Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Gordon Wilson

41 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 08:00:44 2025 GMT.

2021To Top

Robbins, Peter; Wield, David and Wilson, Gordon (2021). Engineering for Development. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 21st Century Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 416–432.

2020To Top

2018To Top

Perez Salgado, Francisca; Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2018). Dimensions of professional competences for interventions towards sustainability. Sustainability Science, 13(1) pp. 163–177.

2017To Top

2015To Top

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2015). The Lived Experience of Climate Change: Knowledge, Science and Public Action. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

2014To Top

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2014). Climate change: lived experience, policy and public action. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 6(1) pp. 5–18.

Pérez Salgado, Francisca; Wilson, Gordon and van der Klink, Marcel (2014). Transforming academic knowledge and the concept of Lived Experience: Intervention Competence in an international e-learning programme. In: Azeiteiro, Ulisses Miranda; Leal Filho, Walter and Caeiro, Sandra eds. E-Learning and Education for Sustainability. Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability (35). Frankfurt am Main: Springer, pp. 59–70.

2012To Top

Abbott, Dina and Wilson, Gordon (2012). The lived experience of climate change: complementing the natural and social Sciences for knowledge, policy and action. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 3(4) pp. 99–114.

2011To Top

Johnson, Hazel; Pinder, Richard and Wilson, Gordon (2011). Beyond means and ends: learning, engagement and towards an emancipatory development management. In: EADI-DSA 2011 Conference (13th EADI General Conference): Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty: New Values, Voices and Alliances for Increased Resilience, 19-22 Sep 2011, York, UK.

Wilson, Gordon; Abbott, Dina; de Kraker, Joop; Salgado Pérez, Paquita; Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Catharien and Willems, Patrick (2011). ‘The lived experience of climate change’: creating open educational resources and virtual mobility for an innovative, integrative and competence-based track at Masters level. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning,, 3(2) pp. 111–123.

Teixeira, António Moreira; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, Sandra; Dams, Lieve; van Dorp, Kees Jan and Wilson, Gordon (2011). The lived experience of sustainable learning: the LECH-e OER Project bridging formal and non formal lifelong learners. In: EDEN Annual Conference: Learning and Sustainability: The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge, 19-22 Jun 2011, Dublin, Ireland.

2009To Top

Fawssett, Susan; Hanlin, Rebecca; Le Mare, Ann; Papaioannou, Theodoros and Wilson, Gordon eds. (2009). Introducing Development. Milton Keynes: Open University Worldwide.

Wilson, Gordon (2009). Making the connections between environment, development, and sustainability. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 3–12.

Wilson, Gordon (2009). Conclusion. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 274–280.

Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (2009). Learning for Development. Development Matters. London: Zed Books.

2008To Top

Wilson, Gordon (2008). Our knowledge ourselves: Engineers (re)thinking technology in development. Journal of International Development, 20(6) pp. 739–750.

2007To Top

Wilson, Gordon (2007). Knowledge, innovation and re-inventing technical assistance for development. Progress in Development Studies, 7(3) pp. 183–199.

Wilson, Gordon (2007). Beyond the Dichotomies in Technology for Development. Geography Compass, 1(2) pp. 119–135.

2006To Top

Abbott, Dina; Brown, Suzanne and Wilson, Gordon (2006). Development management as reflective practice. Journal of International Development, 19(2) pp. 187–203.

Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (2006). Connecting people and places: spaces for thinking, learning, knowledge and action. Journal of International Development, 18(6) pp. 747–755.

2005To Top

Mohan, Giles and Wilson, Gordon (2005). The Antagonistic relevance of development studies. Progress in Development Studies, 5(4) pp. 261–278.

2002To Top

Wilson, Gordon (2002). Technology, knowledge and development. In: Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert eds. The Companion to development studies. London, UK: Arnold, pp. 219–223.

2000To Top

Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (2000). Biting the Bullet: Civil Society, Social Learning and the Transformation of Local Governance. DPP Working Paper 44; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

1999To Top

Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (1999). Institutional sustainability as learning. Development in Practice, 9(1/2) pp. 43–55.

1998To Top

Johnson, Hazel and Wilson, Gordon (1998). Performance, learning and sustaining: reflections on development management for sustainable development. DPP Working Paper 39; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

1995To Top

Wilson, Gordon (1995). From Day-to-Day Coping to Strategic Management: Developing Technological Capability Among Small-Scale Enterprises in Zimbabwe. DPP Working Paper 33; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

1993To Top

Wilson, Gordon (1993). Technological capability in small-scale development projects supported by UK-based NGOs. DPP Working Paper 25; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.


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