Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rosina Márquez Reiter

71 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 13:19:54 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Haugh, Michael and Márquez-Reiter, Rosina eds. (2025). Morality in Discourse. Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Bou-Franch, Patricia (2025). Moralizing (un)civil behaviour. The case of interpellations on Facebook. In: Haugh, Michael and Márquez-Reiter, Rosina eds. Morality in Discourse. Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

2024To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2024). Leveraging Relations in Diaspora. Elements in Pragmatics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

2023To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Patiño-Santos, Adriana eds. (2023). Language Practices and Processes among Latin Americans in Europe. Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2023). Mobility and Stasis: Migrant portraits from a Madrid Market. In: Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Patiño-Santos, Adriana eds. Language Practices and Processes among Latin Americans in Europe. Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 25–49.

Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara; Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Moreno Clemons, Aris (2023). Descolonización y enseñanza del español. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 10(2) pp. 79–91.

2022To Top

Haugh, Michael; Kádár, Dániel Z. and Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2022). Offence and morality: Pragmatic perspectives. Language & Communication, 87 pp. 117–122.

Orthaber, Sara and Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2022). “I’m your guy”: Self-promoting behaviour in a Slovenian translators’ forum. In: Xie, Chaoqun and Tong, Ying eds. Self-praise across cultures and contexts. Springer, pp. 17–40.

2021To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Felix-Brasdefer, J. Cesar (2021). Service Encounter Discourse. In: Haugh, M.; Kadar, D. and Terkourafi, M. eds. The Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 496–519.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2021). How can ethnography contribute to understanding (im)politeness? Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behavior, Culture, 17(1) pp. 35–59.

Kádár, Dániel Z.; Parvaresh, Vahid and Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2021). Alternative Approaches to Politeness and Impoliteness: An Introduction. Journal of Politeness Research: language, behavior, culture, 17(1) pp. 1–7.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Hidalgo Dowing, Raquel (2021). Intercultural Communication in a globalised world: the case of Spanish. In: Koike, Dale A. and Félix-Brásdefer, J. Cesar eds. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics: Foundations and Interfaces. Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks. Routledge.

2020To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Frohlich, David M. (2020). A pragmatics of intimacy. Internet Pragmatics, 3(1) pp. 1–33.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2020). La provisión de servicios. In: M. Victoria, Escandell-Vidal; Amenós Pons, José and Ahern, Aoife Kathleen eds. Pragmatica. Alkal: Madrid.

2019To Top

Márquez Reiter, R. (2019). Navigating commercial constraints in a Spanish service call. In: Conejos Biltvich, Garcés and Hernández López, P. eds. Mediated Service Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Márquez Reiter, R. and Martín Rojo, L. (2019). Introduction: Language and speakerhood in migratory contexts. International Journal of the Sociology of Language(257) pp. 1–16.

Martín Rojo, L. and Márquez Reiter, R. (2019). Language surveillance: pressure to follow local models of speakerhood among Latinx students in Madrid. International Journal of the Sociology of Language(257) pp. 17–48.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2019). Navigating commercial constraints in a service call. In: Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar; Fernández-Amaya, Lucía and De la O Hernandez-Lopez, Maria eds. Technology mediated service encounters. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (300). John Benjamins Publishing.

2018To Top

Patiño-Santos, A. and Márquez Reiter, R. (2018). Banal interculturalism. Latin Americans in Elephant & Castle. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(3) pp. 227–241.

2017To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Bou-Franch, Patricia (2017). (Im)politeness in Service Encounters. In: Culpeper, Jonathan; Haugh, Michael and Kádár, Dániel Z. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 661–687.

2016To Top

2015To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2015). Cortesía y descortesía. In: Gutierrez-Rexach, Javier ed. Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica. Routledge.

Kádár, Dániel Z. and Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2015). (Im)politeness and (im)morality: Insights from intervention. Journal of Politeness Research: language, behavior, culture, 11(2) pp. 239–260.

Orthaber, Sara and Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2015). 'Thanks for nothing': Impoliteness in service calls. In: Ruhi, Şükriye and Aksan, Yeşim eds. Exploring (Im)politeness in Specialized and General Corpora: Converging Methodologies and Analytic Procedures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Márquez-Reiter, Rosina; Orthaber, Sara and Kádár, Dániel Z. (2015). Disattending Customer Dissatisfaction on Facebook: A Case Study of a Slovenian Public Transport Company. In: Christopher, Elizabeth ed. International Management and Intercultural Communication. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 108–126.

2014To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Martín Rojo, Luisa (2014). The dynamics of (im)mobility: (in)transient capitals and linguistic ideologies among Latin American migrants in London and Madrid. In: Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Martín Rojo, Luisa eds. A Sociolinguistics of Diaspora: Latino Practices, Identities and Ideologies. Routledge, pp. 83–101.

2013To Top

2011To Top

2010To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Luke, Kang-kwong (2010). Telephone conversation openings across languages, cultures and settings. In: Trosborg, Anna ed. Pragmatics across languages and cultures. Handbooks of Pragmatics [HOPS] (7). De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 103–138.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Martín Rojo, Luisa (2010). Introduction: Service provision in a globalised world. Sociolinguistic Studies, 4(2) 259 - 265.

2009To Top

Márquez Reiter, R. (2009). How to get rid of a telemarking agent? Facework strategies in an intercultural service call. In: Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and Haugh, M. eds. Face, Communication and Social Interaction. Equinox.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2009). Politeness studies. In: Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca ed. The Handbook of Business Discourse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 166 - 179.

2008To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2008). Intra-cultural variation: Explanations in service calls to two Montevidean service providers. Journal of Politeness Research: language, behavior, culture, 4(1) 1 - 29.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Stewart, Miranda (2008). Les interactions en site commercial à Montevideo et Édimbourg : « engagement » et « considération envers autrui ». In: Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine and Traverso, Véronique eds. Les Interactions en site Commercial. Invariants et variants. Lyon: ENS Editions, 277 - 302.

2006To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2006). Interactional closeness in service calls to Montevidean carer service company. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 39(1) 7 - 39.

2005To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina and Placencia, María Elena (2005). Spanish Pragmatics. Palgrave.

2004To Top

Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. (2004). Current trends in the pragmatics of Spanish. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 123. John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. (2004). The pragmatics of Spanish beyond Spain. In: Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. eds. Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (123). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 15 - 30.

Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. (2004). Displaying closeness and respectful distance in Montevidean and Quiteño service encounters. In: Márquez Reiter, R. and Placencia, M. E. eds. Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (123). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 121 - 155.

2003To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2003). Pragmatic variation in Spanish: external request modifications in Uruguayan and Peninsular Spanish. In: Núñez-Cedeño, Rafael; López, Luis and Cameron, Richard eds. A Romance Perspective on Language Knowledge and Use. John Benjamins, 166 - 180.

Fulcher, G. and Márquez Reiter, R. (2003). Task difficulty in speaking tests. Language Testing, 20(3) 321 - 344.

2002To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (2002). Estrategias de cortesía en el español hablado en Montevideo. Lo cortés no quita lo valiente. In: Elena Placencia, Maria and Bravo, Diana eds. Actos de habla y cortesía en español. Lincom, 89 - 106.

2000To Top

1998To Top

Marquez Reiter, R (1998). The teaching of ‘politeness’ in the language classroom. In: Vázquez Orta, I. and Guillén Galve, I. eds. Perspectivas Pragmáticas en Lingüística Aplicada. Zaragoza: Anubar, 291- 298.

1997To Top

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (1997). Politeness phenomena in British English and Uruguayan Spanish: the case of requests. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 18 159 - 168.

Márquez Reiter, Rosina (1997). Sensitising Spanish learners of English to cultural differences: the case of politeness. In: Pütz, Martin ed. The Cultural Context in Foreign Language Teaching. DASK – Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture (32). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 143 - 155.


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