Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Guy Cook

29 items in this list.
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Cook, Guy (2010). 'Hearts and minds.' Persuasive language in ancient and modern public debate. In: Swann, Joan and Maybin, Janet eds. The Routledge Companion to English Language Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 134–135.

Cook, Guy (2010). Language and advertising. In: Malmkjaer, Kirsten ed. Routledge Linguistic Encyclopaedia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 297–300.

Cook, Guy (2009). The best teacher. In: Bhanot, Rakesh and Illes, Eva eds. Best of Language Issues. London, UK: London South Bank University, pp. 245–253.

Cook, Guy (2009). Rebuilding broken bridges: translation, literature, and English Language Teaching. In: International Translation Conference, 2009, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Cook, Guy (2008). Advertising and Public Relations. In: Koller, Veronika and Wodak, Ruth eds. Language and Communication in the Public Sphere. Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 4. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 113–138.

Cook, Guy (2008). Hocus Pocus or God’s Truth: the dual identity of Michael Stubbs. In: Gerbig, Andrea and Mason, Oliver eds. Language, People, Numbers: Corpus Linguistics and Society. Language and Computers : Studies in Practical Linguisiics. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 305–327.

Cook, Guy (2007). A Thing of the Future: translation in language learning. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 17(3) pp. 396–401.

Cook, Guy (2007). ‘This we have done’. The different vagueness of poetry and Public realtions. In: Cutting, Joan ed. Vague Language Explored. London: Palgrave, pp. 21–39.

Cook, Guy (2007). An unmarked improvement: using translation in ELT. In: 41st IATEFL Annual Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 Apr 2007, Aberdeen.

Cook, Guy (2006). Why play with language? In: Maybin, Janet and Swann, Joan eds. The Art of English: Everyday Creativity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37–45.

Cook, Guy (2005). Calm Seas or Troubled Waters? Transitions, definitions and disagreements in applied linguistics. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 15(3) pp. 282–301.

Cook, Guy and Walter, Tony (2005). Rewritten rites: language and social relations in traditional and contemporary funerals. Discourse and Society, 16(3) pp. 365–391.

Cook, Guy (2003). Applied Linguistics. Oxford Introductions to Language. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Cook, Guy (2003). The functions of example sentences: a reply to Vivian Cook. Applied Linguistics, 24(2) pp. 249–255.

Cook, Guy (2002). Imposed unity, denied diversity: changing attitudes to artifice in language and learning. In: Spelman-Miller, Kristyan and Thompson, Paul eds. Unity and Diversity in Language Use. British Studies in Applied Linguistics. London: BAAL in association with Continuum, pp. 183–197.

Cook, Guy (2001). The discourse of advertising. 2nd edition. Interface. London, UK: Routledge.

Cook, Guy (2001). Translation and language teaching. In: Baker, Mona ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 117–121.

Cook, Guy (2000). Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

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Robbins, Peter T.; Pieri, Elisa and Cook, Guy (2004). GM scientists and the politics of the risk society. In: Haugestad, Anne K. and Wulfhorst, J.D. eds. Future as fairness: ecological justice and global citizenship. At the interface/Probing the boundaries, 10 (10). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, pp. 85–102.

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Twiner, Alison; Cook, Guy and Gillen, Julia (2009). Overlooked issues of religious identity in the school dinners debate. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(4) pp. 473–488.


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