Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rosemarie Mcilwhan
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Frecknall Hughes, Jane; Mcilwhan, Rosemarie and James, Simon
Mcilwhan, Rosemarie
Mcilwhan, Rosemarie
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Frecknall Hughes, Jane; James, Simon and Mcilwhan, Rosemarie (2014). The Tax Implications of Scottish Independence or Further Devolution. Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland, Edinburgh.
Mcilwhan, Rosemarie and Miller, Alison (2013). The Provision of Paralegal Education in Scotland. The Open University in Scotland, Edinburgh.
McIlwhan, Rosemarie; Rogers, Sheila and Bridge, Simon (2009). Evaluating the effectiveness of the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order (2006) duties. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, Belfast.