Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Michael Stewart

85 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 18:48:15 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Aziz, Wajeeha; Kraev, Igor; Mizuno, Keiko; Kirby, Alastair; Fang, Ton; Rupawala, Huzefa; Kasbi, Kamillia; Rothe, Stephanie; Jozsa, Felix; Rosenblum, Kobi; Stewart, Michael G. and Giese, K. Peter (2019). Multi-input Synapses, but Not LTP-Strengthened Synapses, Correlate with Hippocampal Memory Storage in Aged Mice. Current Biology, 29(21) pp. 3600–3610.

BTo Top

CTo Top

Cranston, Anna L; Kraev, Igor; Stewart, Mike G.; Horsley, David; Santos, Renato X; Robinson, Lianne; Dreesen, Eline; Armstrong, Paul; Palliyil, Soumya; Harrington, Charles R; Wischik, Claude M and Riedel, Gernot (2024). Rescue of synaptosomal glutamate release defects in tau transgenic mice by the tau aggregation inhibitor hydromethylthionine. Cellular signalling, 121, article no. 111269.

Cały, Anna; Śliwińska, Małgorzata A; Ziółkowska, Magdalena; Łukasiewicz, Kacper; Pagano, Roberto; Dzik, Jakub M; Kalita, Katarzyna; Bernaś, Tytus; Stewart, Michael G.; Giese, K Peter and Radwanska, Kasia (2021). PSD-95 in CA1 area regulates spatial choice depending on age. The Journal of Neuroscience, 41(11) pp. 2329–2343.

Corbett, Nicola; Gabbott, Paul; Stewart, Michael; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Novikova, Tatiana; Bock, Elisabeth and Berezin, Vladimir (2007). A neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic, FG Loop (FGL), alleviates spine loss induced by beta-amyloid(25-35) in the rat hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts(886.9)

Corbett, Nicola; Stewart, Michael; Gabbott, Paul; Klementiev, Boris; Davies, Heather; Colyer, Frances; Berezin, Vladimir and Bock, Elisabeth (2007). The effect of a fibroblast growth factor receptor agonist on the beta-amyloid(25-35) treated hippocampus. British Neuroscience Association Abstracts, 19(43.03)

Cordero, M. I.; Rodriguez, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Peddie, C. J.; Sandi, C. and Stewart, M. G. (2005). Chronic restraint stress down-regulates amygdaloid expression of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule. Neuroscience, 133(4) pp. 903–910.

DTo Top

Dhanrajan, Tiruchinapalli M.; Lynch, Marina A.; Kelly, Aine; Popov, Victor I.; Rusakov, Dmitri A. and Stewart, Michael (2004). Expression of long-term potentiation in aged rats involves perforated synapses but dendritic spine branching results from high-frequency stimulation alone. Hippocampus, 14(2) pp. 255–264.

Davies, H. A.; Kelly, A.; Dhanrajan, T. M.; Lynch, M. A. and Stewart, M. G. (2003). Synaptophysin immunogold labelling of synapses decreases in dentate gyrus of the hippocampus of aged rats. Brain Research, 986(1-2) pp. 191–195.

Dermon, C. R.; Zikopolous, B.; Panagis, L.; Harrison, E.; Lancashire, C. L.; Mileusnic, R. and Stewart, M.G. (2002). Passive avoidance training enhances cell proliferation in 1-day-old chicks. European Journal of Neuroscience, 16(7) pp. 1267–1274.

ETo Top

Eyre, Mark D.; Richter-Levin, Gal; Avital, Avi and Stewart, Michael G. (2003). Morphological changes in hippocampal dentate gyrus synapses following spatial learning in rats are transient. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17(9) pp. 1973–1980.

FTo Top

Froud, K. E.; Wardhaugh, T.; Stewart, M. G.; Banks, D. and Saffrey, M. J. (2006). Investigation of the mechanism of action of Colostrinin(TM) on neurons in culture. In: FENS Forum Abstracts, FENS, 3(A130.15).

Fabian Fine, Ruth; Skehel, Paul; Errington, Mick L.; Davies, Heather A.; Sher, Emanuele and Stewart, Michael G. (2001). Ultrastructural Distribution of the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit in Rat Hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(20) pp. 7993–8003.

GTo Top

Giese, Karl Peter; Aziz, Wajeeha; Kraev, Igor and Stewart, Michael G. (2015). Generation of multi-innervated dendritic spines as a novel mechanism of long-term memory formation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 124 pp. 48–51.

HTo Top

Henneberger, Christian; Bard, Lucie; Panatier, Aude; Reynolds, James P.; Kopach, Olga; Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Minge, Daniel; Herde, Michel K.; Anders, Stefanie; Kraev, Igor; Heller, Janosch P.; Rama, Sylvain; Zheng, Kaiyu; Jensen, Thomas P.; Sanchez-Romero, Inmaculada; Jackson, Colin J.; Janovjak, Harald; Ottersen, Ole Petter; Nagelhus, Erlend Arnulf; Oliet, Stephane H. R.; Stewart, Michael G.; Nägerl, U. Valentin and Rusakov, Dmitri A. (2020). LTP Induction Boosts Glutamate Spillover by Driving Withdrawal of Perisynaptic Astroglia. Neuron, 108(5) pp. 919–936.

KTo Top

Kraev, Igor; Henneberger, Christian; Rossetti, Clara; Conboy, Lisa; Kohler, Lene B.; Fantin, Martina; Jennings, Alistair; Venero, Cesar; Popov, Victor; Rusakov, Dmitri; Stewart, Michael; Bock, Elisabeth; Berezin, Vladimir and Sandi, Carmen (2011). A peptide mimetic targeting trans-homophilic NCAM binding sites promotes spatial learning and neural plasticity in the hippocampus. PLoS ONE, 6(8) e23433.

Kabai, Peter; Stewart, Michael G.; Tarcali, József and Csillag, András (2004). Inhibiting effect of D1, but not D2 antagonist administered to the striatum on retention of passive avoidance in the chick. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 81(2) pp. 155–158.

LTo Top

Lauver, Aaron; Yuan, Li-Lian; Jeromin, Andreas; Nadin, Brian M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Davies, Heather A.; Stewart, Michael G.; Wu, Gang-Yi and Pfaffinger, Paul J. (2006). Manipulating Kv4.2 identifies a specific component of hippocampal pyramidal neuron A-current that depends upon Kv4.2 expression. Journal of Neurochemistry, 99(4) pp. 1207–1223.

MTo Top

Medvedev, Nikolay; Popov, Victor; Henneberger, Christian; Kraev, Igor; Rusakov, Dmitri and Stewart, Michael (2014). Glia selectively approach synapses on thin dendritic spines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 369(1654), article no. 20140047.

Maurin, Hervé; Chong, Seon-Ah; Kraev, Igor; Davies, Heather; Kremer, Anna; Seymour, Claire Marie; Lechat, Benoit; Jaworski, Tomasz; Borghgraef, Peter; Devijver, Herman; Callewaert, Geert; Stewart, Michael G. and Van Leuven, Fred (2014). Early structural and functional defects in synapses and myelinated axons in stratum lacunosum moleculare in two preclinical models for tauopaty. PLoS ONE, 9(2), article no. e87605.

Medvedev, Ni. I.; Dallérac, G.; Popov, V. I.; Rodriguez Arellano, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Doyère, V. and Stewart, M. G. (2014). Multiple spine boutons are formed after long-lasting LTP in the awake rat. Brain Structure & Function, 219(1) pp. 407–414.

Michaluk, Piotr; Wawrzyniak, Marcin; Alot, Przemyslaw; Szczot, Marcin; Wyrembek, Paulina; Mercik, Katarzyna; Medvedev, Nikolay; Wilczek, Ewa; De Roo, Mathias; Zuschratter, Werner; Muller, Dominique; Wilczynski, Grzegorz M; Mozrzymas, Jerzy W; Stewart, Michael G.; Kaczmarek, Leszek and Wlodarczyk, Jakub (2011). Influence of matrix metalloproteinase MMP-9 on dendritic spine morphology. Journal of cell science, 124(Pt 19) pp. 3369–3380.

Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Rodriguez-Arellano, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I.; Davies, Heather; Tigaret, Cezar M.; Schoepfer, Ralf and Stewart, Michael (2008). The glutamate receptor 2 subunit controls post-synaptic density complexity and spine shape in the dentate gyrus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2) pp. 315–325.

Mayoa, W.; Lemaire, V; Malaterre, J.; Rodriguez, J. J.; Cayre, M.; Stewart, M. G.; Kharouby, M.; Rougon, G.; Le Moal, M.; Piazza, P. V. and Abrous, D. N. (2005). Pregnenolone sulfate enhances neurogenesis and PSA-NCAM in young and aged hippocampus. Neurobiology of Aging, 26(1) pp. 103–114.

NTo Top

Nikolakopoulou, A.M.; Davies, H.A. and Stewart, M.G. (2006). Passive avoidance training decreases synapse density in the hippocampus of the domestic chick. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(4) pp. 1054–1062.

Nikolakopoulou, A. M; Dermon, C. R.; Panagis, L.; Pavlidis, M. and Stewart, M. G. (2006). Passive avoidance training is correlated with decreased cell proliferation in the chick hippocampus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 24(9) pp. 2631–2642.

OTo Top

Ojo, Joseph O.; Bachmeier, Corbin; Mouzon, Benoit C.; Tzekov, Radouil; Mullan, Michael; Davies, Heather; Stewart, Michael and Crawford, Fiona (2015). Ultrastructural Changes in the White and Gray Matter of Mice at Chronic Time Points After Repeated Concussive Head Injury. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 74(10) pp. 1012–1035.

Ojo, Bunmi; Rezaie, Payam; Gabbott, Paul L.; Cowely, Thelma R.; Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Lynch, Marina A. and Stewart, Michael G. (2011). A neural cell adhesion molecule-derived peptide, FGL, attenuates glial cell activation in the aged hippocampus. Experimental Neurology, 232(2) pp. 318–328.

PTo Top

Popov, Victor I.; Kleschevnikov, Alexander M.; Klimenko, Oleg A.; Stewart, Michael G. and Belichenko, Pavel V. (2011). Three-dimensional synaptic ultrastructure in the dentate gyrus and hippocampal area CA3 in the Ts65Dn mouse model of down syndrome. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 519(7) pp. 1338–1354.

Popov, Victor; Medvedev, Nikolai I.; Davies, Heather A. and Stewart, Michael G. (2005). Mitochondria form a filamentous reticular network in hippocampal dendrites but are present as discrete bodies in axons: a three-dimensional ultrastructural study. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 492(1) pp. 50–65.

Popov, V. I.; Deev, A. A.; Klimenko, O. A.; Kraev, I. V.; Kuz'minykh, S. B.; Medvedev, N. I.; Patrushev, I. V.; Popov, R. V.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Khutsiyan, S. S.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E. E. (2005). Three-dimensional reconstruction of synapses and dendritic spines in the rat and ground squirrel hippocampus: New structural-functional paradigms for synaptic function. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 35(4) pp. 333–341.

Popov, V. I.; Medvedev, N. I.; Rogachevskii, V. V.; Ignatev, D. A.; Stewart, M. G. and Fesenko, E E (2003). The three-dimensional organization of synapses and astroglia in the hippocampus of rat and ground squirrel: New paradigms of synapse structure and function. Biophysics, 48(2) pp. 289–308.

RTo Top

Rusakov, Dimitri A.; Bard, Lucie; Stewart, Michael G. and Henneberger, Christian (2014). Diversity of astroglial functions alludes to subcellular specialisation. Trends in Neuroscience, 1043

Radwanska, Kasia; Medvedev, Nikolay I.; Pereira, Grace S.; Engmann, Olivia; Thiede, Nina; Moraes, Marcio F. D.; Villiers, Agnes; Irvine, Elaine E.; Maunganidze, Nicollett S.; Pyza, Elzbieta M.; Ris, Laurence; Szymańska, Magda; Lipiński, Michał; Kaczmarek, Leszek; Stewart, Michael G. and Giese, K. Peter (2011). Mechanism for long-term memory formation when synaptic strengthening is impaired. PNAS, 108(45) pp. 18471–18475.

Rodriguez, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Errington, M. L.; Verkhratsky, A.; Bliss, T. V. P. and Stewart, M. G. (2008). ARG3.1/ARC expression in hippocampal dentate gyrus astrocytes: ultrastructural evidence and co-localization with glial fibrillary acidic protein. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 12(2) pp. 671–678.

Rodríguez, J. J.; Davies, H. A.; Silva, A. T.; De Souza, I. E. J.; Peddie, C. J.; Colyer, F. M.; Lancashire, C. L.; Fine, A.; Errington, M. L.; Bliss, T. V. P. and Stewart, M. G. (2005). Long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus is associated with enhanced Arc/Arg3.1 protein expression in spines, dendrites and glia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 21(9) pp. 2384–2396.

Richardson, J.C.; Kendal, C.E.; Anderson, R.; Priest, F.; Gower, E.; Soden, P.; Gray, R.; Topps, S.; Howlett, D.R.; Lavendar, D.; Clarke, N.J.; Barnes, J.C.; Haworth, R.; Stewart, M.G. and Rupniak, H.T.R. (2003). Ultrastructural and behavioural changes precede amyloid deposition in a transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience, 122 pp. 213–228.

STo Top

Savtchenko, Leonid P.; Bard, Lucie; Jensen, Thomas P.; Reynolds, James P.; Kraev, Igor; Medvedev, Nikolay; Stewart, Michael G.; Henneberger, Christian and Rusakov, Dmitri A. (2018). Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico. Nature Communications, 9(1), article no. 3554.

Stewart, Michael G.; Popov, Victor I.; Kraev, Igor V.; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather A. (2014). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Reference Book Series (3). Kidlington: Academic Press, pp. 1–20.

Stewart, Michael and Popov, Victor (2012). Structural synaptic and dendritic spine plasticity in the hippocampus. In: Giese, Karl Peter ed. Memory Mechanisms In Health And Disease: Mechanistic Basis of Memory. Neurology/ Neuroscience. London: World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 19–52.

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Kraev, Igor; Medvedev, Nikolay and Davies, Heather (2012). Structure and complexity of the synapse and dendritic spine. In: Pickel, Virginia and Segal, Menahem eds. The Synapse: Structure and Function. Neuroscience-Net Master Reference Book Series (MRBS), 3. New York: Neuroscience-Net LLC, pp. 1–20.

Schmidt, Mathias V.; Schülke, Jan-Philip; Liebl, Claudia; Stiess, Michael; Avrabos, Charilaos; Bock, Jörg; Wochnik, Gabriela M.; Davies, Heather A.; Zimmermann, Nicole; Scharf, Sebastian H.; Trümbach, Dietrich; Wurst, Wolfgang; Zieglgänsberger, Walter; Turck, Christoph; Holsboer, Florian; Stewart, Michael G.; Bradke, Frank; Eder, Matthias; Müller, Marianne B. and Rein, Theo (2011). Tumor suppressor down-regulated in renal cell carcinoma 1 (DRR1) is a stress-induced actin bundling factor that modulates synaptic efficacy and cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(41) pp. 17213–17218.

Stewart, Michael; Popov, Victor; Medvedev, Nikolay; Gabbott, Paul; Corbett, Nicola; Kraev, Igor and Davies, Heather (2010). Dendritic spine and synapse morphological alterations induced by a neural cell adhesion molecule mimetic. In: Berezin, Vladimir ed. Structure and Function of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NCAM. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 663. New York: Springer, pp. 373–383.

Stewart, Michael G. (2010). New insight into mode of action of Colostrinin. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 14(4) p. 336.

Sandi, Carmen; Davies, Heather; Isabel Cordero, M.; Rodriguez, Jose J.; Popov, Victor I. and Stewart, Michael G. (2003). Rapid reversal of stress induced loss of synapses in CA3 of rat hippocampus following water maze training. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17(11) pp. 2447–2456.

Stewart, Michael; Eyre, M. D. and Richter-Levin, G. (2001). Morphological studies of synaptic plasticiy and learning in rat hippocampus. Neural Plasticity, 8(3) p. 203.

TTo Top

Turner, Amy C.; Stramek, Agata; Kraev, Igor; Stewart, Michael G.; Overton, Paul G and Dommett, Eleanor J (2018). Chronic amphetamine treatment affects collicular-dependent behaviour. Behavioural brain research, 343 pp. 1–7.

Tigaret, C.M.; Thalhammer, A.; Rast, G.F.; Specht, C.G.; Auberson, Y.P.; Stewart, M.G. and Schoepfer, R. (2006). Subunit dependencies of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-induced alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor internalization. Molecular Pharmacology, 69(4) pp. 1251–1259.

VTo Top

van der Kooij, Michael A.; Fantin, Martina; Kraev, Igor; Korshunova, Irina; Grosse, Jocelyn; Zanoletti, Olivia; Guirado, Ramon; Garcia-Mompó, Clara; Nacher, Juan; Stewart, Michael; Berezin, Vladimir and Sandi, Carmen (2014). Impaired hippocampal Neuroligin-2 Function by chronic stress or synthetic peptide treatment is linked to social deficits and increased aggression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(5) pp. 1148–1158.

WTo Top

Witton, Jonathan; Padmashri, Ragunathan; Zinyuk, Larissa E.; Popov, Victor I.; Kraev, Igor; Line, Samantha J.; Jensen, Thomas P.; Tedoldi, Angelo; Cummings, Damian M.; Tybulewicz, Victor L. J.; Fisher, Elizabeth M. C.; Bannerman, David M.; Randall, Andrew D.; Brown, Jonathan T.; Edwards, Frances A.; Rusakov, Dmitri A.; Stewart, Michael G. and Jones, Matt W. (2015). Hippocampal circuit dysfunction in the Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome. Nature Neuroscience, 18 pp. 1291–1298.

Wang, Xiao-Dong; Rammes, Gerhard; Kraev, Igor; Wolf, Miriam; Liebl, Claudia; Scharf, Sebastian. H.; Rice, Courtney. J.; Wurst, Wolfgang; Holsboer, Florian; Deussing, Jan. M.; Baram, Tallie. Z.; Stewart, Michael. G.; Muller, Marianne. B. and Schmidt, Mathias. V. (2011). Forebrain CRF1 modulates early-life stress-programmed cognitive deficits. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(38) pp. 13625–13634.


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