Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rob Paton

88 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Aiken, Michael and Paton, Rob (2006). Evaluation of the National Outcomes Dissemination Programme 2003 - 2006. Charities Evaluation Services and The Open University, London, U.K..

BTo Top

Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob (1997). Managing voluntary organizations in the contract culture: continuity or change? In: Kendall, Jeremy ed. The contract culture in public services: studies from Britain, Europe, and the USA. Aldershot, U.K.: Arena, pp. 47–56.

CTo Top

Corfield, Alison; Paton, Rob and Little, Stephen (2013). Does knowledge management work in NGOs? - a longitudinal study. International Journal of Public Administration, 36(3) pp. 179–188.

Crabbe, Margaret; Kawor, Seyram and Paton, Rob (2011). How to do peer assessment. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 68–70.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (2004). Editorial:failure and turnaround in public and non-profit organizations. Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 197–199.

Cornforth, Chris; Paton, Rob and Batsleer, Julian (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: Lessons from the Open University's voluntary sector management programme. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT: Praegan, pp. 33–45.

Cornforth, Chris; Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: a national development based on distance learning. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 33–45.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (1988). Worker co-operatives and the democratisation of work in Europe. In: Wiseman, J. ed. Worker Freedom: The Promise of Workplace Democracy. New York: TOES Books.

DTo Top

Davies, Sue M.; Paton, Rob and O'Sullivan, Terry (2013). The museum values framework: a framework for understanding organisational culture in museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, 28(4) pp. 345–361.

de Heer-Menlah, Kofi; Tackie, George; Bedi, Ibrahim; Obeng, Bernard; Asamoah, Gordon and Paton, Rob (2011). OER prospects and possibilities: reflections on the project. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 86–90.

ETo Top

Effah, Paul and Paton, Rob (2011). Creative problem solving in public administration. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 35–36.

FTo Top

Flood, J and Paton, Rob (2005). Designing for blended learning. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, G.; Storey, J. and Taylor, S. eds. The handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing.

KTo Top

Kawor, Seyram; Crabbe, Margaret; Gyasi, Simon and Paton, Rob (2011). Assessing business school students in Ghana: can quantity and quality be reconciled? In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 61–67.

Kendall, J.; Knapp, M. R. J.; Paton, R. and Thomas, A. (1993). L'economie sociale au Royaume-Uni. Recma: Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 46(2) pp. 51–75.

Kendall, Jeremy; Paton, Rob; Knapp, Martin and Thomas, Alan (1993). La economia social en el Reina Unido. In: Defourny, Jacques and Monzón Campos, José Luis eds. Economia Social: entre economia capitalista y economic publica. Madrid: CIRIEC - Espagne and INFES, pp. 89–129.

MTo Top

NTo Top

Nicholls, Alex and Paton, Rob (2009). Emerging resource flows for social entrepreneurship; theorizing social investment. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 15-17 Sep 2009, Brighton, University of Brighton.

Nicholls, Alex and Paton, Rob (2008). Social investment discussion paper. In: Social Investment Seminar, 14 Oct 2008, Admiralty House, Whitehall.

PTo Top

Paton, Rob (2011). Overview: ABLE-Ghana as an exercise in experiential learning. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 7–13.

Paton, Rob; Blundel, Richard and Nyathi, Nceku (2011). The metal fabricators: challenges of growth in a small Ghanaian business. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 40–48.

Paton, Rob (2011). The difficult workshop. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 56–59.

Paton, Rob (2011). Assessing large cohorts. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, p. 60.

Paton, Rob and de Heer-Menlah, Kofi (2011). Creating and using open educational resources. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 75–78.

Paton, R. C. and Taylor, S. L. (2009). Faith Leaders and Workers Project: Evaluation Report. Communities and Local Government.

Paton, R. C. (2008). Comment on "The British are not coming! UK higher education and the nonprofit sector". Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 19(1) pp. 101–105.

Paton, Rob (2007). Fundraising as marketing: half a truth is better than no truth. In: Mordaunt, Jill and Paton, Rob eds. Thoughtful Fundraising: concepts, issues and perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 29–37.

Paton, Rob (2007). Benchmarking fundraising performance. In: Mordaunt, Jill and Paton, Rob eds. Thoughtful Fundraising: Concepts, Issues and Perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 143–156.

Paton, Rob (2007). Social enterprise. In: Talbot, Colin and Baker, Matt eds. The Alternative Comprehensive Spending Review. Manchester: Herbert Simon Institute, pp. 154–159.

Paton, Rob (2006). Measurement and its pitfalls. In: Budd, Leslie; Charlesworth, Julie and Paton, Rob eds. Making Policy Happen. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 216–228.

Paton, Rob (2006). Studying social entrepreneurship and enterprise. In: Entrepreneurship outside enterprise, 22 Sep 2006, Warwick University.

Paton, Rob (2005). Reviewing and reporting results. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of Corporate University Development: Managing Strategic Learning Initiatives in the Public and Private Domains. London: Gower Publishing, pp. 123–132.

Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott (2005). Corporate universities as strategic learning initiatives. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing, pp. 5–16.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). What's different about public and non-profit "turnaround"? Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 209–216.

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott and Storey, John (2003). Corporate universities and leadership development. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: current issues and key trends. UK: London: Routledge, pp. 103–124.

Paton, Rob (2003). Managing and measuring social enterprises. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Paton, Rob and Taylor, Scott (2003). Corporate universities: between higher education and the workplace. In: Williams, Gareth ed. The Enterprising University: Reform, Excellence and Equity. Buckingham, U.K.: The Open University Press and SRHE, pp. 96–109.

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott; Storey, John and Peters, Geoff (2003). Designing and delivering leadership education and development: the role of corporate universities (2nd edition). In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: Current issues and key trends. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 93–113.

Paton, Rob (2002). Constructive constructivism - a new perspective on the design and use of performance measures. In: Neely, Andy D.; Walters, Angela and Austin, Robert Daniel eds. Performance Measurement and Management 2002 Research and Action. Cranfield, U.K.: Cranfield School of Management, Centre for Business Performance.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2002). The 'turnaround' process in non-profit contexts: four cases and some theory. In: Annual ARNOVA Conference, 16 Nov 2002, Montreal, Canada.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2001). Non-profit management education: international trends and issues. Public Performance and Management Review, 25(1) pp. 57–73.

Paton, Rob (2001). Tracking progress in the transformation of business schools. In: BEST Conference: Maintaining Quality in Changing Times, 3-5 Apr 2001, Windermere, UK.

Paton, Rob; Foot, Jane and Payne, Geoff (2000). What happens when nonprofits use quality models for self-assessment? Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 11(1) pp. 21–34.

Paton, Rob and Foot, Jane (2000). Non-profit's use of awards to improve and demonstrate performance: valuable discipline or burdensome formalities? Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 11(4) pp. 329–353.

Paton, Rob (1999). Performance comparisons in fundraising - the case of "Fundratios". International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 4(4) pp. 287–299.

Paton, Rob (1999). The performance management of social enterprises by government. In: Third International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM III), 25-26 Mar 1999, Aston.

Paton, Rob (1999). 'Using the Dashboard' to review performance measures and reporting. In: 28th Annual ARNOVA Conference, 04-06 Nov 1999, Arlington VA.

Paton, Rob (1998). The trouble with values. In: Lewis, David ed. International Perspectives on Voluntary Action: Reshaping the Third Sector. London, U.K.: Earthscan, pp. 132–141.

Paton, Rob (1997). Benchmarking: passing fad or probable future? In: Pharaoh, Catherina ed. Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector: How is the Voluntary Sector Changing? West Malling: Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) International Publishing.

Paton, Rob and Foot, J. (1997). Dashboards for nonprofits: a new approach to an old problem. In: ARNOVA Conference, Dec 1997, Indianapolis, IN, U.S..

Paton, Rob (1996). How are values handled in voluntary agencies? In: Billis, David and Harris, Margaret eds. Voluntary Agencies: challenges of organisation and management. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Paton, Rob (1996). What's different about non-profit marketing? - A research agenda. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 1(1) pp. 23–31.

Paton, R. and Cornforth, C. J. (1991). What's different about managing in voluntary and nonprofit organizations? In: Batsleer, Julian; Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob eds. Issues in voluntary and nonprofit management. Addison-Wesley, pp. 36–46.

Paton, Rob (1991). The social economy: value-based organizations in the wider society. In: Batsleer, Julian; Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob eds. Issues in voluntary and non-profit management. London, U.K.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, pp. 3–12.

Paton, Rob (1991). Worker takeovers of failing and bankrupt enterprises in Europe. In: Russell, Raymond and Rus, Veljko eds. Ownership and participation. International Handbook of participation in organizations: For the Study of Organizational Democracy, Co-operation, and Self-Management (2). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 28–42.

Paton, Rob and Hooker, Carolyn (1990). Developing managers in voluntary organisations: Management and training development: A Handbook. Sheffield, U.K.: The Training Agency, HMSO.

Paton, Rob (1990). Distance learning and management education - developments and prospects in the UK. In: Watts, Ronald Lampman and Greenberg, Jeff eds. Post-secondary Education: Preparation for the World of Work. Aldershot, U.K. and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Dartmouth Publishing Company Limited, pp. 151–162.

Paton, Rob (1989). A very concrete example. In: Thomas, Alan; Thornley, Jenny and Cornforth, Chris eds. Co-ops to the rescue! London, U.K.: ICOM Co-publications, pp. 88–105.

Paton, Rob and Emerson, Tony (1988). Top down versus bottom up: good-bye to all that. Local Economy, 3(3) pp. 159–167.

Paton, Rob (1988). Powers visible and invisible. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 105–110.

Paton, Rob (1988). The launch of the Centaur. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 17–21.

Paton, Rob and Lay, Christina (1986). Learning to manage and managing to learn. Open Learning, 1(3) pp. 18–21.

Paton, Rob (1981). Power in cooperatives. In: International Conference on Producer Cooperatives, Jul, Copenhagen.

Paton, Rob and Lockett, Martin (1978). Fairblow Dynamics Limited: Participation and Common Ownership. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some problems of cooperative organization. Co-operatives Research Unit, Milton Keynes.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some Problems of Co-operative Organisation. Monograph 3; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

RTo Top

Robinson, Mike and Paton, Rob (1983). Worker Information Systems & the Development of Large Co-operatives. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

STo Top

Spear, Roger; Paton, Rob and Nicholls, Alex (2015). Public Policy for Social Finance in Context. In: Nicholls, Alex; Paton, Rob and Emerson, Jed eds. Social Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 460–487.

TTo Top

Taylor, S.; Paton, Rob and Chisholm, K. (2001). Mapping the corporate university phenomenon: issues and frameworks for an empirical study. In: British Academy of Management Conference, 5-7 Sep 2001, Cardiff, U.K..


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