Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robert Fraser

57 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Fraser, Robert (2024). Diana's Mirror: The Reflective Surface of Frazer's The Golden Bough. In: Budin, Stephanie Lynn and Tullly, Caroline J. eds. A Century of James Frazer’s The Golden Bough: Shaking the Tree, Breaking the Bough. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 323–338.

2013To Top

Fraser, Robert (2013). Press Books Abroad. In: Eliot, Simon ed. The History of Oxford University Press, Volume 2. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Fraser, Robert (2013). Educational books. In: Louis, William Roger ed. The History of the Oxford University Press, Volume 3. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

2012To Top

Fraser, Robert (2012). Kariba's last stand. In: Cairnie, Julie and Pucherova, Dobrota eds. Moving Spirit: The Legacy of Dambudzo Marechera in the 21st Century. Zurich: Lit Verlag, pp. 39–50.

2011To Top

Fraser, R. (2011). Leonard Bast's library: aspiration, emulation, and the imperial national tradition. In: Spiers, John ed. Nationalisms and the National Canon. The culture of the publisher's series (2). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 116–133.

Fraser, Robert (2011). Towards A new world order: literacy, democracy and literature in India and Africa, 1930-1965. In: Chakravorty, Swapan and Gupta, Abhijit eds. New Word Order: Transnational Themes in Book History. Delhi, India: Worldview Publications, pp. 53–64.

Fraser, Robert ed. (2011). La Rama Dorada: Magia y religion. Seccion de Obras de Antropologica. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica.

2010To Top

Fraser, Robert (2010). Far removed. Times Literary Supplement(5614) p. 29.

Fraser, Robert (2010). Bugger the skylarks: Lawrence and Mansfield at war: a battle in ten scenes. Katherine Mansfield Studies, 2(1) pp. 100–163.

2009To Top

Fraser, Robert (2009). The Tiger That Pounced; The African Writers Series (1962-2003) and the Online Reader. In: Satpathy, Sumanyu ed. Southern Postcolonialisms. Delhi, India: Routledge, 30 -49.

2008To Top

Fraser, Robert and Hammond, Mary eds. (2008). Books Without Borders, Volume 1: The Cross-national Dimension in Print Culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fraser, Robert (2008). School readers in the Empire and the creation of postcolonial taste. In: Fraser, Robert and Hammond, Mary eds. Books Without Borders, Volume 1. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 89–107.

Fraser, Robert (2008). War and the Colonial Book Trade: The Case of OUP India. In: Hammond, Mary and Fraser, Robert eds. Books Books Without Borders, Volume 2. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137–150.

Fraser, Robert and Mary, Hammond (2008). Introduction. From Palmyra to Print: The Book in South Asia. In: Hammond, Mary and Fraser, Robert eds. Books Books Without Borders, Volume 2. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–11.

2007To Top

Fraser, Robert (2007). Letters of J.G.Frazer. The Classical Review, 57 (New Se(1) pp. 243–245.

Fraser, Robert (2007). Sir James Frazer and Marian McNeill. In: Brown, Ian; Clancy, Thomas Owen; Manning, Susan and Pittock, Murray G. eds. The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature, Volume 3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 69–74.

Fraser, Robert (2007). George Barker's Sonnet of Fishes. In: Hanke, Michael ed. Fourteen English sonnets: critical essays. Studien Zur Anglistischen Literatur-und-Sprach-Wissenschaft (28). Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 145–157.

Fraser, Robert (2007). Press, partition and famine: Benedict Anderson and the Bengal Emergency of 1905-6. In: McCleery, Alistair and Brabon, Benjamin A. eds. The Influence of Benedict Anderson. Edinburgh, U.K.: Merchiston Publishing, pp. 59–93.

2005To Top

Fraser, Robert (2005). Mapping the mind: borders, migration and myth. In: Ponzanesi, Sandra and Merolla, Daniela eds. Migrant cartographies: new cultural and literary spaces in post-colonial Europe. Oxford, UK: Lexington Books, pp. 55–66.

Fraser, Robert (2005). Frantz Fanon. In: Poddar, Prem and Johnson, David eds. A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures in English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 152–154.

Fraser, Robert (2005). War and the colonial book trade: the case of OUP India. Script and Print: Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 29 pp. 93–104.

2004To Top

Fraser, Robert (2004). Nineteenth-century adventure and fantasy: James Morier, George Meredith, Lewis Carroll and Robert Louis Stevenson. In: Saunders, Corrine ed. A Companion to Romance: from Classical to Contemporary. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 389–406.

Fraser, Robert (2004). "Have fair fallen": Gerard Manley Hopkins and Henry Purcell. The London Magazine(April-May) pp. 58–66.

Fraser, Robert (2004). Marina Warner with Robert Fraser. In: Nasta, Susheila ed. Writing Across Worlds: Contemporary Writers Talk. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 365–376.

Fraser, Robert (2004). Proust's Cup of Tea: Homoeroticism and Victorian Culture. Victorian Studies, 46(2 [Winter]) pp. 370–372.

Fraser, Robert (2004). George Granville Barker (1913-1991). In: Harrison, Brian ed. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 373–374.

Fraser, Robert (2004). Write disobediently. The London Magazine(August-Sep) pp. 116–120.

2003To Top

Fraser, Robert (2003). Songs of a Tadpole. Times Literary Supplement p. 20.

Fraser, Robert (2003). New York. In: Speake, Jennifer ed. Literature of Travel and Exploration, Volume ii. New York and London: Fitzroy Dearbourn/Routledge, pp. 846–848.

Fraser, Robert (2003). Mungo Park. In: Speake, Jennifer ed. Literature of Travel and Exploration, Volume ii. New York and London: Fitzroy Dearbourn/Routledge, pp. 924–926.

Fraser, Robert (2003). Sahel. In: Speake, Jennifer ed. Literature of Travel and Exploration, Volume iii. New York and London: Fitzroy Dearbourn/Routledge, pp. 1044–1046.

Fraser, Robert (2003). Timbuctoo. In: Speake, Jennifer ed. LIterature of Travel and Exploration, Volume iii. New York and London: Fitzroy Dearbourn/Routledge, pp. 1181–1183.

Fraser, Robert (2003). The Lamp of Truth: Proust and George Eliot. In: Bloom, Harold ed. Marcel Proust. Modern Critical Views. Philadelphia, USA: Chelsea House Publishers, pp. 37–62.

2002To Top

Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri: Towards the Invisible City. Writers and their work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House.

Fraser, Robert (2002). "Is there a Gibbon in the house?": Migration, Postcoloniality and the Fall and Rise of Europe. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Studies, 2(2) pp. 102–114.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Charles Kingsley (1819-1875). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literay Encycopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Sir James Frazer (1854-1941). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literary Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London, UK: The LIterary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). George Barker (1913-1991). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literay Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Ben Okri (1959-). In: Clark, Robert and Todd, Janet eds. The Literary Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. London: The Literary Dictionary.

Fraser, Robert (2002). Hume, Sir James Frazer, Irony and Belief. The Edinburgh Review, 110(1) pp. 48–55.

2001To Top

Fraser, Robert (2001). Postcolonial Cities: Michael Ondaatje's Toronto and Yvonne Vera's Bulawayo. Studies in Canadian Literature/ Etudes en litterature canadienne, 26(2) pp. 40–48.

1996To Top


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