Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lore Arthur

19 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 21:29:45 2025 GMT.

BookTo Top

Burgess, Hilary; Sieminski, Sandy and Arthur, Lore (2006). Achieving Your Doctorate in Education. study skills. London, UK: Sage in association with the Open University.

Book SectionTo Top

Arthur, Lore (2002). Networking and intercultural communication: triumphs and tribulations. In: Field, John ed. Promoting European Dimensions in Lifelong Learning. Leicester, UK: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, pp. 43–53.

Arthur, Lore (2002). Intercultural communication and identities; foreign language teachers’ perceptions of culture and citizenship. In: Schweisfurth, Michele; Davies, Lynn and Harber, Clive eds. Learning democracy and citizenship: international experiences. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books, pp. 67–80.

Arthur, Lore (2001). Tutors as lifelong learners. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting lifelong language learning. London: CILT in association with the Open University, pp. 7–15.

Arthur, Lore (2001). Language and cultural awareness. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting lifelong language learning. London: CILT in association with the Open University, pp. 16–25.

Arthur, Lore (2001). Understanding language learners. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting lifelong language learning. London: CILT in association with the Open University, pp. 36–45.

Arthur, Lore (2001). The teaching portfolio: approaches, values and professional developments. In: Klapper, John ed. Teaching languages in Higher Education: Issues in training and continuing professional development. London, UK: CILT, pp. 200–214.

Journal ItemTo Top

Arthur, Lore and Crossley, Michael (2016). Wide horizons and blurred boundaries: comparative perspectives on adult and lifelong learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(1-2) pp. 181–194.

Arthur, Lore (2006). Higher Education and the Knowledge Society: issues, challenges and responses in Norway and Germany. Research in Comparative and International Education, 1(3) pp. 241–252.

Arthur, Lore (2004). Work-life balance. Debatte, 12(2) pp. 137–153.

Arthur, Lore and Tait, Alan (2004). Too little time to learn?: Issues and challenges for those in work. Studies in the Education of Adults, 36(2) pp. 222–234.

Arthur, Lore (2002). Precarious relationships: perceptions of culture and citizenship among teachers of German. Compare: A journal of comparative education, 32(1) pp. 83–93.

OtherTo Top

Arthur, Lore; Brennan, John and de Weert, Egbert (2007). Employer and higher education perspectives on graduates in the knowledge society. CHERI, The Open University; CHEPS, University of Twente, The Netherlands, London.


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