Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Janet Maybin

73 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Attar, Dena and Maybin, Janet (2016). The contribution of children's literature studies. In: Hewings, Ann; Prescott, Lynda and Seargeant, Philip eds. Futures for English Studies : Teaching Language, Literature and Creative Writing in Higher Education. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179–196.

CTo Top

Cremin, Teresa and Maybin, Janet (2013). Children and teachers' creativity in and through language. In: Hall, Kathy; Cremin, Teresa; Comber, Barbara and Moll, Luis eds. The Wiley Blackwell International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 275–290.

GTo Top

Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (2003). Language, literacy and education: A reader. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books in association with The Open University.

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MTo Top

Maybin, Janet (2014). Evaluation in pre-teenagers’ informal language practices around texts from popular culture. In: Cekaite, Asta; Blum-Kulka, Shoshana; Grøver, Vibeke and Teubal, Eva eds. Children’s Peer Talk: Learning from Each Other. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 107–126.

Maybin, Janet (2011). Intimate strangers: dialogue and creativity in penfriend correspondence. In: Swann, Joan; Pope, Rob and Carter, Ronald eds. Creativity in Language and Literature: the state of the art. Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 129–140.

Maybin, Janet and Tusting, Karin (2011). Linguistic ethnography. In: Simpson, James ed. Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 515–528.

Maybin, Janet (2009). Airhostess legs and jealous husbands: explorations of gender and heterosexuality in 10-11 year-olds’ conversations. In: Pichler, Pia and Eppler, Eva M. eds. Gender and Spoken Interaction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 42–62.

Maybin, Janet (2009). A broader view of language in school: research from linguistic ethnography. Children and Society, 23(1) p. 70.

Maybin, Janet (2008). Revoicing across learning spaces. In: Hornberger, Nancy H. ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol.3. Springer, pp. 81–92.

Maybin, Janet (2007). Everyday talk (2nd Edition). In: Maybin, Janet; Mercer, Neil and Hewings, Ann eds. Using English. London: Routledge, pp. 5–42.

Maybin, J.; Rampton, B. and Tusting, K. (2007). Linguistic ethnography: Links, problems and possibilities. In Special Issue of Journal of Socioinguisitcs Blackwell.

Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan (2007). Introduction: Language creativity in everyday contexts. Applied Linguistics, 28(4) pp. 491–496.

Maybin, Janet and Baynham, Mike (2006). Literacy Practices in English. In: Maybin, Janet; Mercer, Neil and Hewings, Ann eds. Using English (2nd Edition). London: Routledge, pp. 123–166.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Language and education. In: Llamas, Carmen; Mullany, Louise and Stockwell, Peter eds. The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics. Routledge Companions. London: Routledge, pp. 157–163.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Children's voices: talk, knowledge and identity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Sociolinguistics and education. In: Llamas, Carmen; Mullany, Louise and Stockwell, Peter eds. Companion to Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge, pp. 157–163.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Writing the self. In: Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan eds. The Art of English: Everyday Creativity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 261–276.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Locating creativity in texts and practices. In: Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan eds. The Art of English: Everyday Creativity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 413–455.

Maybin, J. and Pearce, M. (2006). Literature and creativity in English. In: Goodman, Sharon and O'Halloran, Kieran eds. The Art of English: Literary Creativity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3–48.

Maybin, Janet (2006). Death Row penfriends: Configuring time, space and selves. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 21(1) pp. 58–69.

Maybin, Janet (2005). Researching children's language and literacy practices in school. In: Goodwyn, Andrew and Stables, Andrew W. eds. Learning to Read Critically in Language and Literacy. Learning to Read Critically Series. London: Sage Publications, pp. 86–106.

Maybin, Janet (2004). Researching children’s language and literacy practices in school. In: Goodwyn, Andrew and Staples, Andrew W. eds. Learning to read critically in language and literacy education. Learning to read critically. London, UK: Sage, pp. 86–106.

Maybin, Janet (2004). Reported speech and intertextual referencing in 10- to 12-year-old students' informal talk. In: Shuart-Faris, Nora and Bloome, David eds. Uses of intertextuality in classroom and educational research. Connecticut, USA: Information Age Publishing Inc, pp. 147–169.

Maybin, Janet (2004). Intertextuality and reported speech in 10-12 year olds' informal talk. In: Shuart-Faris, Nora and Bloome, David eds. The Uses of Intertextuality in Classrooom and Educational Research. Connecticut: Information Age Publishing, pp. 147–169.

Maybin, Janet (2003). Voices, intertextuality and induction into schooling. In: Goodman, Sharon; Lillis, Theresa; Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil eds. Language, Literacy and Education: A Reader. London: Trentham, pp. 159–170.

Maybin, Janet (2003). Language, relationships and identities. In: Kehily, Mary and Swann, Joan eds. Childrens' Cultural Worlds. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 89–132.

Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin (2003). Socialising children. In: Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin eds. Childhoods in Context. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 1–38.

Maybin, Janet (2002). Voices, morals and identity in 10-12 year olds’ conversational narratives. In: Sanchez, M. and Blayer, I. eds. Storytelling: interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives. New York, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.

Maybin, Janet (2002). What’s the hottest part of the Sun? Page3! Children’s exploration of adolescent gender identities through informal talk. In: Litosseliti, Lia and Sunderland, Jane eds. Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 2. Benjamins, pp. 257–273.

Maybin, Janet (2002). Voices, morals, and identity in the conversational narratives of ten-to-twelve-years-olds. In: Blayer, Irene Maria F. and Sanchez, Monica eds. Storytelling: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 130–144.

Maybin, Janet (2002). "What’s the hottest part of the sun? Page 3!" Children’s exploration of adolescent gender identities through informal talk. In: Litosseliti, Lia and Sunderland, Jane eds. Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture (2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 257–273.

Maybin, Janet (2001). Language, struggle and voice: The Bakhtin/Volosinov writings. In: Wetherell, Margaret; Taylor, Stephanie and Yates, Simeon J. eds. Discourse Theory and Practive: A Reader. London: Sage, pp. 64–71.

Maybin, Janet (2000). The new literacy studies, context, intertexuality and discourse. In: Barton, David; Hamilton, Mary and Ivanič, Roz eds. Situated Literacies: Reading and Writing in Context. London: Routledge, pp. 199–209.

Maybin, Janet (2000). Death row penfriends: some effects of letter writing on identity and relationships. In: Barton, David and Hall, Nigel eds. Letter Writing as a Social Practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 151–177.

Maybin, Janet (1999). The canon: historical construction and contemporary challenges. In: Davison, Jon and Moss, John eds. Issues in English Teaching. London: Routledge, pp. 180–195.

Maybin, Janet (1998). Childrens' voices: talk, knowledge and identity. In: Trudgill, Peter and Cheshire, Jenny eds. The Sociolinguistics Reader: Gender and Discourse, Volume 2. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 278–294.

Maybin, Janet (1997). Story voices: the use of reported speech in 10-12 year olds' spontaneous narratives. In: Thomson, Linda ed. Children Talking: The Development of Pragmatic Competence. Current Issues in Language and Society. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 36–48.

Maybin, Janet (1996). Story voices: The use of reported speech in 10-12-year-olds' spontaneous narratives. Current issues in language and society, 3(1) pp. 36–48.

Maybin, Janet (1996). Everyday talk. In: Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil eds. Using English: From conversation to canon. London: Routledge, pp. 5–41.

Maybin, Janet (1996). An English Canon? In: Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil eds. Using English: From conversation to canon. London: Routledge, pp. 235–274.

Maybin, Janet and Baynham, Mike (1996). English literacy practices. In: Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil eds. Using English: From conversation to canon. London: Routledge, pp. 42–83.

Maybin, Janet (1994). Teaching writing: Process or genre. In: Brindley, Sue ed. Teaching English. London: Routledge, pp. 186–194.

Maybin, Janet and Moss, Gemma (1993). Talk about texts: Reading as a social event. Journal of Research in Reading, 16(2) pp. 138–147.

Maybin, Janet (1993). Dialogic relationships and the construction of knowledge in informal talk. In: Graddol, D.; Thompson, L. and Byram, M. eds. Language and Culture: British Studies in Applied Linguistics 7. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 142–152.

Maybin, Janet and Moss, Gemma (1993). Children talk text. Changing English, 1(1) pp. 43–53.

Maybin, Janet (1992). Childrens' language practice at home and school. In: Norman, Kate ed. Thinking Voices: The work of the National Oracy Project. London: Hodder Arnold H&S, pp. 74–82.

Maybin, Janet; Mercer, Neil and Stierer, Barry (1992). 'Scaffolding': learning in the classroom. In: Norman, Kate ed. Thinking Voices: The work of the National Oracy Project. London: Hodder & Stoughton, pp. 186–195.

Maybin, Janet (1991). Children's informal talk and the construction of meaning. English in Education, 25(2) pp. 34–49.

Maybin, Janet; Edwards, Derek and Mercer, Neil (1988). Putting the context into oracy: The construction of shared knowledge through classroom discourse. In: Maclure, M; Phillips, T and Wilkinson, A eds. Oracy Matters. English language and education series. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 122–134.

Maybin, Janet (1988). A critical review of the DES assessment of performance unit's oracy surveys. English in Education, 22(1) pp. 3–18.

Maybin, Janet (1987). Account of Fieldwork. In: Edwards, Derek and Mercer, Neil eds. Common Knowledge: The Development of Understanding in the Classroom. London: Metheun, pp. 171–181.

Maybin, Janet and Mercer, Neil (1981). Community, language and education. In: Mercer, Neil ed. Language in School and Community. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 77–89.

STo Top

Swann, J. and Maybin, J. (2008). Sociolinguistic and ethnographic approaches to language and gender. In: Harrington, K.; Litosseliti, L.; Saunston, H. and Sunderland, J. eds. Gender and Language Research Methodologies. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

TTo Top

Tusting, Karin and Maybin, Janet (2007). Linguistic ethnography and interdisciplinarity: Opening the discussion. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 11(5) pp. 575–583.

Thomas, Kit and Maybin, Janet (1998). Investigating language practices in a multilingual London community. In: Egan-Robertson, Ann and Bloome, David eds. Students as Researchers of Language and Culture in Their Own Communities. New York: Hampton Press, pp. 143–166.

WTo Top

Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet (2003). Socializing children. In: Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet eds. Childhoods in Context. Chichester: Wiley.

Wetherell, Margaret and Maybin, Janet (1996). The distributed self: A social construcionist perspective. In: Stevens, Richard ed. Understanding the Self. London: Sage, pp. 219–280.


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