Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Roger Spear
2024To Top
Spear, Roger
2021To Top
Aiken, Mike; Spear, Roger; Lyon, Fergus; Teasdale, Simon; Hazenberg, Richard; Bull, Mike and Kopec Massey, Anna
2019To Top
Morales, Andrés; Spear, Roger; Ngoasong, Michael and Sacchetti, Silvia
Spear, Roger
2017To Top
Vickers, Ian; Westall, Andrea; Spear, Roger; Brennan, Geraldine and Syrett, Stephen (2017). Cities, the social economy and inclusive growth: a practice review. Cities, Towns, and Neighbourhoods; Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.
2016To Top
Lundgaard Andersen, Linda; Gawell, Malin and Spear, Roger eds. (2016). Social Entrepreneurship: A Nordic Perspective. Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise and Social Innovation. Abingdon: Routledge.
2015To Top
Spear, Roger and Thomas, Alan
Spear, Roger; Paton, Rob and Nicholls, Alex
2012To Top
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
2011To Top
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
2010To Top
Spear, Roger; Galera, Giulia; Noya, Antonella and Clarence, Emma (2010). Improving Social Inclusion at the Local Level Through the Social Economy: Report for Slovenia. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Working Papers; OECD Publishing, Paris.
Spear, Roger
Paton, Rob and Spear, Roger (2010). Civil society and the 'commanding heights' the civil economy: past, present, future. The Carnegie UK Trust, Dunfermline.
Cornforth, Chris and Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
2009To Top
Spear, Roger; Cornforth, Chris and Aiken, Michael
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard and Schott, Thomas
Schøtt, Thomas; Spear, Roger and Hulgaard, Lars
2008To Top
Slater, Rachel; Frederickson, James; Murray, Richard; Yoxon, Mark; Paton, Rob and Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger
2007To Top
Spear, Roger; Cornforth, Chris and Aiken, Mike (2007). For Love and Money: Governance and Social Enterprise. National Council for Voluntary Organisations, UK.
Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael
Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael
2006To Top
Spear, Roger and Hulgard, Lars
Spear, Roger
2005To Top
Spear, Roger and Bidet, Eric
2004To Top
Spear, Roger
Borzaga, C. and Spear, R. eds. (2004). Trends and challenges for co-operatives and social enterprises in developed and transition countries. Trento, Italy: Fondazione Cariplo.
2003To Top
Spear, Roger; Aiken, Michael and Newholm, T.
2002To Top
Spear, Roger (2002). National Profiles of Work Integration Social Enterprises: United Kingdom. EMES European Research Network.
2001To Top
Spear, Roger
Spear, Roger; Defourny, Jacques; Favreau, Louis and Laville, Jean-Louis eds. (2001). Tackling social exclusion in Europe: the contribution of the social economy. UK: Ashgate.
1999To Top
Spear, Roger
1994To Top
Spear, Roger; Leonetti, Aude and Thomas, Alan (1994). Third sector care: prospects for co-operative and other small care providers. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.
1993To Top
Newholm, Terry; Spear, Roger and Thomas, Alan (1993). Trends in Co-operative Development. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.
1990To Top
Spear, Roger (1990). Bibliography of Worker Co-op Publications. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.
1988To Top
Cornforth, Chris; Thomas, Alan; Spear, Roger and Lewis, Jenny (1988). Developing Successful Worker Co-operatives. London: Sage Publications Ltd.