Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Marta Prandelli

12 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 05:28:33 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Ancona, Federica; Fregoni, Marco; Gay, Guido; Gibelli, Maria Cristina; Gregori, Emilio; Nicotra, Federica and Prandelli, Marta (2020). Nidi Gratis in Lombardia. Attuazione e risultati. Missione Valutativa; Consiglio Regionale della Lombardia / PoliS-Lombardia, Milan.

GTo Top

Guglielmin, Maria Silvia; Testoni, Ines; Pogliani, Ingrid; Prandelli, Marta and Verdi, Sybilla (2014). The mother who cannot provide liberation: family atom analysis of women victims of domestic violence. La Camera Blu. Rivista Di Studi Di Genere, 2014(10)

HTo Top

Hegarty, Peter; Griffiths, David A; Prandelli, Marta and Smith, Annette (2024). [Book Review] What Haunts Intersex Studies? Sociology (Early access).

PTo Top

Prandelli, Marta and Testoni, Ines (2021). Inside the doctor's office. Talking about intersex with Italian health professionals. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(4) pp. 484–499.

Prandelli, Marta (2021). Afterword: Storie di corpi [bodies stories]. In: Viola, Marta ed. Cotton Candy. Rome: Yogurt.

Prandelli, Marta; Meraviglia, Greta; Testoni, Ines and Biglia, Barbara (2020). Educating New Generations: Standpoints in Women’s and Gender Studies and Implications for the Inclusion of LGBTQ Studies in Italian University Courses. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(7) pp. 990–1012.

Prandelli, Marta (2018). Gener(ar)e: Una riflessione sulla questione intersex/DSD dal punto di vista genitoriale. In: De Piccoli, Norma and Rollero, Chiara eds. Sui Generi: Identità e Stereotipi in Evoluzione? Studi di Genere. Convegni, 3. Torino: CIRSDe, pp. 91–108.

Prandelli, Marta and Primo, David (2015). Gender and human rights in Italy through the lens of psychosocial and philosophical theories. In: Lorenzetti, Anna and Moscati, Maria Federica eds. LGBTI Persons and Access to Justice. London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill.

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Zamperini, Adriano; Testoni, Ines; Primo, David; Prandelli, Marta and Monti, Chiara (2016). Because Moms Say So: Narratives of Lesbian Mothers in Italy. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 12(1) pp. 91–110.


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