Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Siv Vangen

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Emberson, Caroline; Gould, Nick; Hearne, Pam; Huxham, Chris; Knight, Louise; Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2009). Teaching collaboration: Theory, principles and practices using games and simulations. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 15-17 Sep 2009, Brighton, University of Brighton.

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Hayes, John Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2011). Tensions: a challenge to governance and cross-sector partnerships. In: 18th Multi-Organisational Partnerships Alliances and Networks, 4-6 Jul 2011, Glasgow.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2009). Doing things collaboratively: realizing the advantage or succumbing to inertia? In: O'Flynn, Janine and Wanna, John eds. Collaborative Governance: A New Era of Public Policy in Australia? Canberra: ANU E Press, pp. 29–44.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2009). Doing things collaboratively: realising the advantage or succumbing to inertia? In: van Zwanenberg, Zoë ed. Leadership in Social Care. Research Highlights in Social Work. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 71–87.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2004). Doing things collaboratively: realizing the advantage or succumbing to inertia? Organizational Dynamics, 33(2) pp. 190–201.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2001). What makes practitioners tick?: understanding collaboration practice and practising collaboration understanding. In: Genefke, Jens and Macdonald, Frank eds. Effective collaboration: managing the obstacles to success. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–16.

Huxham, C. and Vangen, Siv (1999). New perspectives on leadership in collaboration. In: Schruijer, Sandra ed. Multoorganisational Partnerships and Co-operative Strategy. Tilburg, Netherlands: Dutch University Press, pp. 247–252.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (1996). Working together, key themes in the management of relationships between public and non-profit organizations. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 9(7) pp. 5–17.

Huxham, Chris and Vangen, Siv (1996). Managing inter-organisational relationships. In: Osborne, Stephen P. ed. Managing in the Voluntary Sector: A Handbook for Managers in Voluntary and Non-profit Making Organizations. Management and Finance in Public Services Series. London, U.K. and Boston, MA, U.S.: International Thompson Business Press, pp. 202–216.

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Sweeting, D.; Hambleton, R.; Huxham, C.; Stewart, M. and Vangen, Siv (2004). Leadership and partnership in urban governance: evidence from London, Bristol and Glasgow. In: Boddy, M. and Parkinson, M. eds. City matters: competitiveness, cohesion and urban governance. Bristol, U.K.: Policy Press, pp. 349–366.

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Vangen, Siv (2019). Researching inter-organisational collaboration using RO-AR. In: Voets, Joris; Keast, Robyn and Koliba, Christopher eds. Networks and Collaboration in the Public Sector: Essential research approaches, methodologies and analytic tools. London: Routledge, pp. 125–141.

Vangen, Siv; Potter, Karen and Jacklin-Jarvis, Carol (2017). Collaboration and the governance of public services delivery. In: Symposium on the policy and reform trajectory of public services in the UK and Japan, 8-9 Nov 2017, Japan.

Vangen, Siv (2016). Researching Leadership for Collaborative Advantage. In: Third Collective Leadership Workshop: Methodological Challenges in Collective Leadership Research, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2016, New York City.

Vangen, Siv and McGuire, Michael (2015). Understanding Leadership in Public Collaborative Context. In: International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM 2015), 30 Mar - 1 Apr 2015, University of Birmingham.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2013). Building and using the theory of collaborative advantage. In: Keast, Robyn; Mandell, Myrna P. and Agranoff, Robert eds. Network Theory in the Public Sector: Building New Theoretical Frameworks. New York: Routledge, pp. 51–69.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2012). The Tangled Web: Unraveling the Principle of Common Goals in Collaborations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 22(4) pp. 731–760.

Vangen, Siv (2012). Understanding, investigating and theorizing inter-organizational collaborations: a focus on paradox. In: BAM 2012: Management Research Revisted: Prospects for Theory and Practice, 11-13 Sep 2012, Cardiff, UK.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2010). Introducing the theory of collaborative advantage. In: Osborne, Stephen P. ed. The New Public Govenance? Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. London: Routledge.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2009). En teoretisk forståelse av samarbeidssynergi. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth ed. Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i utdanning og praksis. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Oslo, pp. 67–87.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2009). En teoretisk forståelse av samarbeidets synergi. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth ed. Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid - i praksis og utdanning. Oslo: Universitesforlaget, pp. 67–87.

Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2007). An exploration of culture in cross-national collaborations. In: British Academy of Management annuan conference, 11-13 Sep 2007, Warwick.

Vangen, Siv and Winchester, Nik (2007). Managing culture in cross-national collaborations. In: EURAM annual conference, 16-18 May 2007, Paris.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2006). Achieving collaborative advantage: understanding the challenge and making it happen. Strategic Direction, 22(2) pp. 3–5.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2006). A framework for managing aims in collaborations. In: Academy of Management, 14-16 Aug 2006, Georgia.

Vangen, S. and Huxham, C. (2006). Aima in competition: a framework for understanding and managing collaborative purpose. In: 22nd EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 Jul 2006, Bergen.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C (2004). An exploration of the complexity of goals in inter-organizational collaboration. In: British Academy of Management, 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2004, St Andrews, Scotland.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2003). Enacting leadership for collaborative advantage: dilemmas of ideology and pragmatism in the activities of partnership managers. British Journal of Management, 14(Supp.1) S61-S76.

Vangen, Siv (2003). Managing trust in inter-organisational collaboration: conceptualisations and tools. In: Hibbert, P. ed. Co-creating emergent Insight: multi-organizational partnerships, alliances and networks. Glasgow: Graduate School of Business, University of Strathclyde, pp. 158–166.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2003). Nurturing collaborative relations: building trust in interorganizational collaboration. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 39(1) pp. 5–31.

Vangen, Siv (2003). Collaboration theory for collaboration practice: transfer design principles. In: Thurston, Wilfreda Enid; Scott, Catherine Mary and Dirk, Kathy eds. Collaboration in Context. Calgary, Canada: Health Promotions Research Group and Institute for Gender Research, University of Calgary, pp. 149–159.

Vangen, S. and Huxham, C. (2002). Tensions and dilemmas: how partnership managers lead collaboration. In: Purdue, D. and Stewart, M. eds. Understanding Collaboration: international perspectives on theory, method and practice. Bristol, UK: Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England, pp. 45–51.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, Chris (2000). What makes partnerships work? In: Osborne, Stephen ed. Public-Private Partnerships: theory and practice in international perspective. Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 293–310.

Vangen, Siv and Huxham, C. (1997). Creating a TIP: issues in the design of a process for transferring theoretical insight about inter-organisational collaboration into practice. In: Montanheiro, L.; Heigh, R. H. and Morris, D. S. eds. Understanding Public and Private Sector Partnerships. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University Press, pp. 78–94.

Vangen, Siv (1995). Local community groups combating poverty: a focus on collaboration. In: Bowen, Ken ed. In at the Deep End: MSc student projects in community operational research. Barnsley, U.K.: Community Operational Research Unit, Northern College, pp. 47–65.

Vangen, Siv and Barr, C. (1994). Investigating effective collaboration. In: Ritchie, Charles; Taket, A. and Bryant, Jim eds. Community Works: 26 case studies showing community operational research in action. Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Hallam University Press, pp. 182–186.


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