Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sandy Sieminski

21 items in this list.
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Butcher, John and Sieminski, Sandy (2009). Building a bridge to professional self-esteem: Learner transitions on a distance learning Doctorate in Education (EdD). In: The University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference, 13 May 2009, Northampton, University of Northampton.

Burgess, Hilary; Sieminski, Sandy and Arthur, Lore (2006). Achieving Your Doctorate in Education. study skills. London, UK: Sage in association with the Open University.

Butcher, John and Sieminski, Sandy (2004). The Challenge of a Distance Learning Professional Doctorate. In: Proceedings of the EDEN 2004 Annual Conference, European Distance and E-Learning Network, pp. 45–50.

Bird, Margaret; Esland, Geoff; Greenberg, Jane; Sieminski, Sandy and Yarrow, Karen (1999). The implementation of GNVQs in further education: a case study. In: Flude, Mike and Sieminski, Sandy eds. Education, Training and the Future of Work II: Developments in vocational education and training, Volume 2. London: Routledge, pp. 177–201.

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Higgs, Alison; McCormick, Mick and Sieminski, Sandy (2015). Changing identities changing contexts: the roles and identities of expert patients, service users and volunteer school governors. In: JSWEC Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference 2015: Social work education and research across boundaries, 15-17 Jul 2015, Open University, Milton Keynes.

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Sieminski, Sandy; Messenger, Julie and Murphy, Sam (2016). Case study: what supports students to improve their grades? Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 31(2) pp. 141–151.

Sieminski, Sandy (2013). Social work practice and the challenge of later life. In: Davies, Martin ed. The Blackwell Companion to Social Work (4th edition). London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 267–274.

Sieminski, Sandy (2011). Globalization and health and social welfare: some key issues. In: Katz, Jeanne; Peace, Sheila and Spurr, Sue eds. Adult Lives: A Life Course perspective. Bristol, UK: Policy Press in association with the Open University, pp. 287–296.

Sieminski, Sandy (2011). The influence of continuous policy change on the identity of FE lecturers. In: British Educational Research Annual Conference, 6-8 Sep 2011, Institute of Education, London.

Sieminski, Sandy (2010). Person-centred approaches to social work with older people: aspirations and contradictions. In: McCormick, Mick; Matthews, Sarah; Morgan, Alun and Seden, Janet eds. Professional Development in Social Work: complex issues in practice. Post-qualifying Social Work, 1. London: Routledge, pp. 118–125.

Sieminski, Sandy and Seden, Janet (2009). Enhancing students’ ability to apply theory to practice. In: 11th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 3rd UK Social Work Research Conference, 8-10 Jul 2009, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

sieminski, sandy (1993). Whose adulthood is it anyway. Adults Learning, 5(1) pp. 10–11.


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