Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Leon Wainwright

61 items in this list.
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2023To Top

2022To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2022). A New Paradigm, Moving on from Bakhtin. Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis, 1(1) pp. 28–32.

Lora-Wainwright, Anna; Wainwright, Leon and Loong, Shona (2022). British Chinese or British ESEA? Articulating creativity and care across scales and disciplines. British Journal of Chinese Studies, 12(1) pp. 138–142.

2021To Top

Wood, Paul; Wainwright, Leon and Harrison, Charles eds. (2021). Art in Theory: The West in the World - An Anthology of Changing Ideas. Art in Theory -- An Anthology of Changing Ideas. United States: Wiley-Blackwell.

Wainwright, Leon (2021). The Parallax Effect. In: Westgeest, Helen and Zijlmans, Kitty eds. Mix and Stir: New Outlooks on Contemporary Art from Global Perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz, with support of Mondriaan Fonds, Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), University of the Arts, The Hague / Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, pp. 347–352.

2020To Top

2019To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2019). Frank Bowling at Tate Britain: Provincialism, Transnationalism, and the Atlantic Divide. ASAP Journal Open-access platform of the Association for the Study of the Art of the Present (United States)

Wainwright, Leon (2019). Mona Hatoum’s Roadworks and Measures of Distance’. In: Aitken, Nick and Robles, Elizabeth eds. The Place is Here: Black Art in 1980s Britain. The Van Abbemuseum and Nottingham Contemporary: Sternberg Press, pp. 307–320.

2018To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2018). Materialities and Mobilities: A Note on the Political Geography of Contemporary Caribbean Art. In: Ueckmann, Natascha; Brüske, Anne and Bandau, Anja eds. Reshaping (g)local dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Deconexiones – Relations et Déconnexions – Relations and Disconnections. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Universitätsverlag HeiUp, pp. 143–157.

Wainwright, Leon (2018). Visualising Figures of Caribbean Slavery through Modernism. In: Meecham, Pam ed. A Companion to Modern Art. Blackwell Companions to Art History. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 411–424.

Wainwright, Leon (2018). Entwining Caribbean, British and American Art Histories: Trouble at the Turn to the "Transnational" and "Provincial". In Post: Notes on Contemporary Art around the Globe Post: Notes on Contemporary Art around the Globe. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York.

2017To Top

Wainwright, Leon ed. (2017). Disturbing pasts: memories, controversies and creativity. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Wainwright, Leon (2017). Phenomenal Difference: A Philosophy of Black British Art. Value: Art: Politics, 13. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

2016To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2016). Art and Caribbean Slavery: Modern Visions of the 1763 Guyana Rebellion. In: Bernier, Celeste-Marie and Durkin, Hannah eds. Visualising Slavery: Art Across the African Diaspora. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery (9). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 168–183.

2015To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2015). Timed Out: Pathways and Pitfalls for Art History and Caribbean Studies. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 19(2) pp. 185–196.

Wainwright, Leon and Fuglerud, Øivind eds. (2015). Objects and Imagination: Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning. Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement, 3. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2014To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2014). Globalization. In: Kelly, Michael ed. Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Blacker, Uilleam; Edwards, Elizabeth and Wainwright, Leon eds. (2014). Disturbing Pasts: Memories, Controversies and Creativity. Open Arts Journal (3). The Open University.

Kennedy, Beccy; Mitha, Alnoor and Wainwright, Leon eds. (2014). Triennial City: Localising Asian Art. Manchester: Cornerhouse.

Wainwright, Leon (2014). Globalization. In: Kelly, Michael ed. The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Second Edition, Volume 3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 199–203.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2012). The emotions and ethnicity in the Indo-Caribbean. In: Svašek, Maruška ed. Moving Subjects, Moving Objects: Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions. Berghahn, pp. 222–244.

Wainwright, Leon (2012). ‘Beyond globalisation in contemporary art history: learning from the transnational Caribbean’. In: ter Horst, Mariska ed. Changing Perspectives: Dealing with Globalisation in the Presentation and Collection of Contemporary Art. Amsterdam: The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, pp. 204–212.

Wainwright, Leon (2012). Global change and contemporary art of the Caribbean: notes on the futurology of a sustainable art community. In: Hoffmann, Nancy ed. Who More Sci-Fi Than Us? Contemporary Art from the Caribbean. Amsterdam: The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), pp. 80–84.

2011To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2011). Timed Out: Art and the Transnational Caribbean. Rethinking Art's Histories. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Wainwright, Leon (2011). Alien nation: contemporary art and black Britain. In: Brunt, Rosalind and Cere, Rinella eds. Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 27–40.

2010To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2010). The Black Atlantic, Suriname and the Netherlands: challenges for curating and historicising art of the Caribbeah. In: Dölle, Mariette and Jonas, Malka eds. Conversations on Paramaribo Perspectives. Rotterdam: TENT.

Wainwright, Leon (2010). Art (school) education and art history. In: Appignanesi, Richard ed. Beyond Cultural Diversity: the Case for Creativity. London: Third Text Publications, pp. 93–103.

Wainwright, Leon (2010). Aubrey Williams: Atlantic fire. In: King, Reyahn ed. Aubrey Williams. Liverpool and London: National Museums Liverpool and October Gallery, pp. 46–55.

Wainwright, Leon (2010). Speaking to contemporary art history: Denis Williams and Guyana. In: Williams, Charlotte and Williams, Evelyn A. eds. Denis Williams: a Life in Works. New and Collected Essays. Cross/Cultures: Readings in the Post/Colonial Literautres in English (120). Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, pp. 65–75.

2009To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2009). Labelling and assembling: histories and challenges for an Asia Triennial. In: Mitha, Alnoor; Khan, Fareda and Rangasamy, Jacques eds. Asia Triennial Manchester 08. Manchester: Shisha.

Wainwright, Leon (2009). On being unique: world art and its British institutions. Visual Culture in Britain, 10(1) pp. 87–101.

Wainwright, Leon (2009). New provincialisms: curating art of the African diaspora. Radical History Review(103) pp. 203–213.

Wainwright, Leon (2009). Mutual ground: post-empire canons of art in Britain and the Caribbean. In: Rahim, Jennifer and Lalla, Barbara eds. Beyond Borders: Cross-Culturalism and the Caribbean Canon. Mona, Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, pp. 116–148.

Wainwright, Leon (2009). At Northern Intersections forever: art and the time trap. In: Ajji, Tejpal S. and Soske, John eds. South-South: Interruptions & Encounters. Toronto: Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and South Asian Visual Arts Centre, University of Toronto, pp. 73–76.

2008To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2008). Frank Bowling and the appetite for British pop. Third Text, 22(2) pp. 195–208.

2007To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2007). ‘Indian Art’ in Trinidad? Ethnicity at its Limits. Journal of Creative Communications, 2(1&2) pp. 163–188.

Wainwright, Leon (2007). British responses to Caribbean art. In: Dabydeen, David; Gilmore, John and Jones, Cecily eds. The Oxford Companion to Black British History. Oxford Companions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Wainwright, Leon (2007). Aubrey Williams. In: Dabydeen, David; Gilmore, John and Jones, Cecily eds. The Oxford Companion to Black British History. Oxford Companions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

2006To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2006). Canon Questions: Art in 'Black Britain'. In: Low, Gail and Wynne-Davies, Marion eds. A Black British Canon? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143–167.

Wainwright, Leon (2006). Francis Newton Souza and Aubrey Williams: Entwined Art Histories at the End of Empire. In: Faulkner, Simon and Ramamurthy, Anandi eds. Visual Culture and Decolonisation in Britain. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 101–126.

2005To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2005). Part Four. Recommended Readings: Introduction. In: Bailey, David A.; Baucom, Ian and Boyce, Sonia eds. Shades of Black: Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain. Duke University Press, pp. 307–318.

2003To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2003). Perception and presence in British art of the Asian, African and Caribbean diasporas. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis SOAS, University of London.

Wainwright, Leon (2003). ‘British Art of the South Asian Diaspora’. South Asian Diaspora Literature and Arts Archive, SALIDAA.

2002To Top

Wainwright, Leon (2002). Art Forms. In: Donnell, Alison ed. Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture. Routledge, pp. 20–22.


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