Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Vicary
BookTo Top
Vicary, Sarah and Ferguson, Gillian (2024). Social Work Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: A Methodological Approach for Practice and Research. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
Vicary, Sarah; Stone, Kevin and Spencer-Lane, Tim (2020). The Approved Mental Health Professional Practice Handbook. Bristol: Policy Press.
Edited BookTo Top
Hemmington, Jill and Vicary, Sarah eds. (2023). Making Decisions in Compulsory Mental Health Work: Boundaries, Frames and Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press.
Gal, John; Köngeter, Stefan and Vicary, Sarah eds. (2020). The Settlement House Movement Revisited: A Transnational History. Research in Social Work. Bristol: Policy Press.
Vicary, Sarah; O'Hare, Philip and Hemmington, Jill eds. (2014). Approved Mental Health Practice: Essential Themes for Students and Practitioners. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Seden, Janet; Vicary, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun eds. (2010). Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Post-qualifying Social Work. London: Routledge.
Fraser, Sandy and Vicary, Sarah eds. (2008). The Critical Practitioner in Social Work and Health Care. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Book SectionTo Top
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Gal, John; Kongeter, Stefan and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah and O'Hare, Philip
Hemmington, Jill; O'Hare, Philip and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Journal ItemTo Top
Vicary, Sarah; Young, Alys; Rodriguez, Natalia; Tipton, rebecca; Napier, Jemina and Hulme, Celia
Rodriguez-Vicente, Natalia; Young, Alys; Vicary, Sarah; Napier, Jemina; Tipton, Rebecca and Hulme, Celia
Vicary, Sarah
Young, Alys; Vicary, Sarah; Tipton, Rebecca; Rodríguez Vicente, Natalia; Napier, Jemina; Hulme, Celia and Espinoza, Francisco
Vicary, Sarah
McCusker, Pearse; Gillespie, Lauren; Davidson, Gavin; Vicary, Sarah and Stone, Kevin
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Young, Alys; Rodriguez-vincente, Natalia; Tipton, Rebecca; Napier, Jemina and Vicary, Sarah
Stone, Kevin; McCusker, Pearse; Davidson, Gavin and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah; Stone, Kevin; McCusker, Pearse; Davidson, Gavin and Spencer-Lane, Tim
Vicary, Sarah; Stone, Kevin; Hemmington, Jill and Leah, Caroline
Stone, Kevin; Vicary, Sarah; Scott, Charlotte and Buckland, Rosie
Vicary, Sarah; Young, Alys and Hicks, Stephen
Vicary, Sarah
Wiles, Fran and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah; Cree, Viviene E. and Manthorpe, Jill
Vicary, Sarah; Copperman, Jeanette and Higgs, Alison
Vicary, Sarah; Gal, John and Koengeter, Stefan
Vicary, Sarah and Bailey, John
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah; Young, Alys and Hicks, Stephen
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah A. O. and Reynolds, Janet
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Journal IssueTo Top
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (SWIPA) eds.
Social Work Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (SWIPA) eds.
Social Work Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (SWIPA) eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Social Work History Network eds.
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Wiles, Fran and Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah; Young, Alys and Hicks, Stephen
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
Vicary, Sarah
ThesisTo Top
Vicary, Sarah
OtherTo Top
Ferguson, Gillian and Vicary, Sarah (2024). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), social work education, continuing professional learning and development (CPLD). Social Work and IPA (SWIPA) Research Network, The Open University.
Vicary, Sarah; McCusker, Pearse; Davidson, Gavin and Stone, Kevin (2022). Conducting Research Online Using Surveys: An Exploratory Survey of Mental Health Social Work in Europe. Sage.
Hemmington, Jill; Graham, Matthew; Marshall, Alan; Brammer, Andy; Stone, Kevin and Vicary, Sarah (2021). Approved Mental Health Professionals, Best Interests Assessors and People with Lived Experience: An Exploration of Professional Identities and Practice. Social Work England.
Vicary, Sarah (2017). Mental Health Social Work: its social, legal or psychiatric character? Historical Association, Chester.
Vicary, Sarah (2016). The Feeling rule and approved mental health practice. London Consortium of Approved Mental Health.
Vicary, Sarah and Bailey, John (2015). Mental health social work in [name] National Health Service Trust; a model for integrated care. The Open University.
Vicary, Sarah (2014). Using Drawing to Generate Data: Exploring the Role and Experiences of Approved Mental Health Professionals. SAGE Publications, Ltd., London.