Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Linda Murphy

43 items in this list.
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2015To Top

Murphy, Linda (2015). Online language teaching: The learner’s perspective. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. Developing Online Language Teaching: Research-based Pedagogies and Reflective Practices. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 45–62.

Everhard, Carol J. and Murphy, Linda eds. (2015). Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Murphy, Linda (2015). Autonomy in assessment: Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality in a distance language learning context. In: Everhard, Carol J. and Murphy, Linda eds. Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143–166.

Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine and Murphy, Linda (2015). Editorial. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 9(1) pp. 1–3.

2014To Top

Murphy, Linda (2014). Autonomy, social interaction and community: a distant language learning perspective. In: Murray, Garold ed. Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 119–134.

2013To Top

Ernest, Pauline; Guitert Catasús, Montse; Hampel, Regine; Heiser, Sarah; Hopkins, Joseph; Murphy, Linda and Stickler, Ursula (2013). Online teacher development: collaborating in a virtual learning environment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(4) pp. 311–333.

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda (2013). Learner contributions in open and distance language setting. In: Mynard, Jo and Carson, Luke eds. Advising in Language Learning: Dialgue, Tools and Context. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 213–230.

2012To Top

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda (2012). Learner contributions in an open and distance language setting. In: Mynard, Jo and Carson, Luke eds. Advising in Language Learning: Dialogue, Tools and Context. Applied Linguistics. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 213–230.

Murphy, Linda (2012). Supporting self-evaluation: helping language learners take control of the assessment process. In: Autonomie und Assessment: Erträge des 3. Bremer Symposions zum autonomen Fremdsprachenlernen (Arntz, Reiner; Krings, Hans P. and Kühn, Bärbel eds.), Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung, AKS-Verlag Bochum, pp. 150–161.

2011To Top

Ernest, Pauline; Heiser, Sarah and Murphy, Linda (2011). Developing teacher skills to support collaborative online language learning. The Language Learning Journal, 41(1) pp. 37–54.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. (2011). Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret (2011). Language teaching in a changing world: introduction and overview. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 3–12.

Nicolson, Margaret; Southgate, Margaret and Murphy, Linda (2011). Teaching in synchronous and asynchronous modes. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 95–111.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret (2011). Present and future contexts. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 245–252.

Southgate, Margaret and Murphy, Linda (2011). The nature of the 'blend': interaction of teaching modes, tools and resources. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, Scotland: Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, pp. 13–27.

Murphy, Linda and Hurd, Stella (2011). Fostering learner autonomy and motivation in blended teaching. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, pp. 43–56.

Murphy, Linda (2011). Why am I doing this? Maintaining motivation in distance language learning. In: Lamb, Terrry; Murray, Garold and Gao, Xuesong eds. Identity, Motivation and Autonomy In Language Learning. Bristol, U.K., Tonawanda, NY, U.S.A. and North York, Ontatio, Canada: Multilingual Matters, pp. 107–124.

Murphy, Linda (2011). Autonomy and context: a tale of two learners. In: Gardner, David ed. Fostering Autonomy in Language Learning. Gaziantep, Turkey: Faculty of Education, Zirve University, pp. 17–26.

Murphy, Linda (2011). When the going gets tough: motivational thinking in autonomous language learning. In: Arntz, Reiner; Krings, Hans Peter and Kühn, Bärbel eds. Autonomie und Motivation: Erträge des 2. Bremer Symposions zum autonomen Fremdsprachenlernen. Bochum: AKS-Verlag Bochum.

Murphy, Linda (2011). I’m not giving up! Maintaining motivation in independent language learning. In: Morrison, Bruce ed. Independent language learning: building on experience, seeking new perspectives. Hong Kong University Press, pp. 73–85.

2010To Top

Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica and Baumann, Uwe (2010). Qualities of effective tutors in distance language teaching: student perceptions. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2) pp. 119–136.

2009To Top

Murphy, Linda (2009). Autonomous distance language learning: supporting critical reflection, interaction and decision-making. In: Independent Language Learning Association 2007 Japan Conference: Exploring theory, enhancing practice: Autonomy across the disciplines, 05-08 Oct 2007, Kanda University, Chiba, Japan.

2008To Top

Murphy, Linda (2008). Learning logs and strategy development for distance and other independent language learners. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Tim eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 199–217.

Murphy, Linda (2008). Integrating strategy instruction into learning materials. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Tim eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 303–320.

2007To Top

Murphy, Linda (2007). Supporting learner autonomy: theory and practice in a distance learning context. In: Gardner, David ed. Learner Autonomy 10: Integration and support. Authentik books for language teachers, 10. Dublin, Ireland: Authentik Language Learning Resources Ltd, pp. 72–92.

2006To Top

Shelley, Monica; White, Cynthia; Baumann, Uwe and Murphy, Linda (2006). "It's a unique role!" Perspectives on tutor attributes and expertise in distance language teaching. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 7(2)

Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica; White, Cynthia and Baumann, Uwe (2006). Developing effective distance language tutors: Are generic competencies enough? In: 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education, 3-6 Sep 2006, Brazil.

Murphy, L.; Shelley, M. A.; White, C. and Baumann, U. (2006). Language teaching at a distance: establishing key principles to develop professional practice. In: CILT/LLAS Conference: Crossing Frontiers: Languages and the international dimension, 6-7 Jul 2006, Cardiff University.

2005To Top

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda eds. (2005). Success with languages. Routledge Study Guides. London, UK: Routledge.

Murphy, Linda; Hauck, Mirjam; Nicolson, Margaret and Adams, Helga (2005). Reflection and self-evaluation. In: ed. Success with Languages. Routeldge Study Guides. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 60–78.

Murphy, Linda (2005). Critical reflection and autonomy: a study of distance learners of French, German and Spanish. In: Holmberg, Boerje; Shelley, Monica and White, Cynthia eds. Distance education and languages: evolution and change. New perspectives on language and education. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 20–39.

White, Cynthia; Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica and Baumann, Uwe (2005). Towards an understanding of attributes and expertise in distance language teaching: tutor maxims. In: Evans, T.; Smith, P. and Stacey, E. eds. Research in Distance Education (RIDE), Volume 6. Geelong: Deakin University, pp. 83–97.

2002To Top

2001To Top

Murphy, Linda (2001). Continuing professional development. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting lifelong language learning: theoretical and practical approaches. London, UK: CILT Publications, pp. 189–204.

Murphy, Linda (2001). Accreditation and recognition of skills, knowledge and experience. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting Lifelong Language Learning. Theoretical and Practical Approaches. London: CILT (Centre for information on Language Teaching and Research), pp. 205–215.

Murphy, Linda (2001). Looking ahead: The European context and the effect of increasing globalisation. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting Lifelong Language Learning: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. London: CILT (Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research ), pp. 216–228.


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