Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rosemarie Mcilwhan
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Frecknall Hughes, Jane; James, Simon and Mcilwhan, Rosemarie (2014). The Tax Implications of Scottish Independence or Further Devolution. Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland, Edinburgh.
Frecknall Hughes, Jane; Mcilwhan, Rosemarie and James, Simon
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Mcilwhan, Rosemarie and Miller, Alison (2013). The Provision of Paralegal Education in Scotland. The Open University in Scotland, Edinburgh.
McIlwhan, Rosemarie; Rogers, Sheila and Bridge, Simon (2009). Evaluating the effectiveness of the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order (2006) duties. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, Belfast.
Mcilwhan, Rosemarie
Mcilwhan, Rosemarie