Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Matthew Soman

46 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 08:13:14 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

Setälä, Olli E.; Prest, Martin J.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Jordan, Douglas; Soman, Matthew R.; Vähänissi, Ville and Savin, Hele (2023). CMOS Image Sensor for Broad Spectral Range with >90% Quantum Efficiency. Small, 19(47), article no. 2304001.

Sembay, S.; Alme, A.L.; Agnolon, D.; Arnold, T.; Beardmore, A.; Belén Balado Margeli, A.; Bicknell, C.; Bouldin, C.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Breuer, J.P.; Buggey, T.; Butcher, G.; Canchal, R.; Carter, J.A.; Crawford, T.; Cheney, A.; Collado-Vega, Y.; Connor, H.; Crawford, T.; Eaton, N.; Feldman, C.; Forsyth, C.; Frantzen, T.; Galgóczi, G.; Garcia, J.; Genov, G.Y.; Gordillo, C.; Gröbelbauer, H-P.; Guedel, M.; Guo, Y.; Hailey, M.; Hall, D.; Hampson, R.; Hasiba, J.; Hetherington, O.; Holland, A.; Hsieh, S-Y; Hubbard, M.; Jeszenszky, H.; Jones, M.; Kennedy, T.; Koch-Mehrin, K.; Kögl, S.; Krucker, S.; Kuntz, K.D.; Lakin1, C.; Laky, G.; Lylund, O.; Martindale, A.; Miguel Mas Hesse, J.; Nakamura, R.; Oksavik, K.; Østgaard, N.; Ottacher, H.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagani, C.; Parsons, S.; Patel, P.; Pearson, J.; Peikert, G.; Porter, F.S.; Pouliantis, T.; Randall, G.; Qureshi, B.H; Raab, W.; Randall, G.; Read, A.M.; Roque, N.M.M.; Rostad, M.E.; Runciman, C.; Sachdev, S.; Samsonov, A.; Soman, M.; Sibeck, D.; Smit, S.; Søndergaard, J.; Speight, R.; Stavland, S.; Steller, M.; Sun, TianRan; Thornhill, J.; Thomas, W.; Ullaland, K.; Walsh, B.; Walton, D.; Wang, C. and Yang, S. (2023). The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission. Earth and Planetary Physics, 8(1) pp. 1–10.

2022To Top

Buggey, Thomas; Bush, Nathan; Soman, Matthew; Hall, David; Parsons, Steven and Holland, Andrew (2022). Short-term trap decay in a cryogenically irradiated charge-coupled device. In: European Conference on Radiation and Its Effect on Components and Systems (RADECs 2022, Venice), IEEE.

Jones, Lawrence S.; Crews, Chiaki; Soman, Matthew; Ivory, James and Holland, Andrew D. (2022). Evaluation of sensors for the detection of energy resolved very soft x-ray fluorescence. In: X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X (Holland, Andrew and Beletic, James eds.), SPIE, Montreal.

Stefanov, Konstantin; Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Hetherington, Oliver; Holland, Andrew; Heymes, Julian; Pratlong, Jérôme; Tsiolis, Georgios; Morris, David; Minoglou, Kyriaki; Prod'homme, Thibaut and Soman, Matthew (2022). A CMOS image sensor for soft x-ray astronomy. In: Proceedings Volume 12191, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X (Holland, Andrew and Beletic, James eds.), Montreal, article no. 121910N.

2021To Top

Kotov, I.V.; Hall, S.; Gopinath, D.; Barbour, A.; Li, J.; Gu, Y.; Holland, K.; Holland, A.; Jarrige, I.; Pelliciari, J.; Soman, M.; Wilkins, S. and Bisogni, V. (2021). Analysis of the EMCCD point-source response using x-rays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 985, article no. 164706.

Donovan, Benjamin D.; McEntaffer, Randall L.; Tutt, James H.; O’Meara, Bridget C.; Grisé, Fabien; Zhang, William W.; Biskach, Michael P.; Saha, Timo T.; Holland, Andrew D.; Evan, Daniel; Lewis, Matthew R.; Soman, Matthew R.; Holland, Karen; Colebrook, David; Cooper, Fraser and Farn, David (2021). Comprehensive line-spread function error budget for the Off-plane Grating Rocket Experiment. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 7(1), article no. 014003.

2020To Top

Heymes, Julian; Stefanov, Konstantin; Soman, Matthew; Gorret, Davide; Hall, David; Minoglou, Kyriaki; Morris, David; Pratlong, Jérôme; Prod'homme, Thibaut; Tsiolis, Georgios and Holland, Andrew (2020). Development of a photon-counting near-fano-limited x-ray CMOS image sensor for THESEUS' SXI. In: X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IX (Holland, Andrew and Beletic, James eds.), article no. 114540I.

Heymes, Julian; Soman, Matthew; Buggey, Thomas; Crews, Chiaki; Randall, George; Gottwald, Alexander; Harris, Andrew; Kelt, Andrew; Kroth, Udo; Moody, Ian; Meng, Xiao; Ogor, Oskar and Holland, Andrew (2020). Calibrating Teledyne-e2v’s ultraviolet image sensor quantum efficiency processes. In: X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IX (Holland, Andrew D. and Beletic, James eds.), p. 58.

2019To Top

Corte, Vincenzo Della; Herranz, Miguel; Amoroso, Marilena; Castronuovo, Marco; Holland, Andrew; Lara, Luisa Maria; Jaumann, Ralf; Palumbo, Pasquale; Noci, Giovanni; Turella, Andrea; Paolinetti, Riccardo; Zusi, Michele; Michaelis, Harald; Soman, Matthew; Debei, Stefano and Castro, Jose Maria (2019). Scientific objectives of JANUS Instrument onboard JUICE mission and key technical solutions for its Optical Head. In: 2019 IEEE 5th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace), pp. 324–329.

2018To Top

Lofthouse-Smith, D.-D.; Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Stefanov, K. D.; Holland, A. D.; Leese, M. and Turner, P. (2018). Image lag optimisation in a 4T CMOS image sensor for the JANUS camera on ESA's JUICE mission to Jupiter. In: SPIE Proceedings Vol. 10709: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VIII (Holland, Andrew D. and Beletic, James eds.).

Donovan, Benjamin D.; McEntaffer, Randall L.; Tutt, James H.; Schultz, Ted B.; Holland, Karen; Biskach, Michael P.; Chan, Kai-Wing; Hlinka, Michal; Kearney, John D.; Mazzarella, James R.; McClelland, Ryan S.; Riveros, Raul E.; Saha, Timo T.; Zhang, William W.; Holland, Andrew D.; Lewis, Matthew R.; Soman, Matthew R. and Murray, Neil J. (2018). Optical design of the Off-plane Grating Rocket Experiment. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (Proceedings of SPIE 10699), article no. 106993U.

Soman, M.R.; Hall, D.J.; Holland, A.D.; Burgon, R.; Buggey, T.; Skottfelt, J.; Sembay, S.; Drumm, P.; Thornhill, J.; Read, A.; Sykes, J.; Walton, D.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Kennedy, T.; Raab, W.; Verhoeve, P.; Agnolon, D. and Woffinden, C. (2018). The SMILE Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) CCD design and development. Journal of Instrumentation, 13(1), article no. C01022.

Tutt, James H.; McEntaffer, Randall L.; Donovan, Benjamin D.; Schultz, Ted B.; Biskach, Michael P.; Chan, Kai-Wing; Kearney, John D.; Mazzarella, James R.; McClelland, Ryan S.; Riveros, Raul E.; Saha, Timo T.; Hlinka, Michal; Zhang, William W.; Soman, Matthew R.; Holland, Andrew D.; Lewis, Matthew R.; Holland, Karen and Murray, Neil J. (2018). The Off-plane Grating Rocket Experiment (OGRE) system overview. In: Proc. SPIE 10699, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (den Herder, Jan-Willem A.; Nikzad, Shouleh and Nakazawa, Kazuhiro eds.), article no. 106996H.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Lewis, Matthew R. F.; Soman, Matthew R.; Holland, Andrew D.; Murray, Neil J.; Hall, David; Weatherill, Daniel P.; Tutt, James H.; McEntaffer, Randall L.; DeRoo, Casey T.; Schultz, Ted B. and Holland, Karen (2016). Development of the X-ray camera for the OGRE sub-orbital rocket. In: SPIE High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII, 26-29 Jun 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

2015To Top

Bush, Nathan; Hall, David; Holland, Andrew; Burgon, Ross; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Soman, Matthew; Jordan, Doug; Demers, Richard; Harding, Leon K.; Hoenk, Michael; Michaels, Darren; Nemati, Bijan and Peddada, Pavani (2015). The impact of radiation damage on photon counting with an EMCCD for the WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 9605, article no. 96050E.

Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Holland, A. D.; Winstone, G. P.; Gow, J. P. D.; Stefanov, K. and Leese, M. (2015). Proton irradiation of the CIS115 for the JUICE mission. In: Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9602, article no. 96020O.

2014To Top

Tutt, J. H.; Hall, D. J.; Soman, M. R.; Holland, A. D.; Warren, A.; Connolley, T. and Evagora, A. M. (2014). Development of EM-CCD-based X-ray detector for synchrotron applications. Electronics Letters, 50(17) pp. 1224–1226.

Della Corte, Vincenzo; Schmitz, Nicole; Zusi, Michele; Castro, José Maria; Leese, Mark; Debei, Stefano; Magrin, Demetrio; Michalik, Harald; Palumbo, Pasquale; Jaumann, Ralf; Cremonese, Gabriele; Hoffmann, Harald; Holland, Andrew; Lara, Luisa Maria; Fiethe, Björn; Friso, Enrico; Greggio, Davide; Herranz, Miguel; Koncz, Alexander; Lichopoj, Alexander; Martinez-Navajas, Ignacio; Mazzotta Epifani, Elena; Michaelis, Harald; Ragazzoni, Roberto; Roatsch, Thomas; Rodrigo, Julio; Rodriguez, Emilio; Schipani, Pietro; Soman, Matthew and Zaccariotto, Mirco (2014). The JANUS camera onboard JUICE mission for Jupiter system optical imaging. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, article no. 91433I.

Soman, Matthew; Holland, Andrew; Stefanov, Konstantin; Gow, Jason; Leese, Mark; Pratlong, Jérôme and Turner, Peter (2014). Design and characterisation of the new CIS115 sensor for JANUS, the high resolution camera on JUICE. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI, article no. 915407.

2013To Top

Soman, M. R.; Hall, D. J.; Tutt, J. H.; Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Schmitt, T.; Raabe, J. and Schmitt, B. (2013). Developing a CCD camera with high spatial resolution for RIXS in the soft X-ray range. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 731 pp. 47–52.

Hall, David J.; Tutt, James H.; Soman, Matthew; Holland, Andrew D.; Murray, Neil J.; Schmitt, Bernd and Schmitt, Thorsten (2013). High-resolution soft x-ray spectrometry using the electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (EM-CCD). In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVIII, SPIE, article no. 8859 0H.

2012To Top

Hall, David; Holland, Andrew and Soman, Matthew (2012). The influence of electron multiplication and internal X-ray fluorescence on the performance of a scintillator-based gamma camera. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 678 64- 77.

2011To Top

Tutt, James; Holland, Andrew; Murray, Neil; Harriss, Richard; Hall, David; Soman, Matthew; McEntaffer, Randall L. and Endicott, James (2011). The use of EM-CCDs on high resolution soft x-ray spectrometers. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVII, 21-24 Aug 2011, San Diego.


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