Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Wendy Rose
BookTo Top
Cleaver, Hedy; Walker, Steve; Scott, Jane; Cleaver, Daniel and Rose, Wendy (2008). The integrated children's system: Enhancing social work and inter-agency practice. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Rose, Wendy and Barnes, J (2007). Improving Safeguarding Practice: A Study of Serious Case Reviews 2001-2003. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills.
Utting, David; Rose, Wendy and Pugh, Gillian (2001). Better Results for Children and Families: Involving Communities in Planning Services Based on Outcomes. London: National Council for Voluntary Child Care Organisation.
Edited BookTo Top
Maluccio, Anthony N.; Canali, Cinzia; Vecchiato, Tiziano; Lightburn, Anita; Aldgate, Jane and Rose, Wendy eds. (2011). Improving Outcomes for Children and Families: Finding and Using International Evidence. Child Welfare Outcomes. London: Jessica Kingsley.
McAuley, Colette; Rose, Wendy and Pugh, Gillian eds. (2010). Child Well-Being: Understanding Children's Lives. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Aldgate, Jane; Healy, Lynne; Malcolm, Barris; Pine, Barbara; Rose, Wendy and Seden, Janet eds. (2007). Enhancing Social Work Management: Theory and Best Practice from the UK and the USA. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
Aldgate, Jane; Jones, David; Rose, Wendy and Jeffery, Carole eds. (2006). The developing world of the child. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
McCauley, Colette; Pecora, Peter J. and Rose, Wendy eds. (2006). Enhancing the well-being of children and families through effective interventions: international evidence for practice. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Ward, H and Rose, Wendy eds. (2002). Approaches to Needs Assessment in Children's Services. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Book SectionTo Top
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy; Aldgate, Jane and Barnes, Julie
Rose, Wendy
Rose, W.; Aldgate, J. and Jones, D. P. H
Rose, Wendy; Gray, Jenny and McAuley, Colette
Pecora, Peter; McAuley, Colette and Rose, Wendy
McAuley, Colette; Pecora, Peter J. and Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy
Jones, Linda and Rose, Wendy
Rose, Wendy and Jones, Linda
Rose, Wendy and Aldgate, Jane
Journal ItemTo Top
Rose, Wendy; Aldgate, Jane; McIntosh, Miranda and Hunter, Helen
OtherTo Top
Rose, Wendy and Aldgate, Jane (2007). Changing directions for children with challenging behaviour and their families: evaluation of Children 1st directions projects. Children 1st, Glasgow, UK.