Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Roger Spear

42 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Aiken, Mike; Spear, Roger; Lyon, Fergus; Teasdale, Simon; Hazenberg, Richard; Bull, Mike and Kopec Massey, Anna (2021). Social enterprise in the UK: Models and trajectories. In: Defourney, Jacques and Nyssens, Marthe eds. Social Enterprise in Western Europe. Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation. Routledge, pp. 253–268.

CTo Top

Cornforth, Chris and Spear, Roger (2010). The governance of hybrid organisations. In: Billis, David ed. Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector: Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, pp. 70–89.

Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael (2007). Governing social enterprise: emerging challenges and needs. In: 36th Annual ARNOVA Conference, 15-17 Nov 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael (2007). Governance and social enterprise. In: CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Oct 2007, Victoria, Canada.

MTo Top

Morales, Andrés; Spear, Roger; Ngoasong, Michael and Sacchetti, Silvia (2019). Buen Vivir as an Innovative Development Model. In: Banerjee, Swati; Carney, Stephen and Hulgard, Lars eds. People-Centered Social Innovation: Global Perspectives on an Emerging Paradigm. New York: Routledge.

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Newholm, Terry; Spear, Roger and Thomas, Alan (1993). Trends in Co-operative Development. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

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Spear, Roger (2019). Collective social entrepreneurship. In: De Bruin, Anne and Teasdale, Simon eds. A research agenda for social entrepreneurship. Elgar Research Agendas. Edward Elgar.

Spear, Roger and Thomas, Alan (2015). Worker Control in Worker Co-operatives? Journal of Co-operative Studies, 48 No 1(143) pp. 6–19.

Spear, Roger; Paton, Rob and Nicholls, Alex (2015). Public Policy for Social Finance in Context. In: Nicholls, Alex; Paton, Rob and Emerson, Jed eds. Social Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 460–487.

Spear, Roger (2012). Hybridite des co-operatives. In: Blanc, Jérôme and Colongo, Denis eds. Les contributions des coopératives à une économie plurielle. Les cahiers de l'économie sociale. Entreprendre autrement. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Spear, Roger (2012). Innovation and Collective Entrepreneurship. Universitas Forum: International Journal on Human Development and International Cooperation, 3(2)

Spear, Roger (2011). Innovation and collective entrepreneurship. In: FIESS - International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy, 17-20 Oct 2011, Montreal.

Spear, Roger (2011). Formes coopératives hybrides. Recma: Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 320

Spear, Roger; Galera, Giulia; Noya, Antonella and Clarence, Emma (2010). Improving Social Inclusion at the Local Level Through the Social Economy: Report for Slovenia. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Working Papers; OECD Publishing, Paris.

Spear, Roger (2010). Religion and value-driven social entrepreneurship. In: Hockerts, Kai; Mair, Johanna and Robinson, Jeffrey eds. Values and Opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

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Spear, Roger (2010). Social accounting and social audit in the UK. In: Bouchard, Marie ed. The Worth of the Social Economy : An International Perspective. Économie sociale & Économie publique / Social Economy & Public Economy (2). Group Editorial Peter Lang.

Spear, Roger (2010). The social economy in Europe: trends and challenges. In: Mook, Laurie; Quarter, Jack and Ryan, Sherida eds. Researching the Social Economy Matters. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 84–105.

Spear, Roger (2009). European perspectives on social enterprise. In: Hunter, Paul ed. Social Enterprise for Public Service: How does the Third Sector Deliver? London: The Smith Institute, pp. 38–49.

Spear, Roger (2009). Social entrepreneurship in co-operatives. In: McPherson, Ian and McLaughlin-Jenkins, Erin eds. Integrating Diversities with a Complex Heritage: Essays in the Field of Co-operative Studies. Victoria, Canada: New Rochdale Press.

Spear, Roger; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard and Schott, Thomas (2009). People’s participation in social entrepreneurship in Denmark. In: Schott, Thomas ed. Social and commercial entrepreneurship in Denmark 2009. Syddansk Universitet, pp. 99–110.

Schøtt, Thomas; Spear, Roger and Hulgaard, Lars (2009). Organising social enterprises in Denmark. In: Schøtt, Thomas ed. Social and commercial entrepreneurship in Denmark 2009. Syddansk Universitet, pp. 111–124.

Slater, Rachel; Frederickson, James; Murray, Richard; Yoxon, Mark; Paton, Rob and Spear, Roger (2008). Understanding diversity in community composting: it's all in the mix. In: Waste 2008 Conference: Waste and Resource Management - A Shared Responsibility, 16-17 Sep 2008, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.

Spear, Roger (2008). Cogouvernance collective. Partenariats stratégiques locaux au Royaume-Uni.Community co-governance: local strategic partnerships in the UK. In: Enjolras, Bernard ed. Gouvernance et intérêt général dans les services sociaux et de santé. Économie sociale & Économie publique / Social Economy & Public Economy (1). Brussels: Peter Lang Editions, pp. 81–106.

Spear, Roger and Hulgard, Lars (2006). Social entrepreneurship and the mobilisation of social capital in European social enterprises. In: Nyssens, Marthe ed. Social Enterprise: At the crossroads of market, public policies and civil society. Routledge studies in the management of voluntary and non-profit organizations. Oxford, UK: Routledge, pp. 85–108.

Spear, Roger (2006). Social entrepreneurship: a different model? International Journal of Social Economics, 33(5/6) pp. 399–410.

Spear, Roger and Bidet, Eric (2005). Social enterprise for work integration in 12 European countries: a descriptive analysis. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 76(2) pp. 195–231.

Spear, Roger (2004). Governance in democratic member-based organisations. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 75(1) pp. 33–60.

Spear, Roger; Aiken, Michael and Newholm, T. (2003). Success factors in UK retail co-ops. Journal of Co-operative Studies

Spear, Roger (2001). The Dark side of the moon - unilluminated dimensions of systems practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14(6) pp. 779–790.

Spear, Roger (1999). The rise and fall of employee-owned UK bus companies. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 20(2) pp. 253–268.

Spear, Roger; Leonetti, Aude and Thomas, Alan (1994). Third sector care: prospects for co-operative and other small care providers. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

VTo Top

Vickers, Ian; Westall, Andrea; Spear, Roger; Brennan, Geraldine and Syrett, Stephen (2017). Cities, the social economy and inclusive growth: a practice review. Cities, Towns, and Neighbourhoods; Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York.


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