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Clayton, Martin (2009). Local practice, global network: The guitar in India as a case study. In: Wolf, Richard ed. Theorizing the local: Music, practice and experience in South Asia and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 65–78.

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Clayton, Martin (2008). The social and personal functions of music in cross-cultural perspective. In: Hallam, Susan; Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael eds. The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 35–44.

Clayton, Martin (2008). Time in Indian Music: Rhythm, Metre, and Form in North Indian Rag Performance. Oxford Monographs on Music. New York: Oxford University Press.

Clayton, Martin (2008). Toward an ethnomusicology of sound experience. In: Stobart, Henry ed. The New (Ethno)musicologies. Lanham, MA: Scarecrow Press, pp. 135–169.

Clayton, Martin (2007). Musical Renaissance and its margins in England and India, 1874–1914. In: Clayton, Martin and Zon, Bennett eds. Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780s to 1940s: Portrayal of the East. Music in 19th-Century Britain. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 71–93.

Clayton, Martin (2005). Communication in Indian Raga performance. In: Miell, Dorothy; Hargreaves, David J. and MacDonald, Raymond eds. Musical Communication. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 361–381.

Clayton, Martin (2003). Comparing music, comparing musicology. In: Clayton, Martin; Herbert, Trevor and Middleton, Richard eds. The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. New York: Routledge, pp. 57–68.

Clayton, Martin (2001). Rock to Raga: the many lives of the Indian guitar. In: Bennett, Andy and Dawe, Kevin eds. Guitar cultures. Oxford, UK: Berg Publishers Ltd, pp. 179–208.

Clayton, Martin (2001). Introduction: towards a theory of musical meaning (in India and elsewhere). British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 10(1) pp. 1–18.

Clayton, Martin (1999). A. H. Fox Strangways and the music of Hindostan: Revisiting historical field recordings. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 124 pp. 86–118.

Clayton, Martin R. L. (1996). Free rhythm: ethnomusicology and the study of music without metre. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 59(2) pp. 323–332.


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