Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Joyce Fortune
BTo Top
Bignell, Victor and Fortune, Joyce (1984). Understanding Systems Failures. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ETo Top
Ellis, Elaine; Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff
FTo Top
Fortune, Joyce; Peters, Geoffrey and Short, Lawson
Fortune, Joyce; White, Diana; Jugdev, Kam and Walker, Derek
Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff
Fortune, Joyce and White, Diana
Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff (2005). Information systems: achieving success by avoiding failure. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Fortune, Joyce and White, Diana
Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoff
Fortune, Joyce and Peters, Geoffrey (1995). Learning from failure - The systems approach. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
JTo Top
Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane
Johnson, Jeffrey; Fortune, Joyce and Bromley, Jane M.
Jugdev, Kam; Perkins, David; Fortune, Joyce; White, Diana and Walker, Derek
PTo Top
Peters, Geoffrey and Fortune, Joyce
Pearce, Trevor and Fortune, Joyce
STo Top
Savory, Clive and Fortune, Joyce
Savory, Clive and Fortune, Joyce
Storey, John; Fortune, Joyce; Johnson, Michael and Savory, Clive
WTo Top
White, Diana and Fortune, Joyce
White, Diana and Fortune, Joyce
White, Diana and Fortune, Joyce