Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Marc Cornock

96 items in this list.
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Cornock, Marc (2023). Law and policy for children and young people’s nursing. In: Price, J; McAlinden, O and Veal, Z eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People 2nd edition. London: Sage, pp. 121–134.

Cornock, Marc (2023). Confidentiality: a pocket guide for nursing and health care. pocket guides for nursing and health care. London: Lantern Publishing Ltd.

Cornock, Marc and Rees, Margaret (2023). Research ethics, consent and publication. Heliyon, 9(8), article no. e18419.

Cornock, Marc (2022). Researchers, authors and consent. Case reports in women's health, 36, article no. e00449.

Cornock, Marc (2020). Revisiting informed consent. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times, 38 pp. 29–42.

Cornock, Marc and McAlinden, Orla (2017). Law and policy for children and young people’s nursing. In: Price, Jayne and McAlinden, Orla eds. Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People. London: Sage, pp. 119–132.

Cornock, Marc (2017). Clinical negligence. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(32) pp. 10–13.

Cornock, Marc (2016). Revalidation and you. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(31) pp. 8–10.

Cornock, Marc (2016). Advancing practice. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(29) pp. 11–12.

Cornock, Marc (2015). The child and consent. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(27) pp. 13–15.

Cornock, Marc (2015). Writing for publication. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(25) pp. 9–10.

Cornock, Marc (2015). Informed consent. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(25) pp. 18–20.

Cornock, Marc (2014). Duty of care. Orthopaedic & Trauma Times(24) pp. 14–16.

Cornock, Marc and Montgomery, Heather (2014). Children’s rights since Margaret Thatcher. In: Wagg, Stephen and Pilcher, Jane eds. Thatcher’s Grandchildren. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 160–178.

Cornock, Marc (2012). What to do when an employer acts unfairly. Nursing Standard, 26(38) p. 63.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Clinical competency in children’s nursing: a legal commentary. Nursing Children and Young People, 23(10) pp. 18–19.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Parental rights and responsibilities in law. Nursing Children and Young People, 23(9) pp. 23–24.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Whistleblowing: a legal commentary. Nursing Children and Young People, 23(8) p. 21.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Editorial: The tenth anniversary issue. Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 8(1) pp. 1–4.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Confidentiality: the legal issues. Nursing Children and Young People, 23(7) pp. 18–19.

Cornock, Marc (2011). In the line of duty. Nursing Standard, 25(44) p. 63.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Professional indemnity and its importance: a legal overview. Nursing Children and Young People, 23(6) pp. 25–26.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Accepting or refusing gifts: a legal commentary. Nursing children and young people, 23(5) pp. 21–22.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Liability and collaborative working. Nursing children and young people, 23(4) pp. 20–21.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Age-old question. Nursing Management, 18(2) p. 9.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Legal definitions of responsibility, accountability and liability. Nursing children and young people, 23(3) pp. 25–26.

Cornock, Marc (2011). Saying sorry: the legal implications. Paediatric Nursing, 23(2) pp. 22–23.

Cornock, Marc (2011). A legal commentary on negligence. Paediatric Nursing, 23(1) pp. 21–22.

Cornock, Marc and Montgomery, Heather (2011). Children’s rights in and out of the womb. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 9(1) pp. 3–19.

Cornock, Marc (2010). A glance back and a brief look forward. Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 7(2) pp. 87–90.

Cornock, Marc (2010). Learn your rights about dismissal. Nursing Standard, 25(4) p. 63.

Cornock, Marc (2010). Working to bring up baby. Nursing Standard, 24(30) p. 72.

Cornock, Marc (2010). A contentious area. Nursing Standard, 24(25) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2009). Nursing a grievance. Nursing Standard, 24(12) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2009). Staying calm in the face of adversity. Nursing Standard, 24(8) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2009). Keeping confidence. Nursing Standard, 23(27) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2009). Burden of blowing the whistle is lightened. Nursing Standard, 23(27) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2009). Rights of the child. Nursing Standard, 23(20) p. 28.

Cornock, Marc (2008). Aim for higher ground. Nursing Standard, 22(48) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2008). Chastising a child - the legal position. Paediatric Nursing, 20(5) pp. 30–33.

Cornock, Marc (2008). Debunking a myth. Technic, 4(10) pp. 15–17.

Cornock, Marc and Nichols, Andrew (2008). Caught on camera. Nursing Standard, 23(5) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2008). Where the buck stops. Nursing Standard, 23(15-17) p. 64.

Cornock, Marc (2007). Circumcision in young boys: A legal commentary. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1(7) pp. 348–349.

Cornock, Marc (2007). Fraser guidelines or Gillick competence? Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1(3) p. 142.

Cornock, Marc (2007). Parental responsibility: A legal perspective. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1(4) p. 194.

Cornock, Marc (2007). Euthanasia: the situation in Ireland. Medical Law Monitor, 14(2) pp. 1–2.

Cornock, Marc A. (2007). Professional updating and guidance on children and young persons. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1(8) pp. 400–401.

Cornock, Marc (2007). The Healthcare Commission tackles hygiene in hospital. Medical Law Monitor, 14(7) pp. 6–7.

Cornock, Marc (2006). Professional regulation. Medical Law Monitor, 13(10) pp. 5–8.

Cornock, Marc and Harrison, Nicola (2004). Rights of the child. Nursing Standard, 18(42) p. 24.

Cornock, M. and Goodman, B. (2002). A future for critical care education. Nursing Standard, 16(43) pp. 42–44.

Cornock, Marc (2002). Right to decide. Nursing Standard, 16(32) p. 20.

Cornock, Marc (2002). Legal aspects of decision-making in critical care. Nursing in Critical Care, 7(5) pp. 235–240.

Cornock, Marc A. (2001). A new approach to critical care education. Nurse Education Today, 21(7) pp. 569–578.

Cornock, Marc (2001). Ethical and legal considerations of community nursing. In: Hyde, Val ed. Community Nursing and Health Care: Insights and innovations. London, UK: Hodder Arnold, pp. 188–205.

Cornock, M. (1996). Making sense of central venous catheters. Nursing Times, 92(49) pp. 30–31.

Cornock, M. (1996). Making sense of central venous pressure. Nursing Times, 92(40) pp. 38–39.

Cornock, M. A. (1996). Psychological approaches to cardiac pain. Nursing Standard, 11(11) pp. 34–38.

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James, Emma and Cornock, Marc A. (2008). The legal status of the term 'next of kin'. Nursing Standard, 22(44) pp. 45–48.

Jolly, Maggie and Cornock, Marc (2003). Application of the doctrine of double effect in end stage disease. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 9(6) pp. 240–244.

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Montgomery, Heather and Cornock, Marc (2013). Children's bodies: the battleground for their rights? Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 9(1) pp. 19–34.

Mann, Theresa and Cornock, Marc A. (2007). Decision-making in palliative care: the Mental Capacity Act 2005. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 13(8) pp. 402–407.

McMahon-Parkes, K. and Cornock, M. A. (1997). Guillain-Barré syndrome: biological basis, treatment and care. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 13(1) pp. 42–48.

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Ryan, Gemma S and Cornock, Marc (2018). Awareness into Action (A2A): a tool for making decisions about professionalism on social media. In: 2nd Digital Health and Wellbeing Conference, 1-3 May 2018, Open University, Milton Keynes.


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