Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Engin F. Isin

56 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 18:44:58 2025 GMT.

2016To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2016). We, the Non-Europeans: Derrida with Said. In: Braidotti, Rosi and Gilroy, Paul eds. Conflicting Humanities. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 229–244.

2015To Top

Isin, Engin F. ed. (2015). Citizenship after Orientalism: Transforming Political Theory. Palgrave Studies in Citizenship Transitions. London: Palgrave.

Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn (2015). Being Digital Citizens. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.

Isin, Engin F. (2015). Citizenship's Empire. In: Isin, Engin F. ed. Citizenship after Orientalism: Transforming Political Theory. Palgrave Studies in Citizenship. London: Palgrave, pp. 263–281.

2014To Top

Isin, Engin F. and Nyers, Peter eds. (2014). Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.

Isin, Engin (2014). Acts. In: Anderson, Bridget and Keith, Michael eds. Migration: A COMPAS Anthology. Oxford: COMPAS.

2013To Top

Isin, Engin F. and Saward, Michael eds. (2013). Enacting European Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2012To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2012). Citizens Without Frontiers. London: Continuum.

Isin, Engin (2012). Citizenship after orientalism: genealogical investigations. In: Freeden, Michael and Vincent, Andrew eds. Comparative Political Thought. Routledge Studies in Comparative Political Thought. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 110–125.

Isin, Engin F. (2012). Citizenship after orientalism: an unfinished project. Citizenship Studies, 16(5-6) pp. 563–572.

Isin, Engin F. (2012). Citizens without nations. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(3) pp. 450–467.

2011To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2011). Ottoman waqfs as acts of citizenship. In: Ghazaleh, Pascale ed. Held in Trust: Waqf in the Islamic World. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, pp. 253–279.

2010To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2010). The soul of a city: hüzün, keyif, longing. In: Göktürk, Deniz; Soysal, Levent and Türeli, Ipek eds. Orienting Istanbul: Cultural Capital of Europe? Planning, history and environment series. Abingdon, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, pp. 35–47.

2009To Top

Isin, Engin F.; Nyers, Peter and Turner, Bryan S. (2009). The thinking citizenship series. Citizenship Studies, 13(1) pp. 1–2.

Isin, Engin F. (2009). La ville comme lieu du social. Rue Descartes(63) pp. 52–62.

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. (2009). Citizenship, cosmopolitanism and human rights. In: Elliott, Anthony ed. The Routledge Companion to Social Theory. London: Routledge, pp. 173–187.

2008To Top

Isin, Engin F. ed. (2008). Recasting the Social in Citizenship. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Isin, Engin F. (2008). The city as the site of the social. In: Isin, Engin F. ed. Recasting the Social in Citizenship. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 261–280.

Isin, Engin and Ustundag, Ebru (2008). Wills, deeds, acts: women's civic gift-giving in Ottoman Istanbul. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 15(5) pp. 519–532.

Isin, Engin F.; Nyers, Peter and Turner, Bryan S. eds. (2008). Citizenship between Past and Future. London, UK: Routledge.

Isin, Engin F. and Nielsen, Greg M. eds. (2008). Acts of Citizenship. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Isin, Engin F. (2008). Beneficence and difference: Ottoman Awqaf and “other” subjects. In: Mayaram, Shail ed. The Other Global City. UK: Routledge, pp. 35–53.

Isin, Engin F. (2008). Theorizing acts of citizenship. In: Isin, Engin F. and Nielsen, Greg M. eds. Acts of Citizenship. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15–43.

2007To Top

Isin, Engin and Finn, Melissa (2007). Bombs, bodies, acts: the banalization of suicide. In: Cowen, Deborah and Gilbert, Emily eds. War, citizenship, territory. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 75–95.

Isin, Engin and Rygiel, Kim (2007). Of Other Global Cities: Frontiers, Zones, Camps. In: Drieskens, Barbara; Mermier, Franck and Wimmen, Heiko eds. Cities of the South: Citizenship and Exclusion in the 21st Century. London, UK: Saqi, pp. 170–209.

Isin, Engin F. and Rygiel, Kim (2007). Abject Spaces: Frontiers, Zones, Camps. In: Dauphinee, Elizabeth and Cristina, Masters eds. The Logics of Biopower and the War on Terror: Living, Dying, Surviving. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181–203.

Isin, Engin F. (2007). City.State: critique of scalar thought. Citizenship Studies, 11(2) pp. 211–228.

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. (2007). Investigating Citizenship: an agenda for citizenship studies. Citizenship Studies, 11(1) pp. 5–17.

Isin, Engin (2007). Ottoman Awqaf, Turkish Modernization, and Citizenship. In: Keyman, E. Fuat ed. Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities, and Democracy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 3–15.

2005To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2005). Engaging, being, political. Political Geography, 24(3) pp. 373–387.

Isin, Engin F. and Lefebvre, Alexandre (2005). The Gift of Law: Greek Euergetism and Ottoman Waqf. European Journal of Social Theory, 8(1) pp. 5–23.

Isin, Engin F. (2005). Citizenship after orientalism: Ottoman citizenship. In: Keyman, Fuat and Icduygu, Ahmet eds. Citizenship in a Global World: European Questions and Turkish Experiences. Routledge Studies in Governance and Change in the Global Era. UK: Routledge, pp. 31–51.

2004To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2004). The neurotic citizen. Citizenship Studies, 8(3) pp. 217–235.

2003To Top

Delanty, Gerard and Isin, Engin F. eds. (2003). Handbook of historical sociology. London: Sage.

Isin, Engin F. (2003). Historical sociology of the city. In: Delanty, Gerard and Isin, Engin F. eds. Handbook of historical sociology. London, UK: Sage, pp. 312–325.

2002To Top

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. (2002). Handbook of citizenship studies. London: Sage.

Isin, Engin F. (2002). Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis. USA: University of Minnesota Press.

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. (2002). Citizenship studies: An introduction. In: Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. Handbook of citizenship studies. London, UK: Sage, pp. 1–10.

Isin, Engin F. (2002). Citizenship after orientalism. In: Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. Handbook of citizenship studies. London, UK: Sage, pp. 117–128.

Isin, Engin F. (2002). City, democracy and citizenship: Historical images, contemporary practices. In: Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. eds. Handbook of citizenship studies. London, UK: Sage, pp. 305–316.

Isin, Engin F. (2002). Ways of being political. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory(4) pp. 7–28.

2001To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2001). Istanbul's conflicting paths to citizenship: Islamization and globalization. In: Scott, Allen J. ed. Global city-regions: trends, theory and policy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 349–368.

2000To Top

Isin, Engin F. (2000). Introduction: democracy, citizenship, sovereignty, politics. In: Isin, Engin F. ed. Democracy, citizenship, and the global city. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 1–21.

Isin, Engin F. (2000). Governing cities without government. In: Isin, Engin F. ed. Democracy, citizenship, and the global city. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 148–167.

1999To Top

Isin, Engin F. and Wood, Patricia K. (1999). Citizenship and Identity. Politics and Culture series. London, UK: Sage.

1998To Top

Isin, Engin F. (1998). Governing Toronto without government: Liberalism and Neoliberalism. Studies in Political Economy, 56 pp. 169–192.

1997To Top

Siemiatycki, Myer and Isin, Engin F. (1997). Immigration, diversity and urban citizenship in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 20(1, 2) pp. 73–102.

Isin, Engin F. (1997). Who is the New Citizen? Towards a Genealogy. Citizenship Studies, 1(1) pp. 115–132.

1995To Top

Isin, Engin F. (1995). Rethinking the origins of canadian municipal government. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 4(1) pp. 73–92.

1992To Top

1987To Top

1985To Top

Isin, Engin F. (1985). Understanding the third world urban landscape. Environments, 17(1) pp. 18–28.


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