Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Judith Segal

23 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 21:18:52 2025 GMT.

Book SectionTo Top

Segal, Judith A. and Morris, Chris (2011). Developing software for a scientific community: some challenges and solutions. In: Leng, Joanna and Sharrock, Wes eds. Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice, Volume 1. USA: IGI Global, pp. 177–196.

Segal, Judith (2005). Two principles of end-user software engineering research. In: ed. Proceedings of the first workshop on End-user software engineering. Not Set, pp. 1–5.

Segal, Judith; Grinyer, Antony and Sharp, Helen (2005). The type of evidence produced by empirical software engineers. In: ed. Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Realising evidence-based software engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, pp. 1–4.

Robinson, Hugh; Segal, Judith and Sharp, Helen (2004). The case for empirical studies of the practice of software development. In: Jedlitschka, Andreas and Ciolkowski, Marcus eds. The Future of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. Workshop Series on Empirical Software Engineering, 2. Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, pp. 98–107.

Segal, Judith (2001). Organisational learning and software process improvement: a case study. In: Althoff, Klaus-Dieter; Feldmann, Raimund L. and Muller, Wolfgang eds. Advances in learning software organizations: Third international workshop, LSO 2001. Lecture notes in Computer Science, XI (2176). Springer, pp. 68–82.

Journal ItemTo Top

Segal, Judith; Petre, Marian and Sharp, Helen (2015). The future of e-infrastructures. Computing in Science & Engineering, 17(3) pp. 78–84.

Morris, Chris and Segal, Judith (2012). Lessons learned from a scientific software development project. IEEE Software, 29(4) pp. 9–12.

Segal, Judith and Morris, Chris (2011). Scientific end-user developers and barriers to user/customer engagement. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 23(4) pp. 51–63.

Robinson, Hugh; Segal, Judith and Sharp, Helen (2007). Ethnographically-informed empirical studies of software practice. Information and Software Technology, 49(6) pp. 540–551.

Segal, Judith (2005). When software engineers met research scientists: a case study. Empirical Software Engineering, 10(4) pp. 517–536.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Plonka, Laura; Segal, Judith; Sharp, Helen and van der Linden, Janet (2011). Collaboration in Pair Programming: driving and switching. In: XP 2011 : 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 10-13 May 2011.

Segal, Judith (2009). Some challenges facing software engineers developing software for scientists. In: 2nd International Software Engineering for Computational Scientists and Engineers Workshop (SECSE '09), ICSE 2009 Workshop, 23 May 2009, Vancouver, Canada.

Segal, Judith (2008). Models of scientific software development. In: SECSE 08, First International Workshop on Software Engineering in Computational Science and Engineering, 13 May 2008, Leipzig, Germany.

Segal, Judith (2008). Scientists and software engineers: A tale of two cultures. In: PPIG 2008: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Pschology of Programming Interest Group (Buckley, Jim; Rooksby, John and Bednarik, Roman eds.), Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Segal, Judith (2007). Some problems of professional end user developers. In: Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (Cox, Philip and Hosking, John eds.), IEEE Computer Society/Conference Publishing Services, Los Alamitos, Ca, USA,, pp. 111–118.

Segal, Judith (2004). The Nature of evidence in empirical software engineering. In: 11th Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 19-21 Sep 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

OtherTo Top

Segal, Judith (2004). Professional end user developers and software development knowledge. Technical Report 2004/25; Department of Computing, The Open University.

Segal, Judith (2003). When software engineers met research scientists: a field study. Technical Report 2003/14; Department of Computing, The Open University.


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