Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Theo Papaioannou

88 items in this list.
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Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahil, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kultaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, j.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schich, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD experimental map: innovative research organisations in European accession countries. European Commission.

Adamowicz, E.; Borsi, B.; Cahill, E.; Devai, K.; Fazlagic, A.; Filacek, A.; Gallagher, N.; Jablecka, J.; Jozwiak, J.; Kedro, M.; Kurzydlowski, K.; Kutlaca, D.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Micallef, J.; Papaioannou, T.; Papanek, G.; Papp, E.; Perenyi, A.; Restall, B.; Rush, H.; Schuch, K.; Stanovnik, P. and Usenik, H. (2004). The RECORD manual: Benchmarking innovative research organisations in European accession countries. European Commission.

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Devai, Katalin; Mensink, Wouter and Papaioannou, Theodoros (2002). University-Industry Links: a panacea for innovation in transition. In: Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relatinships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education. European Commission, pp. 7–22.

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Huzair, Farah and Papaioannou, Theo (2012). UK Biobank: consequences for commons and innovation. Science and Public Policy, 39(4) pp. 500–512.

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Levidow, Les and Papaioannou, Theo (2013). State imaginaries of the public good: shaping UK innovation priorities for bioenergy. Environmental Science & Policy, 30 pp. 36–49.

Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Borda-Rodriguez, Alexander (2013). Path-dependent UK bioenergy. Science as Culture, 22(2) pp. 213–221.

Levidow, Les; Papaioannou, Theo and Birch, Kean (2012). Neoliberalising technoscience and environment: EU policy for competitive, sustainable biofuels. In: Pellizzoni, Luigi and Ylönen, Marja eds. Neoliberalism and Technoscience. Theory, Technology and Society. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 159–186.

Levidow, Les; Birch, Kean and Papaioannou, Theo (2012). EU agri-innovation policy: two contending visions of the bio-economy. Critical Policy Studies, 6(1) pp. 40–65.

Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James (2009). The challenge of policy-making for the new life sciences. In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 1–17.

Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James (2009). Governance in action in the life sciences: Some lessons for policy. In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 261–273.

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Papaioannou, Theo (2024). Technological Innovation and Development. In: Dauncey, Emil; Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert eds. The Companion to Development Studies (4th Edition). Routledge, pp. 514–520.

Papaioannou, Theo; Levidow, Les and Aksoy, Zuhre (2024). Inclusive Innovation for Global Development: the Role of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) Ecosystems. In: DSA 2024: Social justice and Development in a Polarising World, 26-28 Jun 2024, SOAS University of London, UK / hybrid.

Papaioannou, Theo (2023). Directing Innovation Towards Just Outcomes: The Role of Principles and Politics. In: Critiquing the Direction for Innovation – The Role of Justice and Exnovation, 13-14 Apr 2023, University of Montreal.

Papaioannou, Theo (2023). Bridging the Gulf between Development Theory and Innovation Theory: the Imperative of Relational Justice. In: DSA2023: Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2023: Crisis in the Anthropocene - Rethinking Connection and Agency for Development, 28-30 Jun 2023, University of Reading.

Papaioannou, Theo (2022). Global Social Justice. In: Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. Understanding Global Social Policy. Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 111–131.

Papaioannou, Theo (2019). Reflections on the Entrepreneurial State, Innovation and Social Justice. In: 31st European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) Annual Conference, 21-14 Sep 2019, Warsaw.

Papaioannou, Theo (2017). Innovation, Value-Neutrality and the Question of Politics: the Neo-Schumpeterian Divide. In: 67th Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference, 10-12 Apr 2017, Glasgow, University of Strathclyde.

Papaioannou, Theo and Srinivas, Smita (2016). Innovation as a Political Process of Development: Are Neo-Schumpetarians Value Neutral? In: SPRU’s 50th Anniversary Conference on Transforming Innovation, 7-9 Sep 2016, University of Sussex.

Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar (2016). Industry Associations and the Politics of Making Medicines in South Africa. In: 28th SASE Annual Meeting: Moral Economies, Economic Moralities, 24-26 Jun 2016, University of California Berkeley.

Papaioannou, Theo; Watkins, Andrew; Mugwagwa, Julius and Kale, Dinar (2015). Industry Associations and the Changing Politics of Making Medicines in South Africa. In: Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Tibandebage, Paula and Wamae, Watu eds. Making Medicines in Africa: the Political Economy of Industrializing for Local Health. International Political Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 261–277.

Papaioannou, Theo (2015). Marx and Sen on incentives and justice. In: Civic Pride, 65th PSA Annual International Conference, 30 Mar - 1 Apr 2015, Sheffield, UK.

Papaioannou, Theo (2014). Innovation and development in search of a political theory of justice. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 7(3) pp. 179–202.

Papaioannou, Theo (2012). Democratic governance of genomics: the case of UK Biobank. New Genetics and Society, 31(2) pp. 111–133.

Papaioannou, Theo (2011). Technological innovation, global justice and politics of development. Progress in Development Studies, 11(4) pp. 321–338.

Papaioannou, Theo (2011). New Life Sciences Innovation and Distributive Justice: A Senian Perspective. In: 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Transforming Politics: New Synergies, 19-21 Apr 2011, London, U.K..

Papaioannou, Theo (2010). Innovation, justice and politics. In: 60th Political Studies Association, 29 Mar - 1 Apr 2010, Edinburgh.

Papaioannou, Theo and Rosiello, Alessandro (2009). Bio-clusters as co-evolutionary developments of high tech, venture capital and socio-political institutions: a historical perspective of Cambridge and Scotland. In: ESRC Genomics Network Conference: Mapping the Genomic Era: Measurements and Meanings, 7-9 Oct 2009, Cardiff, UK.

Papaioannou, Theo; Yanacopulos, Helen and Aksoy, Zuhre (2009). Global justice: From theory to development action. Journal of International Development, 21(6) pp. 805–818.

Papaioannou, Theo (2009). Governance and justice: The challenge of genomics. In: Lyall, Catherine; Papaioannou, Theo and Smith, James eds. The Limits to Governance: The Challenge of Policy-making for the New Life Sciences. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 21–49.

Papaioannou, Theo (2008). Technological innovation and liberal theories of justice. In: 58th Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Democracy, Governance and Conflict: Dilemmas of Theory and Practice, 1-3 Apr 2008, Swansea.

Papaioannou, T.; Antal, D.; Borsi, B.; Bergenholtz, C.; Berndt, T.; Dam, H.; Duras, V.; Dziemianowicz, W.; Filacek, A.; Hochgerner, J.; Katzy, B.; Kedro, M.; Kerdova, M.; Kolenka, B.; Kostka, M.; Lindgren, P.; Loudin, J.; Mensink, W.; Nyiry, A.; Papanek, G.; Pasterz, T.; Readman, J.; Rush, H.; Sedova, M.; Szlachta, J.; Tydlackova, K.; Udvardi, A.; Viszt, E.; Walczyk, K.; Wyrwa, D. and Zaleski, J. (2008). Regional Innovation and Research Policy Outlook: Policy Practices in Eight European Regions. GKI Economic Research Co., Budapest.

Papaioannou, Theo (2008). Nozick Revisited: The Formation of the Right-Based Dimension of his Political Theory. International Political Science Review, 29(3) pp. 261–280.

Papaioannou, Theodoros (2007). Policy benchmarking: a tool of democracy or a tool of authoritarianism? Benchmarking: An International Journal, 14(4) pp. 497–516.

Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna (2007). Knowledge ecologies and ecosystems? An empirically grounded reflection on recent developments in innovation systems theory. In: The 6th International Triple Helix Conference on University-Government-Industry Relations, 16-18 May 2007, Singapore.

Papaioannou, Theodoros; Rush, Howard and Bessant, John (2006). Benchmarking as a policy-making tool: from the Private Sector to the Public Sector. Science and Public Policy, 33(2) pp. 91–102.

Papaioannou, Theodoros (2003). Benchmarking Centres of Excellence and the OECD Manuals of Science and Technology Measurement. In: Papanek, G.; Borsi, B. and Papaioannou, Theodoros eds. Ljubljana Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Towards the Practice of Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Accession Countries. European Commission, pp. 229–237.

Papanek, Gabor; Borsi, Balazs; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Perenyi, Aran (2002). Hand in Hand: Manual of Benchmarking and Experimental Map. In: Borsi, Balazs; Papanek, Gabor and Papaioannou, Theodorus eds. Budapest Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education. European Commission, pp. 165–182.

Papaioannou, Theodoros (2002). Benchmarking processes of CEEC’s centres of RTD: a case study methodology. In: Devai, Katalin; Papanek, Gabor and Borsi, Balazs eds. Brighton Proceedings of the RECORD Thematic Network: A Methodology for Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. European Commission, pp. 53–68.

Papaioannou, Theo and Tsekouras, G. (2001). Public Support to Learning Networks in Europe: Critical Needs and Policy Issues. European Commission, Innovation Unit, DG Enterprise, Luxembourg.

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Tsekouras, George and Papaioannou, Theo (2001). Innovation policies to promote a more active use of intellectual property rights. European Commission, Innovation Unit, DG Enterprise, Luxembourg.

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