Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stephen Potter

132 items in this list.
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BTo Top

Bristow, Abigail L.; Enoch, Marcus P.; Zhang, Lian; Greensmith, Clare; James, Norman and Potter, Stephen (2008). Kickstarting growth in bus patronage: Targeting support at the margins. Journal of Transport Geography, 16(6) pp. 408–418.

Bruce, Margaret; Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin (1995). The risks and rewards of design investment. Journal of Marketing Management, 11 pp. 403–417.

CTo Top

Cook, Matthew; Valdez Juarez, AM; Catulli, Maurizio and Potter, Stephen (2021). Consuming the million-mile electric car. In: PLATE – Product lifetimes and the environment 3rd PLATE Conference, September 18–20, 2019 Berlin, Germany (Nissen, Nils F and Jaeger-Erben, Melanie eds.), Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin, pp. 155–160.

Cook, Matthew; Horne, Ralph; Potter, Stephen and Valdez, Alan-Miguel (2019). Exploring the epistemic politics of urban niche experiments. In: Jensen, Jens Stissing; Cashmore, Matthew and Späth, Philipp eds. The Politics of Urban Sustainability Transitions: Knowledge, Power and Governance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 125–147.

Caird, Sally; Hallett, Stephen and Potter, Stephen (2013). The Open2-Innova8ion tool - a software tool for rating organisational innovation performance. Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 33(10-11) pp. 381–385.

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (2010). Heat pump user experiences, behaviour and satisfaction. The Open University Design Innovation Group, Milton Keynes UK.

Crommentuijn-Marsh, Philippa; Eckert, Claudia and Potter, Stephen (2010). Consumer behaviour towards sustainability in fashion. In: KEER2010: Iinternational Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2010, 2-4 Mar 2010, Paris, France.

Collins, Trevor; Potter, Stephen and Jones, Ann (2006). Research presentations. In: Potter, Stephen ed. Doing Postgraduate Research (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 228–250.

ETo Top

Enoch, Marcus and Potter, Stephen (2022). MaaS (Mobility as a Service) Market Futures Explored. In: 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT2022), 6-10 Nov 2022, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Enoch, M.P.; Cross, R.; Potter, N.; Davidson, C.; Taylor, S.; Brown, R.; Huang, H.; Parsons, J.; Tucker, S.; Wynne, E.; Grieg, D.; Campbell, G.; Jackson, A. and Potter, S. (2020). Future local passenger transport system scenarios and implications for policy and practice. Transport Policy, 90 pp. 52–67.

Eckert, C.; Potter, S. and Crommentuijn, P. (2009). An investigation into consumers’ attitudes towards sustainability within the context of fashion. In: Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution, 26-27 Oct 2009, Farnham, UK.

Enoch, Marcus; Potter, Stephen; Parkhurst, Graham and Smith, Mark (2006). Why do demand responsive transport systems fail? In: Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, 22-26 Jan 2006, Washington DC.

Enoch, Marcus; Nijkamp, Peter; Potter, Stephen and Ubbels, Barry (2004). Unfare solutions: local earmarked charges to fund public transport. Transport, Development & Sustainability. UK: Spon Press.

Enoch, M.; Potter, S.; Ison, S. and Humphries, I. (2004). Role of Hypothecation in financing transit: lessons from the United Kingdom. Transportation Research Record(1864) pp. 31–37.

Enoch, Marcus and Potter, Stephen (2002). Marketing the British bus industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal engineer, 151(1) pp. 49–55.

HTo Top

Hodgson, Paul; Potter, Stephen; Warren, James and Gillingwater, David (2013). Can bus really be the new tram? Research in Transportation Economics, 39(1) pp. 158–166.

Hodgson, Paul; Potter, Stephen; Warren, James and Gillingwater, David (2011). Can bus really be the new tram? In: Thredbo 12: The 12th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, 11-15 Sep 2011, Durban, South Africa.

Hodgson, Paul and Potter, Stephen (2010). Refining light rapid transit typology: a UK perspective. Transportation Planning and Technology, 33(4) pp. 367–384.

Hughes, Peter and Potter, Stephen (1989). Routes to stable prosperity. A response to the White Paper Roads for prosperity, focusing upon road transport's growing contribution to global warming (the 'Greenhouse Effect'). Energy and Environment Research Unit Reports 61; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

ITo Top

Ieromonachou, Petros; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James (2005). Comparing Urban Road Pricing Implementation and Management Strategies from the UK and Norway. In: PIARC Seminar on Road Pricing with emphasis on Financing, Regulation and Equity, 11-13 Apr 2005, Cancun, Mexico.

LTo Top

Langendahl, Per-Anders; Cook, Matthew and Potter, Stephen (2010). Analysing the eco-innovation process in a UK food processing firm. In: 15th International Conference Sustainable Innovation 2010, 8-9 Nov 2010, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Laws, Rebecca; Enoch, Marcus; Ison, Stephen and Potter, Stephen (2009). Demand responsive transport: A review of schemes in England and Wales. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(1) pp. 19–37.

Lane, Ben and Potter, Stephen (2006). The adoption of cleaner vehicles in the UK: exploring the consumer attitude–action gap. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(11-12) pp. 1085–1092.

Lane, Ben; Potter, Stephen and Warren, James (2006). Taxing Cars With Attitude. In: Low CVP Low Carbon Road Transport Challenge, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (Low CVP) Annual Conference 2006, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, Harps Ltd, Essex, UK, pp. 41–47.

MTo Top

Miles, John and Potter, Stephen (2013). Developing a viable electric bus service: the Milton Keynes demonstration project. In: Thredbo 13: International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, 15-19 Sep 2013, Oxford, UK.

PTo Top

Potter, Stephen; Cook, Matthew and Valdez, Miguel (2024). Reinventing public transport: rising to the transition challenge. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences (Early Access).

Potter, Stephen; Warren, James; Valdez, Miguel and Cook, Matthew (2023). Toward an intelligent mobility regime. In: Droege, Peter ed. Intelligent Environments: advanced systems for a healthy planet, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 323–350.

Potter, Stephen and Enoch, Marcus (2021). Travel Plans. In: Vickerman, Roger ed. International Encyclopedia of Transportation. Elsevier, pp. 408–412.

Potter, Stephen; Valdez, Alan-Miguel and Cook, Matthew (2019). Autonomous vehicles and the urban mobility ecosystem. In: Nuttall, William J; Gibson, David V; Trzmielak, Dariusz and Ibarra-Yunez, Alejandro eds. Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities. ICE Publishing, pp. 83–97.

Potter, Stephen and Valdez Juarez, Alan (2017). Shifting Smart City travel information systems to the Smart Region. In: Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, 4-6 Jan 2017, Dublin.

Potter, Stephen and Enoch, Marcus (2016). Paratransit: the need for a regulatory revolution in the light of institutional inertia. In: Mulley, Corinne and Nelson, John eds. Paratransit: shaping the flexible transport future. Transport and Sustainability (8). Bingley: Emerald, pp. 15–34.

Potter, Stephen (2013). Transport and energy use. In: Jean-Paul, Rodrique; Notteboom, Theo and Shaw, Jon eds. The Sage Handbook of Transport Studies. London: Sage.

Potter, Stephen (2012). Transport interchanges and the integration design challenge. In: Tovey, Michael ed. Design for Transport: A User-Centered Approach to Vehicle Design and Travel. Design for Social Responsibility. Farnham, UK: Gower, pp. 121–136.

Potter, Stephen (2012). Transport planning. In: Tovey, Mike ed. Design for Transport: A User-Centered Approach to Vehicle Design and Travel. Design for Social Responsibility. Farnham, UK: Gower, pp. 107–120.

Potter, Stephen (2012). Transport and mobility choices in 2050. In: Herring, Horace ed. Living in a Low Carbon Society in 2050. Energy, Climate and Environment. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 60–74.

Potter, Stephen (2012). How to write up research. In: Becker, Saul; Bryman, Alan and Ferguson, Harry eds. Understanding Research for Social Policy and Social Work. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 367–372.

Potter, Stephen and Ison, Stephen (2012). Universities' Transport Studies Group UK Annual Conference 2011. Taylor and Francis, London.

Potter, Stephen and Atchulo, Abukari (2012). The role of company car taxation to promote low carbon vehicle technologies. In: Universities' Transport Studies Group Annual Conference, 4-6 Jan 2012, Aberdeen.

Potter, Stephen; Roby, Helen; Cook, Matthew and Langendahl, Per-Anders (2011). Transport and environmental innovation. In: Sustainable Innovation 11 'State of the Art in Sustainable Innovation and Design', 24-25 Oct 2011, Farnham, Surrey.

Potter, Stephen (2010). Transport integration - an impossible dream? In: Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Concerence, 5-7 Jan 2010, University of Plymouth.

Potter, Stephen (2009). Using environmental taxation for transport demand management. In: Lye, Lin-Heng; Milne, Janet E.; Ashiabor, Hope; Deketelaere, Kurt and Kreiser, Larry eds. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives. Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, 7. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 39–54.

Potter, Stephen (2009). Using environmental taxation for transport demand management. In: Lye, Lin-Heng; Milne, Janet; Ashiabor, Hope; Deketelaere, Kurt and Kreiser, Larry eds. Critical Issues In Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives, Volume VII. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 39–54.

Potter, Stephen (2008). Purchase, circulation and fuel taxation. In: Ison, Stephen and Rye, Tom eds. The Implementation and Effectiveness of Transport Demand Management measures: An International Perspective. UK: Ashgate, pp. 13–27.

Potter, Stephen and Bailey, Iain (2008). Transport and the Environment. In: Knowles, Richard; Shaw, Jon and Docherty, Iain eds. Transport Geographies. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 29–48.

Potter, Stephen (2008). The challenge of sustainable suburbia. In: Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference, Jan 2008, Southampton, UK.

Potter, Stephen (2007). Exploring strategic approaches towards a sustainable transport system. In: International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Chinese Institute of Transportation, 4-6 Dec 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.

Potter, Stephen (2007). Exploring approaches towards a sustainable transport system. International Journal of Sustianable Transportation, 1(2) pp. 115–131.

Potter, Stephen (2007). Exploring rail futures using scenarios: experience and potential. In: Proceedings of the Universities Transport Study Group Conference, Jan 2007, University of Leeds, UK.

Potter, Stephen and Subrahumanian, Ramya (2007). Information needs and policy change. In: Thomas, Alan and Mohan, Giles eds. Research Skills for Policy and Development: How to Find Out Fas. London: Sage, pp. 27–48.

Potter, Stephen; Enoch, Marcus; Rye, Tom; Black, Colin and Ubbels, Barry (2006). Tax treatment of employer commuting support: an international review. Transport Reviews, 26(2) pp. 221–237.

Potter, Stephen and Parkhurst, Graham (2005). Transport policy and transport tax reform. Public Money and Management, 25(3) pp. 171–178.

Potter, Stephen; Parkhurst, Graham and Lane, Ben (2005). European perspectives on a new fiscal framework for transport. In: Reggiani, Aura and Schintler, Laurie A. eds. Methods and models in transport and telecommunications: Cross-Atlantic perspectives. Advances in spatial science. New York, USA: Springer, pp. 319–333.

Potter, Stephen; Ubbels, Barry; Peeters, Paul and Parkhurst, Graham (2004). Adapting the Dutch 'mobility explorer' program to investigate possible car taxation futures in the UK. In: Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference, 5-7 Jan 2004, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Potter, Stephen; Parkhurst, Graham; Lane, Ben; Ubbels, Barry and Peeters, Paul (2004). Taxation Futures for Sustainable Mobility: final report to the ESRC. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Potter, Stephen (2003). Transport energy and emissions: urban public transport. In: Hensher, David and Button, Kenneth eds. Handbook of transport and the environment, 4. Handbooks in Transport. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 247–262.

Potter, Stephen and Rye, Tom (2003). Economic instruments and traffic restraint. In: Hine, J and Preston, J eds. Integrated futures and transport choices: UK transport policy beyond the 1998 White Paper and Transport Acts. Transport and Society. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 287–304.

Potter, Stephen and Enoch, Marcus (2001). Local transport subsidies and affordable fares: international comparisons. In: Greyling, Anthony ed. Any more fares?: Delivering better bus services. London: Institute of Public Policy Research, pp. 77–91.

Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin (2000). Using scenarios to identify innovation priorities in the UK railway industry. International Journal of Innovation Management, 4(2) pp. 229–252.

Potter, Stephen (1997). Telematics and Transport Policy: Making the Connection. In: Droege, P ed. Intelligent Environments: Spatial Aspects of the Information Revolution. Amsterdam NL and Oxford UK: Elsevier, pp. 199–212.

Potter, Stephen (1997). Overview of the English new towns [Chapter 1 keynote article]. In The New Towns Record, (CD ROM) Commission for the New Towns, London.

Potter, Stephen (1994). Longer Distance Passenger Travel and Modal Choice: Statistics and Trends. Energy and Environment Research Unit Reports 71; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Potter, Stephen (1993). The 1992 Beckton Travel Survey: A study of travel patterns in Beckton before the opening of the extension of the Docklands Light Railway. Energy and Environment Research Unit Reports 69; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Potter, S. (1990). The Sierra Set Rolls On: company subsidies to motoring continue to have major, unacknowledged, transport policy effects. Energy and Environment Research Unit Report 64; Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Potter, Stephen and Thomas, Ray (1980). What is a new town for? In: Leaker, Dudley and Leons, Jon eds. New Towns in National Development. Milton Keynes: International Federation for Housing and Planning, pp. 41–48.

Potter, Stephen and Dunleavy, Patrick (1979). Let's bring car perks to the end of the road. New Society, 50(896) pp. 547–548.

Potter, Stephen (1977). A motor or a mortgage? New Society, 40(768) p. 609.

Potter, Stephen (1977). People First in Transport Planning. Town and Country Planning, 45(2) pp. 76–81.

QTo Top

Quality Support Centre, Mark T.; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1996). The Commercial Impacts of Green Product Development. DIG Report 5; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.

RTo Top

Riedel,, Johann; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (2008). Design and market position - mapping the market with the MADRID market map. In: International Product Development Management Conference, 30 Jun - 1 Jul 2008, Hamburg, Germany.

Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Potter, Stephen (2007). People centred eco-design: consumer adoption of low and zero carbon products and systems. In: Murphy, Joseph ed. Governing Technology for Sustainability. London, UK: Earthscan, pp. 41–62.

Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Yarrow, Karen (2004). Towards sustainable higher education: environmental impacts of conventional campus, print-based and electronic/open learning systems. In: Murphy, D; Carr, R; Taylor, J. and Wong, T.M eds. Distance Education & Technology: Issues and Practice. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 129–145.

Roy, Robin; Riedel, Johann C. K. H. and Potter, Stephen (1998). MArket Demands that Reward Investment in Design (MADRID). Final Report. DIG Report 6; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.

Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1996). Managing engineering design in complex supply chains. International Journal of Technology Management, 12(4) pp. 403–420.

Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1990). Managing design projects in small and medium sized firms. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2(3) pp. 321–336.

STo Top

Slater, Rachel; Frederickson, James; Thomas, Christine; Potter, Stephen and Wield, David (2006). Partnership working: new roles for local authorities. In: Waste 2006: Sustainable Waste and Resource Management (Vegh, Beatrix and Royle, John eds.), The Waste Conference Limited, Warwick University, UK, Warwick, UK, pp. 623–632.

TTo Top

Thomas, Ray and Potter, Stephen (1977). Landscape with pedestrian figures. Built Environment Quarterly, 3(4) pp. 286–290.

UTo Top

Ubbels, Barry; Nijkamp, Peter; Verhoef, Eric; Potter, Steve and Enoch, Marcus (2001). Alternative ways of funding public transport: a case study assessment. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 1(1) pp. 73–89.

VTo Top

Valdez, Miguel; Cook, Matthew and Potter, Stephen (2024). Exploring temporal pleats and folds: the role of urban AI and robotics in reinvigorating the cyborg city. In: Cugurullo, Federico; Caprotti, Federico; Cook, Matthew; Karvonen, Andrew; McGuirk, Pauline and Marvin, Simon eds. Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI. London: Routledge, pp. 136–154.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel; Cook, Matthew; Potter, Stephen and Langendahl, Per-Anders (2018). Exploring participatory visions of smart transport in Milton Keynes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 171(4) pp. 204–210.

Valdez Juarez, Alan-Miguel and Potter, Stephen (2014). Big data without Big Brother: emerging issues in smart transport in Milton Keynes. In: Digital Economy All-Hands Conference 2014, 3-5 Dec 2014, Imperial College, London.

WTo Top

Wolff, Annika; Valdez Juarez, Alan; Barker, Matthew; Potter, Stephen; Gooch, Daniel; Giles, Emilie and Miles, John (2017). Engaging with the Smart City Through Urban Data Games. In: Nijholt, Anton ed. Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground. Gaming Media and Social Effects (1). Springer, pp. 47–66.

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen (1993). Perspectives on design and innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2(2) pp. 78–86.

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen (1992). Winning by Design: Technology, Product Design and International Competitiveness. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.


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