Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Maiden

34 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 20:28:07 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Maiden, John (2025). ‘Today it is not the Great Saint who is Thundering Forth’: the Laity and Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England. In: Power, Maria and Bush, Jonathan eds. Lay Catholic Societies in Twentieth Century Britain. Cardiff: Catholic Record Society (In Press).

2024To Top

2023To Top

Maiden, John (2023). Fundamentalism and Charismatic Renewal. In: Atherstone, Andrew and Jones, David Ceri eds. The Oxford Handbook of Christian Fundamentalism. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 164–179.

Maiden, John (2023). "Totalitarianism in Religion": Roman Catholicism, Religious Liberty, and the British Evangelical Imagination before Vatican II. In: Bebbington, David ed. The Gospel and Religious Freedom: Historical Studies in Evangelicalism and Political Engagement. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.

2022To Top

Galián, Laura; Maiden, John; Sinclair, Stefanie and Welker, Arpad (2022). Refugees and the Politics of Memory: Political discourses of religious toleration and peace. In: Altnurme, Riho; Arigita, Elena and Pasture, Patrick eds. Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 113–158.

Maiden, John; Sinclair, Stefanie; Salmesvuori, Païvi; van Nieuwenhuyse, Karel and Wolffe, John (2022). Views of the Young: Reflections on the Basis of European Pilot Studies. In: Alturme, Riho; Arigita, Elena and Pasture, Patrick eds. Religious Diversity in Europe: Mediating the Past to the Young. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 33–49.

2021To Top

Maiden, John; Atherstone, Andrew and Hutchinson, Mark eds. (2021). Transatlantic Charismatic Renewal, c.1950-2000. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies,, 41. Leiden: Brill.

Hutchinson, Mark; Atherstone, Andrew and Maiden, John (2021). Introduction The Evidence of Things Unseen: The Transatlantic Charismatic Movement in the Postwar Period. In: Atherstone, Andrew; Hutchinson, Mark and Maiden, John eds. Transatlantic Charismatic Renewal, c.1950-2000. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, 41. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1–18.

Maiden, John (2021). Mediating Renewal: Logos International Fellowship and Charismatic Renewal in the United States and Beyond. In: Atherstone, Andrew; Hutchinson, Mark and Maiden, John eds. Transatlantic Charismatic Renewal, c.1950-2000. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, 41. Leiden: Brill, pp. 61–80.

2020To Top

Maiden, John (2020). City, Portal and Hub: Brisbane and Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In: Rocha, Cristina; Hutchinson, Mark and Openshaw, Kathleen eds. Australian Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements: Arguments from the Margins. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, 36. Leiden: Brill, pp. 69–87.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Maiden, John (2018). Evangelicals and Rome. In: Atherstone, Andrew and Ceri Jones, David eds. The Routledge Research Companion to the History of Evangelicalism. Studies in Evangelicalism. London: Routledge, pp. 93–109.

Maiden, John and Sinclair, Stefanie (2018). Personalised and multi-sensory approaches to engaging students at a distance: a case study from religious studies. In: 10th EDEN Research Workshop Conference Proceedings: Towards Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning (Duart, Josep M. and Szűcs, András eds.), EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network), Barcelona, pp. 261–269.

2017To Top

Maiden, John (2017). Renewing the body of Christ: Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) USA and transnational charismatic Anglicanism, 1978-1998. Journal of American Studies, 51(4) pp. 1243–1266.

Maiden, John (2017). The Prayer Book Controversy. In: Brown, Stewart J.; Nockles, Peter B. and Pereiro, James eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Oxford Movement. Oxford University Press, pp. 530–541.

2015To Top

Maiden, John (2015). 'What could be more Christian than to allow the Sikhs to use it?' Church Redundancy and Minority Religion in Bedford, 1977-8. In: Christianity and religious plurality, Studies in Church History, Boydell & Brewer.

2014To Top

Atherstone, Andrew and Maiden, John (2014). Anglican Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century: Identities and Contexts. In: Atherstone, Andrew and Maiden, John eds. Evangelicals and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century: Reform, Resistance and Renewal. Studies in Modern British Religious History. The Boydell Press, pp. 1–47.

Maiden, John (2014). Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic Relations, 1928-1983. In: Atherstone, Andrew and Maiden, John eds. Evangelicals and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century: Reform, Resistance and Renewal. Studies in Modern British Religious History. The Boydell Press, pp. 136–161.

2013To Top

Maiden, John (2013). Fundamentalism and Anti-Catholicism in Inter-War English Evangelicalism. In: Bebbington, David and Jones, David Ceri eds. Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism in the United Kingdom during the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 151–170.

Maiden, John (2013). Strange encounters? Integrating historical research and contemporary religion. The Building on History: the Church in London project. In: Woodhead, Linda ed. Innovative Methods in the Study of Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (In Press).

2011To Top

Maiden, John (2011). Lloyd-Jones and Roman Catholicism. In: Atherstone, Andrew and John, David Ceri eds. Engaging with Martin Lloyd-Jones. Leicester: Apollos, pp. 232–260.

2010To Top

Maiden, John; Wolffe, John; Burns, Arthur; Evans, Neil and Kelly, Declan (2010). Building on History: the Church in London online resource guide. Web resource.

2009To Top

Maiden, John (2009). National religion and the Prayer Book controversy, 1927-28. Studies in Modern British Religious History. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press.

2007To Top

Maiden, John G. (2007). Discipline and Comprehensiveness: the Church of England and Prayer Book Revision in the 1920s. In: Cooper, Kate and Gregory, Jeremy eds. Discipline and Diversity. Studies in Church History (43). Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 377–387.


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