Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Peter Walton

32 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 03:24:44 2025 GMT.

2020To Top

2018To Top

Cortese, Corinne and Walton, Peter (2018). [Editorial] Histories of accounting standard-setting – an introduction. Accounting History, 23(3) pp. 261–264.

2016To Top

2015To Top

Walton, Peter (2015). IFRS in Europe – An Observer's Perspective of the Next 10 Years. Accounting in Europe, 12(2) pp. 135–151.

2013To Top

Van Mourik, Carien and Walton, Peter eds. (2013). The Routledge Companion to Accounting, Reporting and Regulation. Routledge companions in business, management and accounting. Abingdon: Routledge.

2010To Top

Walton, Peter; Previs, Gary and Wolnizer, Peter eds. (2010). A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Public Policy. Bingley, UK: Emerald Books.

2009To Top

Walton, Peter (2009). Les délibérations de l'IASB en 2002 et 2003: une analyse statisque. Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 15(1) pp. 35–53.

Walton, Peter; André, Paul; Cazavan-Jeny, Anne; Dick, Wolfgang and Richard, Chrystelle (2009). Fair value accounting and the banking crisis in 2008: shooting the messenger. Accounting in Europe, 6(1) pp. 3–24.

Walton, Peter; Jarvis, Richard and Martin, Richard (2009). ISAR and accounting by SMEs. United Nations, Geneva.

Walton, Peter (2009). An Executive's Guide for Moving from U.S. GAAP to IFRS. New York, USA: Business Expert Press.

Walton, Peter and Aerts, Walter (2009). Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. London: Cengage Learning.

2008To Top

Walton, Peter (2008). La Comptabilite Anglo-Saxonne (3rd Edn). Paris, France: Editions Decouvertes.

2007To Top

Walton, Peter and Dick, Wolfgang (2007). The agenda of the IASB: a moving target. Australian Accounting Review, 17(42) pp. 8–17.

2006To Top

Bocqueraz, Claude and Walton, Peter (2006). Creating a supranational institution: the role of the individual and the mood of the times. Accounting History, 11(3) pp. 271–288.

Walton, Peter and Aerts, Walter (2006). Global Financial Accounting and Reporting: Principles and Analysis. London, United Kingdom: CENGAGE Learning.

2005To Top

Walton, Peter (2005). What kind of financial literacy do employee representatives need? In: Storey, John ed. Adding value through information and consultation. Palgrave Macmillan.

Aisbitt, Sally and Walton, Peter (2005). Preparing for IFRS: disclosures by FTSE 100 companies [poster presentation]. In: 28th Annual European Accounting Association Congress, 18-20 May 2002, Göteborg, Sweden.

Walton, Peter (2005). Bouleversement des frontières en comptabilité financière [Moving the boundaries in international financial reporting]. In: Burlaud, A. and Lande, E. eds. Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Jean-Claude Scheid. Paris, France: Conseil Supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables (CSOEC).

2004To Top

Walton, Peter (2004). International financial statement analysis. In: Clubb, Colin ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Vol 1: Accounting (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 255–260.

Walton, Peter (2004). IAS 39: where different accounting models collide. Accounting in Europe, 1 pp. 5–16.

2003To Top

Walton, Peter (2003). European harmonization. In: Choi, Frederick D.S. ed. International accounting and finance handbook, 3rd edition. New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pp. 1–16.

Walton, Peter; Haller, A. and Raffournier, B. (2003). International accounting. 2nd edition. London: Thomson Learning.

Walton, Peter (2003). France. In: Alexander, David and Archer, Simon eds. Miller European accounting guide. 5th edition. New York, USA: Aspen Publishers Inc.

2002To Top

Loft, Anne; Jorissen, Ann and Walton, Peter (2002). From newsletter to academic journal: creating the European Accounting Review. European Accounting Review, 11(1) pp. 43–75.

Walton, Peter (2002). International finance and accounting. In: McDonald, Frank and Burton, Fred eds. International business. London, UK: Thomson Learning EMEA.

2001To Top

Walton, Peter (2001). L'éphemère introduction du coût de remplacement en Grande Bretagne: bilan d'une tentative pour remettre en cause le modèle en coûts historiques. In: Colasse, J-F.; Casta, B. and Colasse, B. eds. La Juste valeur: enjeux techniques et politiques. Paris, France: Economica, pp. 289–301.

Walton, Peter (2001). La Comptabilité anglo-saxonne. 2nd edition. Paris, France: La Découverte.


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