Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sara MacKian

39 items in this list.
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2025To Top

MacKian, Sara (2025). Using Stories to Explore the Everyday Place of Spirit Agency. In: Woodhead, Linda; Cadman, Louisa and Graham, Nicole eds. Messy Methods in Researching Religion. UK: Oxford University Press (In press).

2024To Top

2019To Top

2018To Top

Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve (2018). Spaces of spirituality: an introduction. In: Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity. London: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

Willson, Catherine Louise; Tetley, Josie; Lloyd, Cathy; Messmer Uccelli, Michele and MacKian, Sara (2018). The impact of multiple sclerosis on the identity of mothers in Italy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(12) pp. 1456–1467.

Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. (2018). Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity. London: Routledge.

MacKian, Sara (2018). Spiritual transformations. In: Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara and Pile, Steve eds. Spaces of Spirituality. Routledge, pp. 199–203.

2017To Top

2016To Top

MacKian, Sara; Bartolini, Nadia; Pile, Steve and Sambo, Daniele (2016). Spiritualism in Stoke-on-Trent. Glasgow: TWTD Press.

2013To Top

MacKian, Sara and Simons, Joan eds. (2013). Leading, Managing, Caring: Understanding Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care. Abingdon: Routledge in association with The Open University.

2012To Top

Paterson, Mark; Dodge, Martin and MacKian, Sara (2012). Introduction: placing touch within social theory and empirical study. In: Paterson, Mark and Dodge, Martin eds. Touching Space, Placing Touch. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1–28.

MacKian, Sara (2012). Touched by spirit: sensing the material impacts of intangible encounters. In: Paterson, Mark and Dodge, Martin eds. Touching Space, Placing Touch. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 249–268.

2011To Top

MacKian, Sara (2011). Me and ME: therapeutic landscapes in an unfamiliar world. In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long-term Conditions: challenges in health and social care. London: Sage.

2010To Top

MacKian, Sara and Goldring, John E. (2010). 'What's he looking at me for?' Implications of age and generation for gay men's health promotion. In: Jones, Rebecca L. and Ward, Richard eds. LGBT Issues: Looking Beyond Catagories. Policy & Practice in Health and Social Care (10). Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 16–29.

2009To Top

MacKian, Sara (2009). The art of geographic interpretation: Making sense of qualitative data. In: DeLyser, Dydia; Aitken, Stuart; Crang, Mike; Herbert, Steve and McDowell, Linda eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Human Geography. UK: Sage.

2008To Top

MacKian, Sara C. (2008). Complex cultures: rereading the story about health and social capital. In: Gupta, K. R.; Svendsen, Gunnar Lind Haase and Maiti, Prasenjit eds. Social Capital (Vol. 2). New Delhi: Atlantic, pp. 110–134.

Goldring, J.; Bellaby, P. and MacKian, S. (2008). Health Literacy and the Framing of Health Messages in the Gay Community. Final Report to ESRC. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

2007To Top

Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui (2007). Social problems, primary care and pathways to help and support: addressing health inequalities at the individual level. Part I: the GP perspective. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 61 pp. 966–971.

Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute; Mallinson, Sara; MacKian, Sara and Barker, Jacqui (2007). Social problems, primary care and pathways to help and support: addressing health inequalities at the individual level. Part II: lay perspectives. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 61 pp. 972–977.

Dodge, Martin; Jayne, Mark; Perkins, Chris; MacKian, Sara and Smyth, Fiona (2007). EBL from the very first day: developing new senses of place. University of Manchester, Manchester.

2006To Top

Mallinson, Sara; Popay, Jennie; Kowarzik, Ute and MacKian, Sara (2006). Developing the public health workforce: a 'communities of practice' perspective. Policy and Politics, 34(2) pp. 265–285.

2004To Top

MacKian, Sara (2004). Mapping reflexive communities: visualising the geographies of emotion. Social & Cultural Geography, 5(4) pp. 615–631.

Popay, Jennie; Mallinson, Sara; Kowarzik, Ute; MacKian, Sara; Busby, Helen and Elliott, Heather (2004). Developing public health work in local health systems. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 5(4) pp. 338–350.

MacKian, Sara; Bedri, Nafisa and Lovel, Hermione (2004). Up the garden path and over the edge: where might health-seeking behaviour take us? Health Policy and Planning, 19(3) pp. 137–146.

2003To Top

MacKian, Sara; Elliott, Heather; Busby, Helen and Popay, Jennie (2003). 'Everywhere and nowhere': locating and understanding the 'new' public health. Health & Place, 9(3) pp. 219–229.

2002To Top

MacKian, Sara (2002). Complex Cultures: rereading the story about health and social capital. Critical Social Policy, 22(2) pp. 203–225.

2000To Top

Banks, Mark and MacKian, Sara (2000). Jump in! The water’s warm: a comment on Peck's 'grey geography'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 25(3) pp. 249–254.

1998To Top

MacKian, Sara (1998). The Citizen’s New Clothes: care in a Welsh community. Critical Social Policy, 18(54) pp. 27–50.

1995To Top


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