Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jitka Vseteckova

80 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 11:52:40 2025 GMT.

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Eltaybani, Sameh; Igarashi, Ayumi; Cal, Ayse; Lai, Claudia K. Y.; Carrasco, Cristina; Sari, Dianis Wulan; Cho, Eunhee; Haugan, Gørill; Bravo, Jorge D.; Abouzeid, Nesreen A.; Wachholz, Patrick Alexander; Isaramalai, Sang‐arun; Dawood, Shaimaa Samir; Pappas, Yannis; Abd El Moneam, Abeer Abd El Galeel; Rodríguez, Ana Beatriz; Alqahtani, Bader A.; Pereira, Catarina Lino Neto; Jenssen, Cathrine Ragna Solheim; Yu, Doris S. F.; Ahmed, Fatma Refaat; Mendes, Felismina Rosa P.; Randhawa, Gurch; Ahmed, Hanaa Abou El‐soued Hussein; Suzuki, Haruno; Prambudi, Hery; Avci, Ilknur Aydin; Waluyo, Imam; Nurbaeti, Irma; Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Joanna Kathryn; Liu, Justina Yw; Ingstad, Kari; Kashiwabara, Kosuke; Grant, Louise; Abd El Moniem, Maha Mohammed; Sakka, Mariko; Abdelgawad, Mohamed Ezzelregal; Subu, Muhammad Arsyad; Kentzer, Nichola; Almadani, Noura A.; Tomas‐Carus, Pablo; Rodrigues Garcia, Renata Cunha Matheus; Indarwati, Retno; Maneerat, Sonthaya; Chien, Wai Tong; Amamiya, Yuko; Cavalcanti, Yuri Wanderley and Yamamoto‐Mitani, Noriko (2024). Long‐term care facilities' response to the COVID ‐19 pandemic: An international, cross‐sectional survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(1) pp. 350–365.

Eltaybani, Sameh; Igarashi, Ayumi; Cal, Ayse; Lai, Claudia; Carrasco, Cristina; Sari, Dianis; Cho, Eunhee; Haugan, Gorill; Bravo, Jorge; Abouzeid, Nesreen; Wachholz, Patrick; Isaramalai, Sang-Arun; Dawood, Shaimaa; Pappas, Yannis; Moneam, Abeer; Rodriguez, Ana; Alqahtani, Bader; Pereira, Catarina; Jenssen, Cathrine; Yu, Doris; Ahmed, Fatma; Mendes, Felismina; Randhawa, Gurch; Ahmed, Hanaa; Suzuki, Haruno; Prambudi, Hery; Avci, Ilknur; Waluyo, Imam; Nurbaeti, Irma; Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Jo; Liu, Justina; Ingstad, Kari; Kashiwabara, Kosuke; Grant, Louise; Moniem, Maha; Sakka, Mariko; Abdelgawad, Mohamed; Subu, Muhammad; Kentzer, Nichola; Almadani, Noura; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Garcia, Renata; Indarwati, Retno; Maneerat, Sonthaya; Chien, Wai; Amamiya, Yuko; Cavalcanti, Yuri and Yamamoto-Mitani, Noriko (2024). Long-term care facilities' response to the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, cross-sectional survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(1) pp. 350–365.

Eltaybani, Sameh; Igarashi, Ayumi; Cal, Ayse; Lai, Claudia; Carrasco, Cristina; Wulan, Dianis; Cho, Eunhee; Haugan, Gorill; Bravo, Jorge; Abouzeid, Nasreen; Wachholz, Patrick; Isaramalai, Sang-arun; Dawood, Shaimaa; Pappas, Yannis; Abd-El-Moneam, Abeer; Rodriguez, Ana; Alqahtani, Bader; Pereira, Catarina; Jenssen, Cathrine; Yu, Doris; Mendes, Felismina; Randhawa, Gurch; Ahmed, Hanaa; Suzuki, Haruno; Aydin-Avci, Ilknur; Waluyo, Imam; Nurbaeti, Irma; Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Jo; Liu, Justina; Ingstad, Kari; Kashiwabara, Kosuke; Grant, Louise; Abd-El-Moniem, Maha; Sakka, Mariko; Abdelgawad, Mohamed; Subu, Muhammad; Kentzer, Nichola; Almadani, Noura; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Rodrigues-Garcia, Renata; Indarwati, Retno; Maneerat, Sonthaya; Chien, Wai; Amamiya, Yuko; Cavalcanti, Yuri and Yamamoto-Mitani, Noriko (2024). Promoting workplace retention during global crises: An international survey of the preventive role of psychological support among victims of social discrimination in long-term care facilities. Geriatric Nursing, 59 pp. 94–102.

Mabon, Leslie; Connor, Ben; Moncaster, Alice; Pearce, Catherine; Pratt, Eleanor; Shih, Wan-Yu; Tsai, Meng-Chin; Vseteckova, Jitka; Waights, Verina and Wolstenholme, Ruth (2023). Nature can cool cities, but proceed with caution. Urban Transformations, 5(1), article no. 11.

Lindsay, Rosie K.; Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Joanna; Smith, Lee; Trott, Mike; Lappe, Joseph De; Soysal, Pinar; Pizzol, Damiano and Kentzer, Nichola (2023). Barriers and facilitators to physical activity among informal carers: a systematic review of international literature. International Journal of Care and Caring, 7(3) pp. 498–526.

Daďová, Klára; Tláskalová, Marie; Szabóová, Veronika; Křivánková, Markéta; Vařeková, Jitka; Šteffl, Michal; Pappas, Yannis and Všetečková, Jitka (2023). Postural stability of adults with down syndrome – differences between women and men. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (Early access).

Lindsay, Rosie; Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Jo; Smith, Lee; Trott, Mike; de Lappe, Joseph; Soysal, Pinar; Pizzol, Damiano and Kentzer, Nichola (2022). The prevalence of physical activity among informal carers: a systematic review of international literature. Sport Sciences for Health, 18 pp. 1071–1118.

Garcia, Rebecca; Mahon, Aiofe; ; and (2021). Frailty and spousal/partner bereavement in older people: a scoping review. Journal of Health and Social Care Improvement, 4(1) pp. 14–23.

Mahon, Aoife; Pappas, Ioannis; Randhawa, Gurch; Tilley, Elizabeth and Vseteckova, Jitka (2019). Ageing carers and intellectual disability: a scoping review of literature. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 20(4) pp. 162–178.

Kyaw, Bhone Myint; Saxena, Nakul; Posadzki, Pawel; Vseteckova, Jitka; Nikolaou, Charoula Konstantina; Pradeep, Paul George; Divakar, Ushashree; Masiello, Italo; Kononowitz, Andrzej; Zary, Nabil and Tudor-Carr, Lorraine (2019). Virtual Reality for Health Professions Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), article no. e12959.

Pappas, Yannis; Vseteckova, Jitka; Mastellos, Nikolas; Greenfield, Geva and Randhawa, Gurch (2019). Diagnosis and Decision-Making in Telemedicine. Journal of Patient Experience, 6(4) pp. 296–304.

Mahon, A; Vseteckova, Jitka; Tilley, Elizabeth; Pappas, Y and Randhawa, G (2019). Ageing carers and intellectual disability: a systematic scoping review of literature. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 19(4) pp. 14473–14477.

Mahon, Aoife; Vseteckova, Jitka; Tilley, Elizabeth; Pappas, Yannis and Randhawa, Gurch (2019). Protocol: A systematic scoping review of the impact of mutual care on individuals with learning disabilities and their ageing carers in the United Kingdom. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, article no. BJSTR-CAR-19-RW-153.

Bature, Fidelia; Vseteckova, Jitka; Pang, Dong; Pappas, Yannis and Guinn, Barbara (2019). Retrospective medical record research: Reflections of a unsponsored researcher. BJSTR Biomed J Sci & Tech Res, 21(4) pp. 16080–16086.

Simpson, Alan; Coffey, Michael; Hannigan, Ben; Barlow, Sally; Cohen, Rachel; Jones, Aled; Faulkner, Alison; Thornton, Alexandra; Vseteckova, Jitka; Haddad, Mark and Marlowe, Karl (2017). Cross-national mixed-methods comparative case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and co-ordination in acute inpatient mental health settings (COCAPP-A). Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(26) pp. 1–234.

Simpson, Alan; Hannigan, Ben; Coffey, Michael; Barlow, Sally; Cohen, Rachel; Jones, Aled; Vseteckova, Jitka; Faulkner, Alison; Thornton, Alexandra and Cartwright, Martin (2016). Recovery-focused care planning and coordination in England and Wales: A cross-national mixed methods comparative case study. BMC Psychiatry, 16, article no. 147.

Simpson, Alan; Hannigan, Ben; Coffey, Michael; Jones, Aled; Barlow, Sally; Cohen, Rachel; Všetečková, Jitka and Faulkner, Alison (2016). Cross-national comparative mixed-methods case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and co-ordination: Collaborative Care Planning Project (COCAPP). Health Services and Delivery Research, 4(5) pp. 1–190.

Simpson, Alan; Hannigan, Ben; Coffey, Michael; Jones, Aled; Barlow, Sally; Cohen, Rachel; Všetečková, Jitka; Faulkner, Alison and Haddad, Mark (2016). Study protocol: cross-national comparative case study of recovery-focused mental health care planning and coordination (COCAPP). BMC Psychiatry, 15, article no. 145.

Saxena, Nakul; Kyaw, Bhone M.; Vseteckova, Jitka; Dev, Parvati; Paul, Pradeep; Lim, Kenneth Teck Kiat; Kononowicz, Andrezej; Masiello, Italo; Tudor Car, Lorainne; Nikolaou, Charoula K.; Zary, Nabil and Car, Josip (2016). Virtual reality environments for health professional education (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(Issue 2), article no. CD012090.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Bobak, Martin; Kubinova, Ruzena; Capkova, Nada; Peasey, Anne; Marmot, Michael G. and Pikhart, Hynek (2015). Social patterning in grip strength, chair rise, and walk speed in an aging population: the Czech HAPIEE Study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 23(2) pp. 264–271.

Jančová, Jitka; Nováková, Hana and Zahálka, František (2008). Intersession reliability of posturographic measurements and impact of some somatometric characteristisc on balance control in aging. The International Journal of Medicine, 1(2) pp. 86–90.

Jančová, Jitka and Kohlíková, Eva (2008). Functional and physiological changes associated with posture and postural stability in aging. International Journal of Health Science, 1(2) pp. 61–68.

Jančová, Jitka (2008). Measuring the balance control system – review. Acta Medica, 51(3) pp. 129–137.

Jančová, J.; Nováková, P. and Plívová, M. (2008). Masáž jako prostředek kompenzace změn spojených se stárnutím organismu

Massage as a part of healthy living style when ageing.
Rehabilitace a Fyzikální Lékařství, 15(2) pp. 82–88.

Jančová, Jitka and Tošnerová, Vlasta (2007). Use of stabilometric platform and evaluation of methods for further measurements – a pilot study. Acta Medica, 50(2) pp. 139–143.

Jančová, J. and Kohlíková, E. (2007). Regresní změny stárnoucího organismu a jejich vliv na posturální stabilitu

Ageing and postural stability.
Rehabilitace a Fyzikalni Lekarstvi, 14(4) pp. 155–162.

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Vseteckova, Jitka and Grimes, Corrina (2024). Six ways to look after your brain health in your 20s and 30s. In The Conversation The Conversation Trust, London, UK.

Garcia, Rebecca; Mozdiak, Elizabeth; Taylor, Anne and Vseteckova, Jitka (2022). A systematic review Protocol to determine interventions that are used to support the spiritual well-being of nurses. In PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews NIHR/PROSPERO.

France, Rachel; Vseteckova, Jitka; Lapwood, Susie; Roberts, Nia; Jones, Nicholas and Flemming, Kate (2020). How can patients with COVID-19 and their family or unpaid carers be enabled and supported to manage palliative care treatment safely and effectively at home? In Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Joanna; Smith, Lee; Trott, Mike and Kentzer, Nichola (2020). A systematic review on the barriers and facilitators to physical activity in informal / unpaid carers worldwide. In Prospero: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42020184196.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Methley, Abigail and Jones, Kerry (2020). A systematic review on use of green spaces in supporting recovery from trauma in older people living in community in the UK. In Prospero: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42020183058.

Taverner, Phil; Larkin, Mary; Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda and Methley, Abigail (2020). How can Adult Carers get the best support during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond? Open Learn, Milton Keynes.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil (2020). The effects of self-isolation and lack of physical activity on carers. Open Learn, Milton Keynes.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil (2020). Young carers,COVID-19 and physical activity. OpenLearn, Milton Keynes.

Horne, Jo; Vseteckova, Jitka; Smith, Lee; Trott, Mike and Kentzer, Nichola (2020). A systematic review protocol on the barriers and facilitators to physical activity in informal/unpaid carers in the UK. PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42020167742.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Horne, Joanna; Smith, Lee; Trott, Mike and Kentzer, Nichola (2020). A systematic review on the prevalence of physical activity in informal / unpaid carers worldwide. In Prospero: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42020184204.

Boyle, Sally; Higgins, Martyn and Vseteckova, Jitka (2019). The impact of motivational interviewing by social workers on service users - systematic review of literature. In PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD89852.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Tilley, Elizabeth; Mahon, Aoife; Pappas, Yannis and Randhawa, Gurch (2018). A systematic review of interventions available during care crises for individuals with learning disabilities (LD) who are cared for by an ageing carer within the United Kingdom. In PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews, National Institute of Health Research.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Deepak-Gopinath, Manik; Dadova, Klara; Borgstrom, Erica; Ryan, Gemma; Gracia, Rosaria and Holland, Caroline (2018). Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review protocol. In PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International Prospective register of Systematic Reviews.


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