing intersectionality- informed research methodologies. In Research Matters Social Research Association.
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny (1987). Food and diet in a multiracial society: Training in Health and Race, Project. Caribbean food and diet. Cambridge: National Extension College for Training in Health and Race.
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny
Douglas, Jenny and Watson, Naomi
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Fransman, Jude and Grieve, Tigist (2024). Welfare and Wellbeing in Relational Research Work: Findings and Recommendations from a Rapid Review and Participatory Consultation. University of Bath, Bath.
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Jackson, Lace M. (2024). Global Majority Leadership: The Experience and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
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Mitchell, Helena Ann; Allan, Helen and Koch, Tina
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Smolović-Jones, Nela (2024). Becoming a Feminist-Activist Ethnographer: Generating Gender-Equal Democratic Practice. In Figiel, Kasia ed. Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research SAGE Publications, Inc..
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Watson, Naomi Anna (2017). Here to Stay.. so.. Deal With It.. Experiences and Perceptions of Black British African Caribbean People about Nursing Careers. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Wong, Donna and Meng-Lewis, Yue