Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mary Lea

34 items in this list.
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Creme, Phyllis and Lea, Mary (2008). Writing at University: A guide for students (3rd edition). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.

Creme, Phyllis and Lea, Mary R. (2003). Writing at university: a guide for students. UK: Open University Press.

GTo Top

Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2016). Literacy and the digital university. In: Haythornthwaite, Caroline; Andrews, Richard; Fransman, Jude and Kazmer, Michelle eds. The SAGE Handbook of E-learning Research (2nd ed). London: Sage Publications, pp. 423–442.

Gourlay, Lesley; Hamilton, Mary and Lea, Mary Rosalind (2014). Textual practices in the new media digital landscape: messing with digital literacies. Research in Learning Technology, 21(4), article no. 21438.

Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2013). Introduction: literacy, the digital, and the university. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary eds. Literacy in the Digital University: Critical Perspectives on Learning, Scholarship, and Technology. Research into Higher Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1–14.

Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2007). Challenging E-Learning in the University: a Literacies Perspective. Maidenhead & New York: McGraw Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press.

Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary R. (2005). Supporting writing for assessment in online learning. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(3) 261 -271.

Goodfellow, Robin; Morgan, Michael; Lea, Mary and Pettit, John (2004). Students' writing in the virtual university: An Investigation into the relation between online discussion and writing for assessment on two Masters courses. In: Snyder, Ilana and Beavis, Catherine eds. Doing literacy online: Teaching, learning and playing in an electronic world. Cresskill, USA: Hampton Press, pp. 25–44.

Goodfellow, Robin; Morgan, Michael; Lea, Mary and Pettit, John (2004). Students’ writing in the virtual university: an investigation into the relation between online discussion and writing for assessment. In: Snyder, Ilana and Beavis, Catherine eds. Doing Literacy on Line: Teaching, Learning and Playing in an Electronic World. New Dimensions in Computers and Composition. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 25–44.

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Ivanic, R. and Lea, M. R. (2006). New contexts, new challenges: The teaching of writing in UK higher education. In: Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa ed. Teaching Academic Writing in UK Higher Education: Theories, Practices and Models. Universities into the 21st Century. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Lea, Mary (2013). Academic literacies in the digital university: integrating individual accounts with network practice. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary eds. Literacy in the Digital University: Learning as Social Practice in a Digital World. Research into Higher Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 137–148.

Lea, Mary R. (2012). New Genres in the Academy: Issues of Practice, Meaning Making and Identity. In: Castello, Montserrat and Donahue, Christiane eds. University Writing: Selves and Texts in Academic Societies. Studies in Writing (24). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, pp. 93–109.

Lea, Mary and Goodfellow, Robin (2009). Academic literacies in the digital university. In: Literacy in the Digital University: The Relation of New Media Practices to Traditional Literacy Practices in the Academy and the Professions, 16 Oct 2009, Edinburgh University.

Lea, Mary (2009). Writers and meaning making in the context of online learning. In: Carter, A and Lillis, Theresa eds. Why Writing Matters: issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy. Studies in Written Language and Literacy (12). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Lea, Mary R. (2008). Academic literacies in theory and practice. In: Hornberger, Nancy H. ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd ed.), Volume 2. New York: Springer, pp. 227–238.

Lea, Mary R. (2007). Emerging literacies in online learning. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(1) pp. 79–100.

Lea, Mary R. (2006). Writing in today's university. Educational Developments, 7(4) pp. 1–3.

Lea, Mary R. and Street, Brian V. (2006). The "academic literacies" model: Theory and applications. Theory into Practice, 45(4) pp. 368–377.

Lea, Mary (2005). 'Communities of practice' in Higher Education: useful heuristic or educational model? In: Barton, David and Tusting, Karin eds. Beyond communities of practice: language power and social context. Learning in doing: Social, cognitive and computational perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 180–197.

Lea, Mary (2004). Academic literacies: a pedagogy for course design. Studies in Higher Education, 29(6) pp. 739–756.

Lea, Mary (2004). New literacy studies, ICTs and learning in higher education. In: Snyder, Ilana and Beavis, Catherine eds. Doing literacy online: teaching, learning and playing in an electronic world. New Jersey: Hampton Press.

Lea, Mary (2001). Computer conferencing and assessment: new ways of writing in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 26(2) pp. 163–181.

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Russell, David R.; Lea, Mary; Parker, Jan; Street, Brian and Donahue, Tiane (2009). Exploring notions of genre in 'academic literacies' and 'writing across the curriculum': approaches across countries and contexts. In: Bazerman, Charles; Bonini, Adair and Figueiredo, Débora eds. Genre in a Changing World. Perspectives on Writing. Colorado: WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press, pp. 459–491.


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