Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Emmeline Gray

7 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 22:00:45 2025 GMT.

2023To Top

2022To Top

Martinot, Claire; Bolton, Clara T.; Sarr, Anta-Clarisse; Donnadieu, Yannick; Garcia, Marta; Gray, Emmeline and Tachikawa, Kazuyo (2022). Drivers of late Miocene tropical sea surface cooling: a new perspective from the equatorial Indian Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37(10), article no. e2021PA004407.

Gray, Emmeline; Anand, Pallavi; Badger, Marcus; Bolton, Clara; Leng, M. J. and Murayama, Masafumi (2022). Plio-Pleistocene productivity reconstructions in the Indian Monsoon region. In: GC10-Pliocene-44: The Warm Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities, 23-26 Aug 2022, Leeds, UK.

Bolton, Clara T.; Gray, Emmeline; Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Holbourn, Ann E.; Lübbers, Julia; Grant, Katharine; Tachikawa, Kazuyo; Marino, Gianluca; Rohling, Eelco J.; Sarr, Anta-Clarisse and Andersen, Nils (2022). Secular and orbital-scale variability of equatorial Indian Ocean summer monsoon winds during the late Miocene. Climate of the Past, 18(4) pp. 713–738.

Beaufort, Luc; Bolton, Clara T.; Sarr, Anta-Clarisse; Suchéras-Marx, Baptiste; Rosenthal, Yair; Donnadieu, Yannick; Barbarin, Nicolas; Bova, Samantha; Cornuault, Pauline; Gally, Yves; Gray, Emmeline; Mazur, Jean-Charles and Tetard, Martin (2022). Cyclic evolution of phytoplankton forced by changes in tropical seasonality. Nature, 601 pp. 79–84.

2021To Top

Bretschneider, Lisa; Hathorne, Ed C.; Bolton, Clara T.; Gebregiorgis, Daniel; Giosan, Liviu; Gray, Emmeline; Huang, Huang; Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang and Frank, Martin (2021). Enhanced Late Miocene Chemical Weathering and Altered Precipitation Patterns in the Watersheds of the Bay of Bengal Recorded by Detrital Clay Radiogenic Isotopes. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36(9), article no. e2021PA004252.

2019To Top

Lübbers, Julia; Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Holbourn, Ann E.; Bolton, Clara T.; Gray, Emmeline; Usui, Yoichi; Kochhann, Karlos G. D.; Beil, Sebastian and Andersen, Nils (2019). The Middle to Late Miocene “Carbonate Crash” in the Equatorial Indian Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(5) pp. 813–832.


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