Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Judith Segal

23 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 18 18:26:36 2025 GMT.

2015To Top

Segal, Judith; Petre, Marian and Sharp, Helen (2015). The future of e-infrastructures. Computing in Science & Engineering, 17(3) pp. 78–84.

2012To Top

Morris, Chris and Segal, Judith (2012). Lessons learned from a scientific software development project. IEEE Software, 29(4) pp. 9–12.

2011To Top

Segal, Judith and Morris, Chris (2011). Scientific end-user developers and barriers to user/customer engagement. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 23(4) pp. 51–63.

Segal, Judith A. and Morris, Chris (2011). Developing software for a scientific community: some challenges and solutions. In: Leng, Joanna and Sharrock, Wes eds. Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice, Volume 1. USA: IGI Global, pp. 177–196.

Plonka, Laura; Segal, Judith; Sharp, Helen and van der Linden, Janet (2011). Collaboration in Pair Programming: driving and switching. In: XP 2011 : 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 10-13 May 2011.

2009To Top

Segal, Judith (2009). Some challenges facing software engineers developing software for scientists. In: 2nd International Software Engineering for Computational Scientists and Engineers Workshop (SECSE '09), ICSE 2009 Workshop, 23 May 2009, Vancouver, Canada.

2008To Top

Segal, Judith (2008). Models of scientific software development. In: SECSE 08, First International Workshop on Software Engineering in Computational Science and Engineering, 13 May 2008, Leipzig, Germany.

Segal, Judith (2008). Scientists and software engineers: A tale of two cultures. In: PPIG 2008: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Pschology of Programming Interest Group (Buckley, Jim; Rooksby, John and Bednarik, Roman eds.), Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

2007To Top

Segal, Judith (2007). Some problems of professional end user developers. In: Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (Cox, Philip and Hosking, John eds.), IEEE Computer Society/Conference Publishing Services, Los Alamitos, Ca, USA,, pp. 111–118.

Robinson, Hugh; Segal, Judith and Sharp, Helen (2007). Ethnographically-informed empirical studies of software practice. Information and Software Technology, 49(6) pp. 540–551.

2006To Top

2005To Top

Segal, Judith (2005). When software engineers met research scientists: a case study. Empirical Software Engineering, 10(4) pp. 517–536.

Segal, Judith (2005). Two principles of end-user software engineering research. In: ed. Proceedings of the first workshop on End-user software engineering. Not Set, pp. 1–5.

Segal, Judith; Grinyer, Antony and Sharp, Helen (2005). The type of evidence produced by empirical software engineers. In: ed. Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Realising evidence-based software engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, pp. 1–4.

2004To Top

Segal, Judith (2004). Professional end user developers and software development knowledge. Technical Report 2004/25; Department of Computing, The Open University.

Segal, Judith (2004). The Nature of evidence in empirical software engineering. In: 11th Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 19-21 Sep 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Robinson, Hugh; Segal, Judith and Sharp, Helen (2004). The case for empirical studies of the practice of software development. In: Jedlitschka, Andreas and Ciolkowski, Marcus eds. The Future of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. Workshop Series on Empirical Software Engineering, 2. Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, pp. 98–107.

2003To Top

Segal, Judith (2003). When software engineers met research scientists: a field study. Technical Report 2003/14; Department of Computing, The Open University.

2001To Top

Segal, Judith (2001). Organisational learning and software process improvement: a case study. In: Althoff, Klaus-Dieter; Feldmann, Raimund L. and Muller, Wolfgang eds. Advances in learning software organizations: Third international workshop, LSO 2001. Lecture notes in Computer Science, XI (2176). Springer, pp. 68–82.


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