Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rose Capdevila

43 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Jan 22 02:44:58 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose eds. (2023). Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Dann, Charlotte and Capdevila, Rose (2023). Social Media and Gendered Power: Young Women, Authenticity, and the Curation of Self. In: Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 537–553.

Capdevila, Rose and Zurbriggen, Eileen L. (2023). Introduction: Feminist Theorizing on Power, Gender, and Psychology. In: Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 1–9.

Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose (2023). Power, Gender, and Psychology: Common Themes and an Agenda for the Future. In: Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 613–616.

2022To Top

Frith, Hannah and Capdevila, Rose (2022). A Feminist Companion to Research Methods in Psychology. Feminist Companions to Psychology. Maidenhead: Open University Press / McGraw Hill.

2021To Top

Macleod, Catriona Ida; Capdevila, Rose; Marecek, Jeanne; Braun, Virginia; Gavey, Nicola and Wilkinson, Sue (2021). Celebrating 30 years of Feminism & Psychology. Feminism & Psychology, 31(3) pp. 313–325.

Capdevila, Rose and Lazard, Lisa (2021). The big picture: Using visual methods to explore online photo sharing and gender in digital space. In: Reavey, Paula ed. A Handbook of Visual Methods in Psychology: Using and interpreting images in qualitative research (Second Edition). Routledge, pp. 239–255.

2020To Top

2019To Top

Lazard, Lisa; Capdevila, Rose; Dann, Charlotte; Locke, Abigail and Roper, Sandra (2019). Sharenting: Pride, affect and the day to day politics of digital mothering. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(4) pp. 1–10.

Stenner, Paul and Capdevila, Rose (2019). Q methodology. In: Atkinson, P.; Cernat, A.; Delamont, S. and Williams, R. eds. Sage Research Methods Foundations. Sage.

2016To Top

Capdevila, Rose and McAvoy, Jean M. (2016). Psychological Theory, Research, Methodology, and Feminist Critiques. In: Naples, Nancy ed. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.

Lazard, Lisa; McAvoy, Jean and Capdevila, Rose (2016). Postmodern feminist psychology. In: Naples, Nancy; Hoogland, Renee C.; Wickramasinghe, Maithree and Wong, Wai Ching Angela eds. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Wiley Blackwell.

2015To Top

Capdevila, Rose and Lazard, Lisa (2015). Psychology of women: questions of politics and practice. In: Parker, Ian ed. Handbook of Critical Psychology. Routledge International Handbooks. Hove, New York: Routledge, pp. 191–199.

Capdevila, Rose (2015). Negotiating health, mothering and ‘choice’. Psicologia della Salute(1/2015) pp. 9–29.

Roper, Sandra; Capdevila, Rose; Lazard, Lisa and Roberts, Anca (2015). How is this feminist again? Q as a feminist methodology. Psychology of Women Section Review, 17 pp. 3–12.

2014To Top

Macleod, Catriona; Marecek, Jeanne and Capdevila, Rose (2014). Feminism & Psychology going forward (Editorial). Feminism & Psychology, 24(1) pp. 3–17.

Capdevila, Rose and Lazard, Lisa (2014). Gender, Overview. In: Teo, Thomas ed. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 763–767.

2012To Top

Montenegro, Marisela; Capdevila, Rose and Figueroa Sarriera, Heidi (2012). Towards a transnational feminism: Dialogues on feminisms and psychologies in a Latin American context. Feminism & Psychology, 22(2) pp. 220–227.

2011To Top

Wallis, Jennifer; Burns, Jan and Capdevila, Rose (2011). What is narrative therapy and what is it not? The usefulness of Q methodology to explore accounts of White & Epston’s (1990) approach to narrative therapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18(6) pp. 486–497.

Lazard, Lisa; Capdevila, Rose and Roberts, Anca (2011). Methodological pluralism in theory and in practice: the case for Q in the community. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(2) pp. 140–150.

Rutherford, Alexandra; Capdevila, Rose; Undurti, Vindhya and Palmary, Ingrid eds. (2011). Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights. International and Cultural Psychology. New York: Springer.

Rutherford, Alexandra; Capdevila, Rose; Undurti, Vindhya and Palmary, Ingrid (2011). Feminisms and psychologies: multiple meanings, diverse practices, and forging possibilities in an age of globalization. In: Rutherford, Alexandra; Capdevila, Rose; Undurti, Vindhya and Palmary, Ingrid eds. Handbook of International Perspectives on Feminism: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights. International and Cultural Psychology. New York, USA: Springer, pp. 3–15.

2010To Top

Zurbriggen, Eileen L. and Capdevila, Rose (2010). The personal and the political are feminist: exploring the relationships among feminism, psychology, and political life. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(4) pp. 458–459.

Capdevila, Rose (2010). Lysistratus, Lysistrata, Lysistratum:coconstructing the identities of mother and activist. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(4) pp. 530–537.

Roper, Sandra and Capdevila, Rose (2010). We are a real family: A Q methodological study on the experience of stepmothers. Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism, 9(2)

2009To Top

Marzano, Lisa; Capdevila, Rose; Ciclitira, Karen and Lazard, Lisa (2009). Justice and care: theorising the 'New Man' and the 'Caring Father'. Psychology of Women Section Review, 11(2) pp. 11–20.

2008To Top

Capdevila, Rose and Callaghan, Jane E. M. (2008). ‘It’s not racist. It’s common sense.’ A critical analysis of political discourse around asylum and immigration in the UK. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 18(1) pp. 1–16.

2007To Top

Capdevila, Rose (2007). I did it my way: the implications of methodological choices in critical work. In: Van Deventer, Vasi; Terre Blanche, Martin; Fourie, Eduard and Segalo, Puleng eds. Citizen City: Between constructing agent and constructed agency. Ontario: Captus University Publications, pp. 197–205.

2006To Top

Capdevila, R.; Ciclitira, K.; Lazard, L. and Marzano, L. (2006). If I am woman, who are 'they'? The construction of 'other' feminisms. Psychology of Women Section Review, 8(2) pp. 1–13.

2005To Top

Jordon, Kelly; Capdevila, Rose and Johnson, Sally (2005). Baby or beauty: a Q study into post pregnancy body image. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 23(1) pp. 19–31.

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