Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Towner

49 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 21:39:38 2025 GMT.

2016To Top

Dyl, Kathryn A.; Benedix, Gretchen K.; Bland, Phil A.; Friedrich, Jon M.; Spurný, Pavel; Towner, Martin C.; O'Keefe, Mary Claire; Howard, Kieren; Greenwood, Richard; Macke, Robert J.; Britt, Daniel T.; Halfpenny, Angela; Thostenson, James O.; Rudolph, Rebecca A.; Rivers, Mark L. and Bevan, Alex W. R. (2016). Characterization of Mason Gully (H5): The second recovered fall from the Desert Fireball Network. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51(3) pp. 596–613.

2014To Top

2011To Top

Ferri, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Withers, P.; Aboudan, A.; Bettanini, C.; Colombatti, G.; Debei, S.; Golombek, M.; Harri, A. M.; Komatsu, G.; Leese, M. R.; Mäkinen, T.; Müller-Wodarg, I.; Ori, G. G.; Patel, M. R.; Pondrelli, M.; Siili, T.; Tokano, T.; Towner, M. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2011). ExoMars entry, descent and landing science. In: EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, 2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes.

Price, M. C.; Conway, S. J.; Towner, M. C. and Burchell, M. J. (2011). Hydrocode modelling of fluvial flow with ANSYS CFX: comparison with Martian analogue lab-scale experiments. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference XLII, 7-11 Mar 2011, The Woodlands, Texas, p. 1771.

Balme, Matthew R.; Pathare, Asmin; Mezger, Steve; Renno, Nilton O.; Towner, Martin; Spiga, Aymeric; Fenton, Lori K.; Michaels, Timothy I.; Saca, Fernando and Elliott, Harvey Michael (2011). Horizontal forward-motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils, comparison with ambient winds, and application to Mars. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, 5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2010To Top

Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Towner, M. C. and Murray, J. B. (2010). Can water move sediment on present-day Mars? Insights into gully formation from laboratory simulations. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference XLI, 1-5 Mar 2010, The Woodlands, Texas, p. 1894.

Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C.; Okubu, C. and Grindrod, P.M. (2010). Geomorphic analysis of the formation processes of Martian gullies. In: Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference XLI, 1-5 Mar 2010, The Woodlands, Texas, p. 1881.

2009To Top

Hathi, B.; Ball, A. J.; Colombatti, G.; Ferri, F.; Leese, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Withers, P.; Fulchigioni, M. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2009). Huygens HASI servo accelerometer: a review and lessons learned. Planetary and Space Science, 57(12) pp. 1321–1333.

Lorenz, R.; Kargl, G.; Ball, A.; Zarnecki, J.; Towner, M.; Leese, M.; McDonnell, J.; Atkinson, K.; Hathi, B. and Hagermann, A. (2009). Titan surface mechanical properties from the SSP ACC-I record of the impact deceleration of the Huygens probe. In: Kargl, G.; Kömle, N.; Ball, A. and Lorenz, R. D. eds. Penetrometry in the Solar System II. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, pp. 147–155.

Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M.; Towner, M.; Bos, B. and Pathare, A. (2009). Direct in-situ measurement of natural dust devil sediment loading and flux. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA.

Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C. (2009). Debris flow as a mechanism for forming martian gullies. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA.

Conway, S. J.; Decaulne, A.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C. (2009). Using patterns of debris flow erosion and deposition in the Icelandic Westfjords to delineate hazard zones. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, 19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C. (2009). Debris Flow as a Mechanism for Forming Martian Gullies. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, 19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Bland, Phillip A.; Spurny, Pavel; Towner, Martin C.; Bevan, Alex W. R.; Singleton, Andrew T.; Bottke, William F.; Greenwood, Richard C.; Chesley, Steven R.; Shrbenỳ, Lukas; Borovička, Jiri; Ceplecha, Zdenek; McClafferty, Terence P.; Vaughan, David; Benedix, Gretchen K.; Deacon, Geoff; Howard, Kieren T.; Franchi, Ian A. and Hough, Robert M. (2009). An anomalous basaltic meteorite from the innermost main belt. Science, 325 pp. 1525–1527.

2008To Top

Hathi, B.; Ball, A. J.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Daniell, P. M.; Garry, J. R. C.; Hagermann, A.; Leese, M. R.; Lorenz, R. D.; Rosenberg, P. D.; Towner, M. C. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2008). In situ thermal conductivity measurements of Titan's lower atmosphere. Icarus, 197(2) pp. 579–584.

Colombatti, G.; Withers, P.; Ferri, F.; Aboudan, A.; Ball, A. J.; Bettanini, C.; Gaborit, V.; Harri, A. M.; Hathi, B.; Leese, M. R.; Makinen, T.; Stoppato, P. L.; Towner, M. C.; Zarnecki, J. C.; Angrilli, F. R. and Fulchignoni, M. (2008). Reconstruction of the trajectory of the Huygens probe using the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI). Planetary And Space Science, 56(5) pp. 586–600.

2007To Top

Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2007). The meteorological signatures of dust devils on Mars. Planetary And Space Science, 55(14) pp. 2151–2163.

2006To Top

Quinn, Richard C.; Zent, Aaron P.; Garry, James R. C.; Ringrose, Timothy J.; Towner, Martin C. and Grunthaner, Frank J. (2006). An atmospheric oxidation monitor based on in situ thin-film deposition. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 114(2) pp. 841–848.

Towner, M. C.; Garry, J. R. C.; Svedhem, H.; Hagermann, A.; Clark, B. C.; Lorenz, R. D.; Leese, M. R.; Hathi, B. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2006). Constraints on the Huygens landing site topography from the Surface Science Package Acoustic Properties Instrument. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

2005To Top

Fulchignoni, M.; Ferri, F.; Angrilli, F.; Ball, A.J.; Bar-Nun, A.; Barucci, M.A.; Bettanini, C.; Bianchini, G.; Borucki, W.; Colombatti, G.; Coradini, M.; Coustenis, A.; Debei, S.; Falkner, P.; Fanti, G.; Flamini, E.; Gaborit, V.; Grard, R.; Hamelin, M.; Harri, A.M.; Hathi, B.; Jernej, I.; Leese, M.R.; Lehto, A.; Lion Stoppato, P.F.; López-Moreno, J.J.; Mäkinen, T.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; McKay, C.P.; Molina-Cuberos, G.; Neubauer, F.M.; Pirronello, V.; Rodrigo, R.; Saggin, B.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Sieff, A.; Simões, F.; Svedhem, H.; Tokano, T.; Towner, M.C.; Traunter, R.; Withers, P. and Zarnecki, J.C. (2005). In situ measurements of the physical characteristics of Titan's environment. Nature, 438(7069) pp. 785–791.

Zarnecki, John; Leese, Mark; Hathi, Brijen; Ball, Andrew; Hagermann, Axel; Towner, Martin; Lorenz, R. D.; McDonnell, James; Green, Simon F.; Patel, Manish; Ringrose, Tim; Rosenberg, Philip; Atkinson, K; Paton, M. D.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Clark, B. C.; Ferri, F.; Fulchignoni, M; Ghafoor, N. A. L.; Kargl, G.; Svedhem, H.; Delderfield, J.; Grande, M.; Parker, D. J.; Challenor, P. G. and Geake, J. E. (2005). A soft solid surface on Titan as revealed by the Huygens Surface Science Package. Nature, 438(7069) pp. 792–795.

2004To Top

Towner, M.C.; Patel, M.R.; Ringrose, T.J.; Zarnecki, J.C.; Pullan, D.; Sims, M.R.; Haapanala, S.; Harri, A-.M.; Polkko, J.; Wilson, C.F.; Zent, A.P.; Quinn, R.C.; Grunthaner, F.J.; Hecht, M.H. and Garry, J.R.C. (2004). The Beagle 2 environmental sensors: science goals and instrument description. Planetary and Space Science, 52(13) pp. 1141–1156.

Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M.; Greeley, R.; Ringrose, T.; Towner, M. and Zarnecki, J. (2004). Surface Profiling of Natural Dust Devils. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John (2004). Diurnal Dust Devil Behaviour for the Viking 1 Landing Site: Sols 1 to 30. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Zarnecki, J. C.; Leese, M. R.; Davies, A. and Husbands, A. (2004). A miniature UV-VIS spectrometer for the surface of Mars. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

Towner, M. C.; Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M.; Greeley, R. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2004). A close encounter with a terrestrial dust devil. In: 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA.

2003To Top

Sims, Mark R.; Pullan, D.; Fraser, George W.; Whitehead, S.; Sykes, J.; Holt, J.; Butcher, Gillian I.; Nelms, Nick; Dowson, J.; Ross, D.; Bicknell, C.; Crocker, M.; Favill, B.; Wells, Alan A.; Richter, L.; Kochan, H.; Hamacher, Hans; Ratke, L.; Griffiths, Andrew D.; Coates, A. J.; Phillips, N.; Senior, A.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, M. C.; Leese, M.; Patel, M.; Wilson, C.; Thomas, Nicolas; Hviid, S.; Josset, Jean-Luc; Klingelhoefer, G.; Bernhardt, B.; van Duijn, P.; Sims, G. and Yung, K. L. (2003). Performance characteristics of the PAW instrumentation on Beagle 2 (the astrobiology lander on ESA's Mars Express Mission). In: Hoover, Richard B.; Rozanov, Alexei Y. and Paepe, Roland R. eds. Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology V (Proceedings Volume). Proceedings of SPIE, 4859 (4859). San Deigo, California: SPIE, pp. 32–44.

Balme, Matthew; Metzger, Stephen; Towner, Martin; Ringrose, Tim; Greeley, Ronald and Iversen, James (2003). Friction wind speeds in dust devils: a field study. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16) p. 1830.

Withers, Paul; Towner, M.C.; Hathi, B. and Zarnecki, J.C. (2003). Analysis of entry accelerometer data: A case study of Mars Pathfinder. Planetary and Space Science, 51(9-10) pp. 541–561.

Towner, M. C.; Ringrose, T.; Patel, M. R.; Pullan, D.; Sims, M. R.; Haapanala, S.; Harri, A.-M.; Polkko, J.; Wilson, C. F. and Zarnecki, J. C. (2003). The Beagle 2 environmental sensors: intended measurements and scientific goals. In: Sixth International Conference on Mars, 20-25 Jul 2003.

2002To Top

Patel, M. R.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Towner, M. C. (2002). The martian surface UV environment: theoretical modelling and in-situ measurements. In: The Evolving Sun and its Influence on Planetary Environments, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 269, 2002, 2002.

2001To Top

Ringrose, Tim; Zarnecki, John; Towner, Martin; Kapartis, S. and Strachan, R. (2001). Martian Dust Devil Detection with the Beagle 2 Wind Sensor. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.

Garry, J. R. C. and Towner, M. C. (2001). Sonar behaviour in non-terrestrial ocean exploration. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.


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