Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Paul Gabbott

40 items in this list.
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2015To Top

2013To Top

Gabbott, Paul L. and Rolls, Edmund T. (2013). Increased neuronal firing in resting and sleep in areas of the macaque medial prefrontal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37(11) pp. 1737–1746.

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2012To Top

Gabbott, Paul; Warner, Tracy-Ann; Brown, Jacki; Salway, Philip; Gabbott, Thomas and Busby, Sarah (2012). Amygdala afferents monosynaptically innervate corticospinal neurones in rat medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 520(11) pp. 2440–2458.

2011To Top

Ojo, Bunmi; Rezaie, Payam; Gabbott, Paul L.; Cowely, Thelma R.; Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Lynch, Marina A. and Stewart, Michael G. (2011). A neural cell adhesion molecule-derived peptide, FGL, attenuates glial cell activation in the aged hippocampus. Experimental Neurology, 232(2) pp. 318–328.

Nesaratnam, N.; Dunham, J. S.; Gabbott, P. L.; Mason, S.; Schmitz, C. and Rezaie, P. (2011). A quantitative analysis of synaptophysin immunoreactivity within the cerebral cortex in autism. In: 112th Meeting of the British Neuropathological Society, 5-7 Jan 2011, Institute of Child Health, London.

2010To Top

Dunham, J.S.; Del Valle Suarez, E. M.; Wiles, D. P. L.; Schmitz, C.; Gabbott, P. L. and Rezaie, P. (2010). The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA32) in autism: Morphometric analyses of deep cortical layers and subcortical white matter. In: The Emerging Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologic Insights; Treatment Opportunities, 11-12 Nov 2010, San Diego, CA.

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Medvedev, Nikolay; Gabbott, Paul; Corbett, Nicola; Kraev, Igor and Davies, Heather (2010). Dendritic spine and synapse morphological alterations induced by a neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic. In: Berezin, Vladimir ed. Structure and Function of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NCAM. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 663. New York: Springer, pp. 373–383.

Ojo, B.; Rezaie, P.; Gabbott, P. L.; Medvedev, N.; Cowley, T.; Lynch, M. A. and Stewart, M. G. (2010). Age-related changes within the hippocampus: attenuation of glial activation and synaptic loss by a cell adhesion molecule mimetic (FGL). In: FENS Forum 2010, 3-7 Jul 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2009To Top

Del Valle Suarez, E.; Schmitz, C; Rezaie, P. and Gabbott, P. (2009). A systematic evaluation of dendritic and neuronal (MAP2, SMI-311) immunolabelling within the cerebral cortex in autism. In: British Neuroscience Association 20th National meeting, 19-22 Apr 2009, Liverpool.

Rezaie, P.; Del Valle Suarez, E. M.; Schmitz, C. and Gabbott, P. L. (2009). A systematic study of MAP2 and SMI-311 immunolabelled neurons and dendrites within the cerebral cortex in autism. In: 110th Meeting of the British Neuropathological Society, 7-9 Jan 2009, Institute of Child Health, London.

2008To Top

2007To Top

Corbett, Nicola; Gabbott, Paul; Stewart, Michael; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Novikova, Tatiana; Bock, Elisabeth and Berezin, Vladimir (2007). A neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic, FG Loop (FGL), alleviates spine loss induced by beta-amyloid(25-35) in the rat hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts(886.9)

Corbett, Nicola; Stewart, Michael; Gabbott, Paul; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Berezin, Vladimir and Bock, Elisabeth (2007). The effect of a fibroblast growth factor receptor agonist on the beta-amyloid(25-35) treated hippocampus. British Neuroscience Association Abstracts, 19(43.03)

2006To Top

Donohue, H.S.; Gabbott, P.L.A.; Davies, H.A.; Rodriguez, J.J.; Cordero, M.I.; Sandi, C.; Medvedev, N.I.; Popov, V.I.; Colyer, F.M.; Peddie, C.J. and Stewart, M.G. (2006). Chronic restraint stress induces changes in synapse morphology in stratum lacunosum-moleculare CA1 rat hippocampus: A stereological and three-dimensional ultrastructural study. Neuroscience, 140(2) pp. 597–606.

2005To Top

Gabbott, Paul L.A.; Warner, Tracy A.; Jays, Paul R.L.; Salway, Phillip and Busby, Sarah J. (2005). Prefrontal Cortex in the Rat: Projections to Subcortical Autonomic, Motor and Limbic centers. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 492(2) pp. 145–177.

Gabbott, Paul (2005). Towards an anatomical model of information integration in prefrontal cortex. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting of the Haifa Forum for Brain and Behaviour on: Neurobiology and Modulation of Memory Formation, 09-11 Jan 2005, Haifa, Israel.

Gabbott, Paul (2005). Circulation. In: Graham, Rebecca; Riley, Gillian; Sharma, Bina and Swithenby, Margaret eds. SK277 Human Biology Science: Level 2 [2nd ed.], Volume 3. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University Press, pp. 49–102.

Gabbott, Paul (2005). Respiration. In: Graham, Rebecca; Riley, Gillian; Sharma, Bina and Swithenby, Margaret eds. SK277 Human Biology Science: Level 2 [2nd ed.], Volume 3. Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University Press, pp. 103–135.

Donohue, H.S.; Gabbott, P.L.A.; Davies, H.A.; Cordero, M.I.; Sandi, C.; Rodriguez, J.J.; Colyer, F.M.; Peddie, C.J.; Medvedev, N.; Popov, V.I. and Stewart, M.G. (2005). Stress increases 'Axo-spinous' post-synaptic density size in CA1 stratum lacunosum-moleculare: a three-dimensional ultrastructural study [poster presentation]. In: British Neuroscience Association (BNA) Meeting, 5-8 Apr 2005, Brighton, UK.

Gabbott, P.L. and Busby, S.J. (2005). Anatomical model of information integration in prelimbic cortex in the rat [poster presentation]. In: British Neuroscience Association (BNA) Meeting, 3-6 Apr 2005, UK.

2004To Top

Gabbott, P.L.A. (2004). Layer 1 calretinin thorn cells in monkey prefrontal cortex [poster presentation]. In: FENS Forum 2004 (4th Forum of European Neuroscience), 10-14 Jul 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 244.

Donohue, H.S.; Gabbott, P.L.A.; Davies, H.A.; Cordero, M.I.; Rodriguez, J.J.; Peddie, C.J.; Colyer, F.M.; Sandi, C. and Stewart, M.G. (2004). Stress-induced changes in synaptic morphology in rat CA1 hippocampus [poster presentation]. In: FENS Forum 2004 (4th Forum of European Neuroscience), 10-14 Jul 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 455.

2003To Top

Gabbott, Paul L.A.; Warner, Tracy A.; Jays, Paul R.L. and Bacon, Sarah J. (2003). Areal and synaptic interconnectivity of prelimbic (area 32), infralimbic (area 25) and insular cortices in the rat. Brain Research, 993(1-2) pp. 59–71.

Verhagen, Justus V.; Gabbott, Paul L. and Rolls, Edmund T. (2003). A simple method for reconditioning epoxy-coated microelectrodes for extracellular single neuron recording. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 123 pp. 215–217.

2002To Top

2001To Top


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