Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Pauline Gleadle

14 items in this list.
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Andersson, Tord; Gleadle, Pauline; Haslam, Colin and Tsitsianis, Nick (2010). Bio-pharma: A financialized business model. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(7) pp. 631–641.

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Bowman, Cliff and Gleadle, Pauline (2009). Culture as a dynamic capability: the case of 3M in the United Kingdom. In: Jemielniak, Dariusz and Kociatkiewicz, Jerzy eds. Handbook of research on knowledge-intensive organizations. Hershey, PA, USA and London, UK: IGI Global, pp. 330–347.

Balogun, Julia; Gleadle, Pauline; Hope Hailey, Veronica and Willmott, Hugh (2005). Managing change across boundaries: boundary-shaking practices. British Journal of Management, 16(4) pp. 261–278.

Bowman, Cliff and Gleadle, Pauline (2002). Culture as a dynamic capability: the case of 3M in the UK. In: Building Effective Networks: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 11-14 Aug 2002, Denver, CO, USA.

CTo Top

Cornelius, Nelarine; Gleadle, Pauline and Pezet, Eric (2008). Afterword: segmentation, reorientation and new exclusions. Organization, 15(3) pp. 463–465.

Cornelius, Nelarine and Gleadle, Pauline (2007). La conduite de soi et les sujets entreprenants: les cas Midco et Labco. In: Pezet, Eric; Ohayon, Annick; Bouvard, Josette and Cohen, Yves eds. Management et conduite de soi: Enquête sur les ascèses de la performance. Paris, France: Vuibert, pp. 129–154.

GTo Top

Gleadle, Pauline; Hodgson, Damian and Storey, John (2012). 'The ground beneath my feet': projects, project management and the intensified control of R&D engineers. New Technology Work and Employment, 27(3) pp. 163–177.

Gleadle, Pauline and Haslam, Colin (2010). An exploratory study of an early stage R&D-intensive firm under financialization. Accounting Forum, 34(1) pp. 54–65.

Gleadle, Pauline and Cornelius, Nelarine (2008). A case study of financialization and EVA. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 19(8) pp. 1219–1238.

Gleadle, Pauline; Cornelius, Nelarine and Pezet, Eric (2008). Enterprising selves: How governmentality meets agency. Organization, 15(3) pp. 307–313.

Gleadle, Pauline (2008). Old and new timings in a high-tech firm. In: Jemielniak, Dariusz and Kociatkiewicz, Jerzy eds. Management practices in high-tech environments. UK: Information Science Reference, pp. 133–151.

Gleadle, Pauline; Cornelius, Nelarine; Pezet, Eric and Salaman, Graeme (2007). Change and continuity in writing about change and continuity. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(4) pp. 473–477.


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