Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Peter Twining

77 items in this list.
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2022To Top

Mohamud, Khadija; Buckler, Alison; Pitt, Beck and Twining, Peter (2022). Internet kiosks in Uganda: A window of opportunities? In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 131–143.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Butler, Deirdre; Leahy, Margaret; Twining, Peter; Akoh, Ben; Chtouki, Yousra; Farshadnia, Sara; Moore, Kanda; Nikolov, Roumen; Pascual, Carlos; Sherman, Barbara and Valtonen, Teemu (2018). Education Systems in the Digital Age: The Need for Alignment. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 23(3) pp. 473–494.

2017To Top

Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar; Nussbaum, Miguel; Hilliger, Isabel; Alario-Hoyos, Carlos; Heller, Rachelle S.; Twining, Peter and Tsai, Chin-Chung (2017). Research on ICT in K-12 schools e A review of experimental and survey-based studies in computers & education 2011 to 2015. Computers and Education, 104 A1-A15.

Maher, Damian and Twining, Peter (2017). Bring your own device – a snapshot of two Australian primary schools. Educational Research, 59(1) pp. 73–88.

2016To Top

2015To Top

Twining, Peter; Davis, Niki; Charania, Amina; Chowfin, Aleta; Henry, Fiona; Nordin, Hasniza and Woodward, Clare (2015). Developing New Indicators To Describe Digital Technology Infrastructure In Primary And Secondary Education. Background Paper for ICT in Education Statistics; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.

2014To Top

Twining, Peter and Henry, Fiona (2014). Enhancing ‘ICT teaching’ in English schools: Vital lessons. World Journal of Education, 4(2) pp. 12–36.

Clark, Ted; Chambers, Diane and Twining, Peter (2014). Redefining education: 1 to 1 computing strategies in Victorian schools. In: Now IT's Personal: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, ACEC, pp. 87–97.

Fluck, Andrew and Twining, Peter (2014). Redefining education: 1 to 1 computing strategies in Tasmanian schools. In: Now IT's Personal: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, ACEC, pp. 166–174.

Jamieson-Proctor, Romina; Redmond, Petrea; Zagami, Jason; Albion, Peter and Twining, Peter (2014). Redefining education for the digital age: a snapshot of the state of play in three Queensland schools. In: Now IT's Personal: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, ACEC, pp. 294–301.

Newhouse, Paul; Lane, Jenny; Cooper, Martin and Twining, Peter (2014). Redefining education: sustaining 1 to 1 computing strategies in Western Australian schools. In: Now IT's Personal: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, ACEC, pp. 345–351.

Twining, Peter (2014). Redefining education: 1 to 1 computing strategies in English schools. In: Now IT's Personal: Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, ACEC, pp. 428–437.

2013To Top

Twining, P.; Raffaghelli, J.; Albion, P. and Knezek, D. (2013). Moving education into the digital age: the contribution of teachers’ professional development. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(5) pp. 426–437.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Gillen, Julia; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter (2013). The strength of cohesive ties: discursive construction of an online learning community. In: Childs, Mark and Peachey, Anna eds. Understanding Learning in Virtual Worlds. Human-Computer Interaction Series. London: Springer, pp. 83–100.

2012To Top

Gillen, Julia; Ferguson, Rebecca; Clough, Gill; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter (2012). Seeking planning permission to build a Gothic cathedral in a virtual world: exploring the schommunity. In: Merchant, Guy; Gillen, Julia; Marsh, Jackie and Davies, Julia eds. Virtual Literacies: Interactive Spaces for Children and Young People. Routledge Research in Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190–207.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Christopher (2012). The Vital Program: Transforming ICT Professional Development. American Journal of Distance Education, 26(2) pp. 74–85.

Gillen, Julia; Ferguson, Rebecca; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter (2012). Seeking planning permission to build a Gothic cathedral on a virtual island. In: Merchant, Guy; Gillen, Julia; Marsh, Jackie and Davies, Julia eds. Virtual Literacies: Interactive Spaces for Children and Young People. Routledge Research in Education (84). New York, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190–207.

2011To Top

Walsh, Christopher S.; Bradshaw, Pete and Twining, Peter (2011). e-learning through collaborative teacher professional development in primary and secondary schools in England. In: IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2011 75, 20-23 Jul 2011, Rome, Italy.

Ferguson, Rebecca; Gillen, Julia; Peachey, Anna and Twining, Peter (2011). The strength of cohesive ties: discursive construction of an online learning community. In: Researching Learning in Immersive Virtual Environments (ReLIVE 2011), 21-22 Sep 2011, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2010To Top

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter; Hayes, Mary and Jeffrey, Robert (2010). The changing landscape of CPD for teachers. In: ALT-C 2008: “Into something rich and strange” – making sense of the sea-change, 6-9 Sep 2010, University of Nottingham, UK.

Jeffrey, Bob; Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Chris (2010). Ethnography, education and on-line research. In: European Conference of Educational Research, 25-28 Aug 2010, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Twining, Peter and Footring, Shri (2010). The Schome Park Programme – Exploring educational alternatives. In: Peachey, Anna; Gillen, Julia; Livingstone, Daniel and Smith-Robbins, Sarah eds. Researching Learning in Virtual Worlds. Human-Computer Interaction Series. Springer.

Twining, Peter (2010). When educational worlds collide. In: Sheehy, Kieron; Ferguson, Rebecca and Clough, Gill eds. Virtual Worlds: Controversies at the Frontier of Education. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Christopher (2010). Vital: changing the paradigm of CPD. In: The 11th ITTE Research Seminar, 11-12 Mar 2010, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK.

2009To Top

Twining, Peter (2009). 'Educational IT' Research Methodology: Looking Back and Moving Forward. In: McDougall, Anne; Murnane, John; Jones, Anthony and Reynolds, Nick eds. Researching IT in Education: Theory, Practice and Future. London: Routledge, pp. 153–168.

Twining, Peter and Peachey, Anna (2009). Open virtual worlds as pedagogical research tools: learning from the Schome Park Programme. In: Tatnall, Arthur and Jones, Anthony eds. Education and Technology for a Better World: 9th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2009, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, July 27-31, 2009, Proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (302). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, pp. 263–272.

2008To Top

Craft, Anna; Chappell, Kerry and Twining, Peter (2008). Learners reconceptualising education: widening participation through creative engagement? Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(3) pp. 235–245.

Goodliff, Gill and Twining, Peter (2008). Computer mediated communication: using e-learning to support professional development. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Caroline eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. Hodder Education.

Twining, Peter (2008). Framing IT use to enhance educational impact on a school-wide basis. In: Voogt, J and Knezek, G eds. International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer, pp. 555–579.

Twining, P. and Footring, S. (2008). The Schome Park Programme – exploring educational alternatives. In: Researching Learning in Virtual Environments ReLIVE08, 20-21 Nov 2008, Milton Keynes, UK.

Goodliff, G. and Twining, P. (2008). Computer mediated communication - using e-learning to support professional development. In: Miller, L. and Cable, C. eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. London: Hodder Arnold.

2007To Top

Twining, Peter (2007). Discussing ICT, aspirations and targets for Education: international perspectives. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 3(2-3) pp. 154–170.

Twining, Peter (2007). Interactive whiteboards: Issues relating to professional development and pedagogical change - discuss. In: BERA Annual Conference, 5-8 Sep 2007, Institute of Education, London, UK.

Twining, Peter; Craft, Anna and Chappell, Kerry (2007). Learners reconceptualising education: Widening participation through creative engagement? In: Higher Education Academy: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8-10 Jan 2007, Cardiff.

Twining, Peter (2007). Using Teen Second Life to explore visions of schome. In: Second Life Best Practices in Education Conference, Second Life Main Grid, 25 May 2007.

Twining, Peter (2007). Developing visions of schome. In: Massively Multi-Learner Conference, 22 Mar 2007, University of Paisley.

2006To Top

Fox, B. and Twining, P. (2006). Comparing perspectives on the role of ICT in education. In: Proceedings of SITE 2006--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (Crawford, C.; Carlsen, R.; McFerrin, K.; Price, J.; Weber, R. and Willis, D. eds.), 19 Mar 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 1551–1558.

Twining, Peter and Sheehy, Kieron (2006). Not school – not home – schome – the education system for the Information Age. In: IFIP Conference, Imagining the future for ICT and Education, 26-30 Jun 2006, Norway.

Twining, Peter and Cooke, David (2006). The eSIR Statement - is this where we are going with ICT in education in England. In: IFIP Conference, Imagining the future for ICT and Education, 26-30 Jun 2006, Norway.

Ralston, J.; Cooke, D.; Twining, P.; Dillon, G.; Evans, D.; Jones, A.; Kukulska-Hulme, A.; McAndrew, P.; Scanlon, E.; Selwood, I.; Sheehy, K. and Underwood, J. (2006). Introducing Tablet PCs in schools - a national study - some lessons learned. In: IFIP Conference, Imagining the future for ICT and Education, 26-30 Jun 2006, Norway.

2005To Top

Selwood, Ian and Twining, Peter (2005). Teacher use of broadband technology. In: 8th IFIP World Conference on Computer in Education, 4-7 Jul 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.

Twining, P.; Underwood, J.; Twiner, A.; Morris, D.; Ford, K.; Cook, D. and Broadie, R. (2005). eSIR: eStrategy Implementation Review. In: Becta D&R Researcher Consultation Day, 8 Nov 2005, Warwick, UK.

Twining, P.; Cook, D.; Dillon, P.; Evans, G.; Heppell, A.; Jones, A.; Kukulska-Hulme, A.; McAndrew, P.; Ralston, J.; Scanlon, E.; Selwood, A.; Sheehy, K. and Underwood, J. (2005). Tablet PCs in schools. In: CALRG-TRLG Seminar, 15 Jun 2005, Milton Keynes, UK.

Underwood, Jean; Ault, Alison; Banyard, Phil; Bird, Karen; Dillon, Gayle; Hayes, Mary; Selwood, Ian; Somekh, Bridget and Twining, Peter (2005). The impact of broadband in schools: Summary report. Becta, Coventry.

2004To Top

Twining, Peter (2004). Curriculum development and the Computer Practice Framework: ICT for Curriculum Enhancement. In: Monteith, Moira ed. ICT for curriculum enhancement. Bristol, UK: Intellect.

2002To Top

Macdonald, Janet and Twining, Peter (2002). Assessing activity-based learning for a networked course. British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(5) pp. 603–618.

2001To Top

Twining, Peter (2001). ICT and the nature of learning : implications for the design of a distance education course. In: Twining, Peter; Paechter, Carrie; Edwards, Richard and Harrison, Roger eds. Learning, space and identity. Learning matters: challenges of the information age. London, UK: Paul Chapman.

Twining, Peter (2001). Planning to use ICT in schools? Education 3-13, 29(1) pp. 9–17.

Paechter, C.; Edwards, R.; Harrison, R. and Twining, P. eds. (2001). Learning, Space and Identity. Paul Chapman.

Twining, Peter (2001). Pedagogic re-engineering: issues surrounding the use of new media to support a move from 'didactic' to 'constructivist' models of transaction on an Open University course. In: Selinger, M. and Wynn, J. eds. Educational Technology and the impact on teaching and learning. Research Machines PLC, pp. 53–59.

1999To Top

Twining, Peter and McCormick, Robert (1999). Learning Schools Programme: Developing Teachers’ Information Communication Technology Competence In The Support Of Learning. In: Price, J; Willis, J; Willis, D; Jost, M and Boger-Mehall, S eds. Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1999, Volume 2. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 1703–1708.

Twining, Peter (1999). Learning Matters - Adjusting the media mix for academic advantage. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 7(1) pp. 4–11.

1998To Top

Twining, Peter (1998). Supporting computer use in primary classrooms through the enhancement of resources. In: Underwood, J. and Monteith, M. eds. Supporting the Wider Teaching Community. Coventry, UK: NCET, pp. 40–45.

1997To Top

Twining, Peter (1997). IT into Education: A change effort worth pursuing? In: Willis, J.; Price, J.; McNeil, S.; Robin, B. and Willis, D. eds. Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1997, Volume 2. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 1091–1094.

Twining, Peter (1997). What's Changed? Criteria for measuring change in classroom practice in relation to computer use. In: ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education. ICCE.

Twining, Peter and McNeil, A. (1997). HyperNote: A multimedia course design environment and metacognitive tool. In: ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education. ICCE, pp. 987–988.

1995To Top

Twining, Peter (1995). Making Barriers Explicit: Some Problems with the Computer Innovation Literature. In: Willis, J.; Price, J.; McNeil, S.; Robin, B. and Willis, D. eds. Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1995. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 879–885.

Twining, Peter (1995). Towards an understanding of the links between conceptual understanding of computer systems and IT competence. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 4(3) pp. 377–391.


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