Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Richard Langham-Smith

7 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 05:43:57 2025 GMT.

2007To Top

Smith, Richard Langham (2007). ‘Taming two Spanish Women: reflections on editing Opera.’. In: Kelly, Barbara and Murphy, Kerry eds. Berlioz and Debussy: sources, contexts, legacies. (Essays in honour of François Lesure). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 83–102.

2006To Top

Smith, Richard Langham (2006). French operatic spectacle in the twentieth century. In: Smith, Richard Langham and Potter, Caroline eds. French music since Berlioz. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 117–159.

Smith, Richard Langham and Potter, Caroline eds. (2006). French Music since Berlioz. UK: Ashgate.

Smith, Richard Langham (2006). Elsewhere and erstwhile. Musical Times, 147(1896) pp. 93–101.

2004To Top

Smith, Richard Langham (2004). Quelques aspects du langage musical d'Alfred Bruneau. In: Branger, Jean-Christophe and Ramaut, Alban eds. Le naturalisme sur la scène lyrique. Saint-Etienne, France: Publications de l'université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 80–93.

2003To Top

Smith, Richard, ed. Rodrigue et Chimène. By Claude Debussy (1783). Paris, France, Éditions Durand (2003). Translated from French [français]

2002To Top

Smith, Richard Langham (2002). Francis Poulenc outre-manche : séjours, concerts, réception. In: Ramaut, Albert ed. Francis Poulenc et la voix: Texte et contexte: actes du colloque tenu les 19, 20 et 21 Avril 2001 au Musée d'art moderne de Saint-Étienne (France). Musicologie. Saint-Étienne/Lyon, France: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne/Symétrie, pp. 11–21.


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