Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Paul Stenner

99 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 10:38:07 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Stenner, Paul and Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm (2025). Technology, potentialisation and psychotechnics. In: Bösel, Bernd and Weber, Julia eds. Die Macht der Psychotechnologien [On Psychotechnological Power]. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus Verlag (In Press).

Brown, Jason W.; Zhadiaiev, Denys and Stenner, Paul eds. (2025). The Microgenetic Theory of Mind and Brain: Selected Essays in Process Psychology. Routledge Focus. London, UK: Taylor and Francis.

Stenner, Paul; Pearson, Amy; Kapp, Steven; Watson, Catherine; Pressler, Ronit; Williams, Gemma; Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna; Hultman, Lill; Semmens-Wheeler, Rebecca and Botha, Monique (2025). Using Q methodology, a group of neurodivergent neurodiversity researchers ask: what is the neurodiversity movement and what should it do? Neurodiversity (in press).

2024To Top

Stenner, Paul; Zhadiaiev, Denys and Brown, Jason eds. (2024). Ausgewählte Aufsätze zu einer Prozesspsychologie
[Selected essays on a process psychology].
Whitehead Studien, Bd. 11. Baden-Baden: Verlag Karl Alber.

Stenner, Paul and Nichterlein, Maria (2024). We have always been postmodern: A new past for a future postmodern psychotherapy. In: Strong, Tom and Smoliak, Olga eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Postmodern Therapies. London, UK: Routledge, (in press).

Stenner, Paul (2024). Liminality. In: Darbellay, Frédéric ed. Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences. Cheltenham, UK and Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 323 -327.

Stenner, P. (2024). What Is Called “Process Thought”: A Transdisciplinary Process Ontology for Psychosocial Studies. In: Frosh, S.; Vyrgioti, M. and Walsh, J. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 239–266.

2023To Top

Stenner, Paul (2023). Towards a hermeneutical psychology before idiography. In: Salvatore, Sergio and Valsiner, Jaan eds. Ten Years of Idiographic Science. Yearbook of Idiographic Science (10). Charlotte, North Carolina, US: Information Age Publishing.

2022To Top

Stenner, Paul (2022). What is Called ‘Process Thought’: A transdisciplinary process ontology for psychosocial studies. In: Frosh, Stephen; Vyrgioti, Marita and Walsh, Julie eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–28.

Nynäs, Peter; Keysar, Ariela; Kontala, Janne; Kwaku Golo, Ben-Willie; Lassander, Mika; Shterin, Marat; Sjö, Sofia and Stenner, Paul eds. (2022). The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham.

Nynäs, Peter; Novis-Deutsch, Nurit and Stenner, Paul (2022). Common Patterns of Religion and Spirituality: A Contribution to the Discussion on Typologies. In: Nynäs, Peter; Keysar, Ariela; Kontala, Janne; Kwaku Golo, Ben-Willie; Lassander, Mika T.; Shterin, Marat; Sjö, Sofia and Stenner, Paul eds. The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 93–112.

Stenner, Paul (2022). Q Methodology and Constructivism: Some Reflections on Sincerity and Authenticity in Honour of Steve Brown. In: Rhoads, James C.; Thomas, Dan B. and Ramlo, Susan E. eds. Cultivating Q methodology: Essays honouring Steven R. Brown. USA: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, pp. 46–68.

Takshe, Aseel A.; Lovett, Jon C.; Stenner, Paul; Contu, Davide and Weber, Noelia (2022). Prioritising climate change actions post COVID-19 amongst university students; a Q methodology perspective in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Global Warming, 26(1) pp. 120–139.

Stenner, Paul (2022). The Psychology of Global Crisis Through the Lens of Liminal Experience: Stuck in the Middle with SARS-CoV-2. In: Dege, Martin and Strasser, Irene eds. Global Pandemics and Epistemic Crises in Psychology: A Socio-Philosophical Approach. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 72–84.

Nynäs, Peter; Lassander, Mika; Kontala, Janne; Novis-Deutsch, Nurit; Sjö, Sofia and Stenner, Paul (2022). Family Resemblance in Variations of Contemporary Religiosity and Spirituality: Findings from a Cross-Cultural Study. In: Nynäs, Peter; Keysar, Ariela; Kontala, Janne; Kwaku Golo, Ben-Willie; Lassander, Mika; Shterin, Marat; Sjö, Sofia and Stenner, Paul eds. The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults: Contemporary (Non)Religiosity And Spirituality Through The Lens Of An International Mixed Method Study. Cham: Springer, pp. 73–92.

2021To Top

Stenner, Paul (2021). Theorising Liminality between Art and Life: The Liminal Sources of Cultural Experience. In: Wagoner, Brady and Zittoun, Tania eds. Experience on the edge: Theorizing Liminality. Theory and history in the human and social sciences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 3–42.

Greco, Monica and Stenner, Paul (2021). The Illness of Narrative: Reframing the Question of Limits. On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture(11)

Zittoun, Tania and Stenner, Paul (2021). Winnicott, Donald. In: Glaveanu, V. P ed. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible,. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Zittoun, Tania and Stenner, Paul (2021). Vygotsky's Tragedy: Hamlet and the Psychology of Art. Review of General Psychology, 25(3) pp. 223–238.

Stenner, Paul (2021). A Feast of liminal experiences and expressions. In: Wagoner, Brady and Zittoun, Tania eds. Experience on the Edge: Theorizing Liminality. Theory and history in the human and social sciences. Switzerland AG: Springer, pp. 173–196.

2020To Top

Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm and Stenner, Paul (2020). Social Immune Mechanisms: Luhmann and Potentialization Technologies. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(2) pp. 79–103.

Stenner, Paul and Zittoun, Tania (2020). On taking a leap of faith: Art, imagination and liminal experiences. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 40(4) pp. 240–263.

2019To Top

Stenner, Paul (2019). Affectivität, Liminalität and Psychologie ohne Basis. In: Straub, Jürgen; Sorensen, Estrid; Chakkarath, Pradeep and Rebane, Gala eds. Kulturpsychologie in interdisziplinärer Perspektive: Hans-Kilian-Vorlesungen zur sozial-und kulturwissenschaftlichen Psychologie und integrativen Anthropologie. Hans-Kilian-Vorlesungen zur sozialund kulturwissenschaftlichen Psychologie und integrativen Anthropologie. Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag.

Andreouli, Eleni; Kaposi, David and Stenner, Paul (2019). Brexit and emergent politics: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(1) pp. 3–5.

Stenner, Paul and Capdevila, Rose (2019). Q methodology. In: Atkinson, P.; Cernat, A.; Delamont, S. and Williams, R. eds. Sage Research Methods Foundations. Sage.

2018To Top

Stenner, Paul (2018). Bridging the Affect/Emotion Divide: A Critical Overview of the Affective Turn. In: Zhang, Lei and Clark, Carlton eds. Affect, Emotion and Rhetorical Persuasion in Mass Communication. London: Routledge, pp. 34–55.

Stenner, Paul (2018). Whitehead and Liminality. In: Stenner, Paul and Weber, Michel eds. Orpheus’ Glance. Selected papers on process psychology: The Fontarèches meetings, 2002–2017. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique: Les Editions Chromatika, pp. 213–228.

Stenner, Paul and Weber, Michel eds. (2018). Orpheus’ Glance. Selected papers on process psychology: The Fontarèches meetings, 2002–2017. Les Editions Chromatika.

2017To Top

Stenner, Paul (2017). Being in the zone and vital subjectivity: On the liminal sources of sport and art. In: Jordan, Tim; McClure, Brigid and Woodward, Kath eds. Culture, Identity and Intense Performativity: Being in the Zone. Innovations in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts (4). Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 10–31.

Stenner, Paul (2017). Liminality and experience: a transdisciplinary approach to the psychosocial. Studies in the Psychosocial (STIP). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2016To Top

Cross, Vinette; McGowan, Janet; McCrum, Carol; Defever, Emmanuel; Stenner, Paul; Lloyd, Phil; Poole, Robert and Moore, Ann P (2016). “It Sounds Like a Drama:” Hearing Stories of Chronic Low Back Pain Through Poetic (Re)presentation. Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation, 30 pp. 1–9.

Stenner, Paul (2016). Liminality: Un-Wohl-Gefühle und der affective turn. In: Mixa, Elisabeth; Pritz, Sarah Miriam; Tumeltshammer, Markus and Greco, Monica eds. Un-Wohl-Gefühle Eine Kulturanalyse gegenwärtiger Befindlichkeiten. Bielefeld (Germany): transcript Verlag, pp. 45–68.

2015To Top

Stenner, Paul; Cross, Vinnette; McCrum, Carol; McGowan, Janet; Defever, Emmanuel; Lloyd, Phil; Poole, Robert and Moore, Ann P. (2015). Self-management of chronic low back pain: Four viewpoints from patients and healthcare providers. Health Psychology Open, 2(2) pp. 1–11.

Hanna, Paul; Johnson, Katherine; Stenner, Paul and Adams, Matt (2015). Foucault, sustainable tourism, and relationships with the environment (human and nonhuman). GeoJournal, 80(2) pp. 301–314.

Stenner, Paul (2015). A Transdisciplinary Psychosocial Approach. In: Martin, Jack; Sugarman, Jeff and Slaney, Kathleen eds. The Wiley Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Methods, Approaches and New Directions for Social Science. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 308–323.

Stenner, Paul (2015). Integrating and integrated experiences: Proust’s art of life and van Gennep’s rites of passage as scenes for ‘integrating experiences’ à la Zittoun and Gillespie. In: Wagoner, Brady; Chaudhary, Nandita and Hviid, Pernille eds. Integrating Experiences: Body And Mind Moving Between Contexts. Niels Bohr Professorship Lecture in Cultural Psychology (2). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.

Stenner, Paul (2015). Emotion: Being moved beyond the mainstream. In: Parker, Ian ed. Handbook of Critical Psychology. Routledge International Handbooks. Hove: Routledge, pp. 43–51.

2014To Top

Stenner, Paul (2014). Psychosocial: qu'est-ce que c'est? Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 8(1) pp. 205–216.

Watts, Simon and Stenner, Paul (2014). Definitions of love in a sample of British women: An empirical study using Q methodology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53(3) pp. 557–572.

Stenner, Paul (2014). Transdisciplinarity. In: Teo, Thomas ed. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer, pp. 1987–1993.

2013To Top

Stenner, Paul and Greco, Monica (2013). Affectivity. Informática na Educaçao: Teoria e Prática, 16(1) pp. 49–70.

Stenner, Paul (2013). Human rights between brute fact and articulated aspiration. In: Madsen, Mikael Rask and Verschraegen, Gert eds. Making Human Rights Intelligible: Towards a Sociology of Human Rights. Oñati International Series in Law and Society (1). Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 105–125.

Stenner, Paul (2013). Foundation by exclusion: jealousy and envy. In: Malkmus, Barhard and Cooper, Ian eds. Dialectic and Paradox: Configurations of the Third in Modernity. Oxford: Lang, pp. 53–80.

2012To Top

Watts, Simon and Stenner, Paul (2012). Doing Q Methodological Research: Theory, Method and Interpretation. London: Sage Publications.

Stenner, Paul (2012). Pattern. In: Lury, Celia and Wakeford, Nina eds. Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social. Culture, Economy and the Social. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 136–146.

Langdridge, Darren; Barker, Meg; Reavey, Paula and Stenner, Paul (2012). Becoming a subject: a memory work study of the experience of romantic jealousy. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 13(2), article no. 5.

2011To Top

McParland, Joanna; Hezseltine, Louisa; Serpell, Michael; Eccleston, Christopher and Stenner, Paul (2011). An investigation of constructions of justice and injustice in chronic pain: a Q-methodological approach. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(6) pp. 873–883.

Apfelbacher, C. J.; Hankins, M.; Stenner, P.; Frew, A. J. and Smith, H. E. (2011). Measuring asthma-specific quality of life in asthma: structured review. Allergy, 66(4) pp. 439–457.

Stenner, Paul; McFarquhar, Tara and Bowling, Ann (2011). Older people and ‘active ageing’: subjective aspects of ageing actively. Journal of Health Psychology, 16(3) pp. 467–477.

Bowling, Ann and Stenner, Paul (2011). Which measure of quality of life performs best in older age? A comparison of the OPQOL, CASPE-19, WHOQOL-OLD. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(3) pp. 273–280.

Stenner, Paul; Cromby, John; Motzkau, Johanna; Yen, Jeffrey and Haosheng, Yu eds. (2011). Theoretical psychology: global transformations and challenges. Ontario, Canada: Captus.

Stenner, Paul (2011). Psychology in the key of life: deep empiricism and process ontology. In: Stenner, Paul; Cromby, John; Motzkau, Johanna; Yen, Jeffrey and Haosheng, Yu eds. Theoretical psychology: Global transformations and challenges. Ontario, Canada: Captus, pp. 48–58.

2010To Top

Claremont, Amanda; Church, Andrew; Bhatti, Mark and Stenner, Paul (2010). Going public: landscaping everyday life. Cultural Geographies, 17(2) pp. 277–282.

Farrimond, Hannah; Joffe, Helene and Stenner, Paul (2010). A Q-methodological study of ‘smoking identities’ amongst UK smokers. Psychology & Health, 25(8) pp. 979–998.

2009To Top

Stenner, Paul (2009). Q methodology as a constructivist methodology. Operant subjectivity: the international journal of Q methodology, 32(1-3) pp. 46–69.

Stenner, Paul (2009). Between method and ology: introduction to special issue. In Operant Subjectivity: the international journal of Q methodology Operant Subjectivity, 2009, 32.

Stenner, Paul (2009). On the actualities and possibilities of constructionism: towards deep empiricism. Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Humanities and Social Sciences Quarterly, 19(2) pp. 194–210.

Stenner, Paul (2009). Psychology, religion, and world loyalty. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 29(2) pp. 102–107.

Dancey, Christine P.; Stenner, Paul; Attree, Elizabeth A.; Coogan, Joy; Kovács, Ágota and Bàrdos, György (2009). Irritable bowel syndrome in Hungary: how do patients view their illness? Clinical and Experimental Medical Journal, 3(3) pp. 487–498.

Teo, Thomas; Stenner, Paul and Rutherford, Alexandra eds. (2009). Varieties of Theoretical Psychology : International Philosophical and Practical Concerns. Ontario, Canada: Captus: Concord.

Bhatti, Mark; Church, Andrew; Claremont, Amanda and Stenner, Paul (2009). 'I love being in the garden': enchanting encounters in everyday life. Social & Cultural Geography, 10(1) pp. 61–76.

2008To Top

Greco, Monica and Stenner, Paul eds. (2008). Emotions: A Social Science Reader. Routledge Student Readers. London: Routledge.

Stenner, Paul and Taylor, David (2008). Psychosocial welfare: Reflections on an emerging field. Critical Social Policy, 28(4) pp. 415–437.

Stenner, Paul; Barnes, Marian and Taylor, David (2008). Editorial introduction: psychosocial welfare: contributions to an emerging field. In Critical Social Policy Critical Social Policy, 2008, 28(4), pp 411-414.

Stenner, P. (2008). A.N. Whitehead and subjectivity. Subjectivity, 22(1) pp. 90–109.

Stenner, P.; Watts, S. and Worrell, M. (2008). Q Methodology. In: Willig, C. and Stainton Rogers, W. eds. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology. London: Sage Publications, pp. 215–239.

2007To Top

Watts, Simon and Stenner, Paul (2007). Q methodology: the inverted factor technique. Irish Journal of Psychology, 28(1-2) pp. 63–75.

2006To Top

Stenner, Paul H. D.; Bianchi, Gabriel; Popper, Miroslav; Supeková, Marianna; Lukšík, Ivan and Pujol, Joan (2006). Constructions of sexual relationships: a study of the views of young people in Catalunia, England and Slovakia and their health implications. Journal of Health Psychology, 11(5) pp. 669–684.

2005To Top

Stenner, Paul (2005). An outline of an autopoietic systems approach to emotion. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 12(4) pp. 8–22.


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