Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Peter Walton

32 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 20:39:59 2025 GMT.

BookTo Top

Walton, Peter (2009). An Executive's Guide for Moving from U.S. GAAP to IFRS. New York, USA: Business Expert Press.

Walton, Peter and Aerts, Walter (2009). Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. London: Cengage Learning.

Walton, Peter (2008). La Comptabilite Anglo-Saxonne (3rd Edn). Paris, France: Editions Decouvertes.

Walton, Peter and Aerts, Walter (2006). Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. London, United Kingdom: CENGAGE Learning.

Walton, Peter; Haller, A. and Raffournier, B. (2003). International accounting. 2nd edition. London: Thomson Learning.

Walton, Peter (2001). La Comptabilité anglo-saxonne. 2nd edition. Paris, France: La Découverte.

Edited BookTo Top

Van Mourik, Carien and Walton, Peter eds. (2013). The Routledge Companion to Accounting, Reporting and Regulation. Routledge companions in business, management and accounting. Abingdon: Routledge.

Walton, Peter; Previs, Gary and Wolnizer, Peter eds. (2010). A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Public Policy. Bingley, UK: Emerald Books.

Book SectionTo Top

Walton, Peter (2005). What kind of financial literacy do employee representatives need? In: Storey, John ed. Adding value through information and consultation. Palgrave Macmillan.

Walton, Peter (2005). Bouleversement des frontières en comptabilité financière [Moving the boundaries in international financial reporting]. In: Burlaud, A. and Lande, E. eds. Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Jean-Claude Scheid. Paris, France: Conseil Supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables (CSOEC).

Walton, Peter (2004). International financial statement analysis. In: Clubb, Colin ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Vol 1: Accounting (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 255–260.

Walton, Peter (2003). European harmonization. In: Choi, Frederick D.S. ed. International accounting and finance handbook, 3rd edition. New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pp. 1–16.

Walton, Peter (2003). France. In: Alexander, David and Archer, Simon eds. Miller European accounting guide. 5th edition. New York, USA: Aspen Publishers Inc.

Walton, Peter (2002). International finance and accounting. In: McDonald, Frank and Burton, Fred eds. International business. London, UK: Thomson Learning EMEA.

Walton, Peter (2001). L'éphemère introduction du coût de remplacement en Grande Bretagne: bilan d'une tentative pour remettre en cause le modèle en coûts historiques. In: Colasse, J-F.; Casta, B. and Colasse, B. eds. La Juste valeur: enjeux techniques et politiques. Paris, France: Economica, pp. 289–301.

Journal ItemTo Top

Cortese, Corinne and Walton, Peter (2018). [Editorial] Histories of accounting standard-setting – an introduction. Accounting History, 23(3) pp. 261–264.

Walton, Peter (2015). IFRS in Europe – An Observer's Perspective of the Next 10 Years. Accounting in Europe, 12(2) pp. 135–151.

Walton, Peter (2009). Les délibérations de l'IASB en 2002 et 2003: une analyse statisque. Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 15(1) pp. 35–53.

Walton, Peter; André, Paul; Cazavan-Jeny, Anne; Dick, Wolfgang and Richard, Chrystelle (2009). Fair value accounting and the banking crisis in 2008: shooting the messenger. Accounting in Europe, 6(1) pp. 3–24.

Walton, Peter and Dick, Wolfgang (2007). The agenda of the IASB: a moving target. Australian Accounting Review, 17(42) pp. 8–17.

Bocqueraz, Claude and Walton, Peter (2006). Creating a supranational institution: the role of the individual and the mood of the times. Accounting History, 11(3) pp. 271–288.

Walton, Peter (2004). IAS 39: where different accounting models collide. Accounting in Europe, 1 pp. 5–16.

Loft, Anne; Jorissen, Ann and Walton, Peter (2002). From newsletter to academic journal: creating the European Accounting Review. European Accounting Review, 11(1) pp. 43–75.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Aisbitt, Sally and Walton, Peter (2005). Preparing for IFRS: disclosures by FTSE 100 companies [poster presentation]. In: 28th Annual European Accounting Association Congress, 18-20 May 2002, Göteborg, Sweden.

OtherTo Top

Walton, Peter; Jarvis, Richard and Martin, Richard (2009). ISAR and accounting by SMEs. United Nations, Geneva.


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