Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lore Arthur
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Burgess, Hilary; Sieminski, Sandy and Arthur, Lore (2006). Achieving Your Doctorate in Education. study skills. London, UK: Sage in association with the Open University.
Arthur, Lore (2002). Work-Life balance: towards an agenda for policy learning between Britain and Germany. London, UK: Anglo-German Foundation.
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Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Journal ItemTo Top
Arthur, Lore and Crossley, Michael
Little, Brenda and Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore and Tait, Alan
Arthur, Lore
Arthur, Lore
OtherTo Top
Brennan, John; Arthur, Lore; Little, Brenda; Cochrane, Allan; Williams, Ruth; Locke, William; Singh, Mala; David, Miriam; Kim, Terri and King, Roger (2010). Higher Education and Society: A research report. CHERI, London.
Arthur, Lore and Little, Brenda (2010). The REFLEX study: exploring graduates' views on the relationship between higher education and employment. Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, The Open University, London, UK.
Arthur, Lore; Brennan, John; Hick, Rod and Kimura, Maki (2008). The context of higher education and employment: comparisons between different European countries. REFLEX Report to HEFCE No 2 (uses data gathered for a major international study of graduate employment five years after graduation). The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society – new demands on higher education in Europe; CHERI, The Open University, London.
Arthur, Lore; Brennan, John and de Weert, Egbert (2007). Employer and higher education perspectives on graduates in the knowledge society. CHERI, The Open University; CHEPS, University of Twente, The Netherlands, London.