Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Josie Taylor

27 items in this list.
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Book SectionTo Top

Sharples, Mike; Taylor, Josie and Vavoula, Giasemi (2007). A theory of learning for the mobile age. In: Andrews, Richard and Haythornthwaite, Caroline eds. The Sage Handbook of E-learning Research. London, UK: Sage, pp. 221–247.

Haley, Debra; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Thomas, Pete; Taylor, Josie and Lefrere, Paul (2005). The Learning Grid and E-Assessment using Latent Semantic Analysis. In: Ritrovato, P.; Allison, C.; Cerri, S.; Dimitrakos, T.; Gaeta, M. and Salerno, S. eds. Towards the Learning Grid: Advances in Human Learning Services. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 127. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 197–202.

Vavoula, Giasemi; O'Malley, Claire and Taylor, Josie (2005). A study of mobile learning as part of everyday learning. In: Attewell, Jill and Savill-Smith, Carol eds. Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere: a Book of Papers from MLEARN 2004. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency, pp. 211–212.

Evans, Diane and Taylor, Josie (2005). The role of user scenarios as the central piece of the development jigsaw puzzle. In: Attewell, Jill and Savill-Smith, Carol eds. Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere: a Book of Papers from MLEARN 2004. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency, pp. 63–66.

Brasher, Andrew and Taylor, Josie (2005). Development of a research plan for use of ambient technology to test mobile learning theories. In: Attewell, Jill and Savill-Smith, Carol eds. Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere: a book of Papers from MLEARN 2004. Learning and Skills Development Agency, pp. 33–37.

Taylor, Josie (2004). A task-centred approach to evaluating a mobile learning environment for pedagogical soundness. In: Attewell, Jim and Savill-Smith, Carol eds. Learning with mobile devices: research and development. London, UK: Learning and Skills Development Agency, pp. 167–171.

Journal ItemTo Top

Taylor, Josie; Sharples, Mike; O'Malley, Claire; Vavoula, Giasemi and Waycott, Jenny (2006). Towards a task model for mobile learning: a dialectical approach. International Journal of Learning Technology, 2(2/3) pp. 138–158.

Taylor, Josie and Evans, Diane (2005). Pulling together: keeping track of pedagogy, design and evaluation through the development of scenarios—a case study. Learning, Media and Technology, 30(2) pp. 131–145.

Laurillard, Diana; Stratfold, Matthew; Luckin, Rose; Plowman, Lydia and Taylor, Josie (2000). Affordances for learning in a non-linear narrative medium. Journal of Interactive Media in Education(2)

Scanlon, E.; Tosunoglu, C.; Jones, A.; Butcher, P.; Ross, S.; Taylor, J. and Murphy, P. (1998). Learning with computers: experiences of evaluation. Computers & Education, 30(1-2) pp. 9–14.

Whitelock, Denise; Taylor, Josie; O'Shea, Tim; Scanlon, Eileen; Clark, Paul and O'Malley, Clare (1993). Challenging models of elastic collisions with a computer simulation. Computers and Education, 20(1) pp. 1–9.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Scanlon, Eileen and Taylor, Josie (2016). Is technology enhanced learning an interdisciplinary activity? In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016 (Cranmer, S.; Dohn, N. B.; de Laat, M.; Ryberg, T. and Sime, J. A. eds.), pp. 129–133.

Thomas, Pete; King, David; Minocha, Shailey and Taylor, Josie (2008). Wikis supporting authentic, collaborative activities: lessons from distance education. In: Proceedings of the 15th Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2008): Rethinking the digital divide, 9-11 Sep 2008, University of Leeds, England, UK, pp. 74–83.

Thomas, Pete; Minocha, Shailey; King, David; Taylor, Josie; Sclater, Niall and Schenks, Mat (2007). Collaborative authoring and learning in a wiki environment. In: IADIS International Conference on e-Learning, 3-8 Jul 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

Taylor, Josie; Minocha, Shailey; McAndrew, Patrick; Brasher, Andrew and Joinson, Adam (2006). Smart labs and social practice: social tools for pervasive laboratory workspaces: a position paper. In: Designing for e-Science: Interrogating New Scientific Practice for Usability, in the Lab and Beyond, 26-27 Jan 2006, e-Science Institute, Edinburgh, UK.

Taylor, J.; Sharp, H.C.; Haley, D.T. and Nuseibeh, B. (2004). The conundrum of categorising requirements: managing requirements for learning on the move. In: 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 6-10 Sep 2004, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 309–314.

Vavoula, G. N.; Lefrere, P.; O'Malley, C.; Sharples, M. and Taylor, J. (2004). Producing guidelines for learning, teaching and tutoring in a mobile environment. In: 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE), 23-25 Mar 2004, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Sharp, Helen; Taylor, Josie; Löber, Andreas; Frohberg, Dirk; Mwanza, Daisy and Murelli, Elena (2003). Establishing user requirements for a mobile learning environment. In: Conference proceedings of Eurescom 2003, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2003, Heidelberg, Germany.

OtherTo Top

Cliff, David; O'Malley, Claire and Taylor, Josie (2008). Future issues in socio-technical change for UK education. Futurelab/Beyond Current Horizons (BCH) project, UK.

Taylor, Josie; Rodden, Tom; Anderson, Anne; Sharples, Mike; Luckin, Rose; Conole, Grainne and Siraj-Blatchford, John (2004). An e-Learning Research Agenda. EPSRC.


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