Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Richard Collins

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Collins, Richard and Cave, Martin (2013). Media pluralism and the overlapping instruments needed to achieve it. Telecommunications Policy, 37(4-5) pp. 311–320.

Collins, Richard (2013). Accountability, citizenship and public media. In: Price, Monroe E.; Verhulst, Stefaan G. and Morgan, Libby eds. Routledge Handbook of Media Law. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 219–233.

Collins, Richard (2012). The Reith mission: global telecommunications and in the decline of the British Empire. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 32(2) pp. 167–185.

Collins, Richard (2012). The Bermuda Agreement on Telecommunications 1945. Media History, 18(2) pp. 191–206.

Collins, Richard (2012). Public value, the BBC and Humpty Dumpty words – does public value management mean what it says? In: Donders, Karen and Moe, Hallvard eds. Exporting the Public Value Test: the Regulation of Public Broadcasters’ New Media Services Across Europe. Research Anthologies and Mongraphs. Gothenburg: Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, pp. 49–57.

Collins, Richard and Armstrong, Chris (2011). Digital turmoil for South African TV. International Journal of Digital Television, 2(1) pp. 7–29.

Collins, Richard (2010). From public service broadcasting to public service communication. In: Lowe, Greg ed. The Public in Public Service Media. Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom, pp. 53–69.

Collins, Richard (2010). Julkisen Palvelun Muutos On Vaittamaton Mutta Mahdollinen. In: Leppanen, A. and Heino, T.-E. eds. Yleisradio Median Murrokessa. Helsinki, Finaland: Vastapaino, pp. 109–123.

Collins, Richard (2009). Paradigm found: the Peacock Report and the genesis of a new model UK broadcasting policy. In: O'Malley, Thomas and Jones, Janet eds. The Peacock Committee and UK Broadcasting Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 146–164.

Collins, Richard (2009). Trust and trustworthiness in the fourth and fifth estates. International Journal of Communication, 3 pp. 1–20.

Collins, Richard (2009). Die BBC, das Internet und "Public Value". Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 9-10 pp. 32–38.

Collins, Richard and Schulz, W (2008). Schlussfolgerungen aus der AG 2. In: Schulz, W and Held, T eds. Mehr Vertrauen in Inhalte. Berlin and Duesseldorf: Vistas and Landesanstalt fuer Medien, pp. 91–92.

Collins, Richard (2008). Misrecognitions: associative and communalist visions in EU media policy and regulation. In: Bondebjerg, Ib and Madsen, Peter eds. Media, Democracy and European Culture. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 287–306.

Collins, Richard (2008). e-Governance and the governance of the Internet. In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. eGovernance: Managing or Governing? New York: Routledge, pp. 53–70.

Collins, Richard (2007). The BBC and public value. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 65(2) pp. 164–184.

Collins, Richard (2006). Internet governance in the UK. Media, Culture & Society, 28(3) pp. 337–358.

Collins, Richard (2006). Some more thoughts. In: Raboy, M and Sauvageau, F eds. The Role of the State in Broadcasting Governance. Sainte Foy, Quebec, Canada: Centre d’Etudes sur les Medias, pp. 201–204.

Collins, Richard (2005). Internet Governance in the UK. In: Consalvo, M and O’Riordan, K eds. Internet Research Annual 2004, Volume v 3. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 123–135.

Cave, Martin; Collins, Richard and Crowther, Peter (2004). Regulating the BBC. Telecommunications Policy, 28(3-4) pp. 249–272.

Collins, Richard (2004). Public service broadcasting: too much of a good thing? In: Tambini, Damien and Cowling, Jamie eds. From public service broadcasting to public service communications. London, UK: IPPR.

Collins, Richard (2003). The BBC: too big, too small, or just right? Political Quarterly, 74(2) pp. 164–173.


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