Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lorna Rouse

11 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 22:14:27 2025 GMT.

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Lombardo, Chiara; Van Bortel, Tine; Wagner, Adam P; Kaminskiy, Emma; Wilson, Ceri; Krishnamoorthy, Theeba; Rae, Sarah; Rouse, Lorna; Jones, Peter Brian and Kar Ray, Manaan (2018). PROGRESS: the PROMISE governance framework to decrease coercion in mental healthcare. BMJ Open Quality, 7(3), article no. e000332.

Wilson, C.; Rouse, L.; Rae, S. and Kar Ray, M. (2018). Mental health inpatients’ and staff members’ suggestions for reducing physical restraint: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 25(3) pp. 188–200.

Wilson, Ceri; Rouse, Lorna; Rae, Sarah and Kar Ray, Manaan (2017). Is restraint a 'necessary evil' in mental health care? Mental health inpatients' and staff members' experience of physical restraint. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26(5) pp. 500–512.

Rouse, Lorna and Finlay, W. M. L. (2016). Repertoires of responsibility for diabetes management by adults with intellectual disabilities and those who support them. Sociology of Health & Illness, 38(8) pp. 1243–1257.

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Rouse, Lorna; Tilley, Elizabeth; Walmsley, Jan and Picken, Shaun (2022). Funding the Gap: A report on the funding of self-advocacy groups in 2021. In Funding the Gap: An investigation into the funding of self-advocacy Groups The Open University.

Taggart, L.; Tripp, H.; Conder, J.; Whitehead, L.; Scott, J.; Rouse, L.; Redquest, B.; Lunsky, Y. and Truesdale, M. (2021). International Consensus Guidelines: Reasonable Adjustments in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) Health Specialist Interest Group (


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