Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Derek Neale

54 items in this list.
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Anderson, Linda and Neale, Derek (2009). Writing fiction. Abingdon: Routledge.

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Haslam, Sara and Neale, Derek (2009). Life writing. Abingdon: Routledge.

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Neale, Derek, Gilbert, Francis, Brayfield, Celia and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2020) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 6) National Association of Writers in Education.

Neale, Derek (2020). Introduction. Writing in Practice: the journal of creative writing research, 6

Neale, Derek (2020). Introduction. In: Neale, Derek ed. Writing Talk: Interviews with writers about the creative process. London: Routledge, pp. 1–17.

Neale, Derek (2020). 'Last' scenes: Experiments with the poetic and phatic, gender and genre. Liminalities: the journal of performance studies, 16(4)

Neale, Derek, Etter, Carrie, Cashdan, Liz and Melrose, Andrew (eds.) (2019) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 5) National Association of Writers in Education.

Neale, Derek with Greenberg, Susan, Holloway, Simon and Melrose, Andrew (2018) Creative Writing Research Benchmark Statement. National Association of Writers in Education, UK.

Neale, Derek, Spencer, Amy, Howitt-Dring, Holly and Cable, Liz (eds.) (2018) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 4) National Association of Writers in Education.

Neale, Derek (2016). Creativity and Creative Writing. In: Demjén, Zsófia and Seargeant, Philip eds. Creativity in Language: From Everday Style to Verbal Art. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 121–172.

Neale, Derek (2016). El cuento en la academia: mimesis, diégesis y el rol del drama y el cine. In: Angel, Marcos and Fernández, Gerardo Argüelles eds. Recetas para el misterio: ensayos de escritura creativa. Autores, Textos y Temas. Literatura (44). Mexico city, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Barcelona and Madrid, Spain: Anthropos, pp. 47–67.

Neale, Derek (2016). Six short stories. Cut a long story Ltd, Folkestone, UK.

Neale, Derek, Butt, Maggie, Whitehead, Harry and Brayfield, Celia (eds.) (2016) Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research. (Vol. 1) National Association of Writers in Education.

Neale, Derek (2012). The Book of Guardians. London: Salt.

Neale, Derek (2012). Writing and dreaming primary and primal scenes. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 10(1) pp. 39–51.

Neale, Derek (2011). Writing and remembering: paradoxes of memory, imagination and fiction in stories about lives. Literature Compass, 8(12) pp. 951–961.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing stage plays. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 41–92.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing radio drama. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 93–112.

Neale, Derek (2009). Writing films. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 113–133.

Neale, Derek (2009). Playing with genre. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 1–13.

Neale, Derek (2009). Splicing the strands. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 164–180.

Neale, Derek (2009). Revealing secrets. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook. London: A&C Black, pp. 58–72.

Neale, Derek (2009). Staging stories. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 73–92.

Neale, Derek (2009). Film structure. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 134–148.

Neale, Derek (2009). Voices in fiction. In: Neale, Derek ed. A Creative Writing Handbook: developing dramatic technique, individual style and voice. London: A&C Black, pp. 181–195.

Neale, Derek (2009). CASE STUDY 3: Literature and Film - Reading Film: An Angel at My Table. In: Da Sousa Correa, Delia and Owens, W. R. eds. The Handbook to Literary Research 2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 162–165.

Neale, Derek (2007). Writing a wicked commentary. Writing in Education(41) pp. 28–31.

Neale, Derek (2006). The creative process: writing what you know. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 44–55.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: showing and telling. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 127–140.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: the story and the reader. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 154–166.

Neale, Derek (2006). Writing fiction: structure. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 140–154.

Neale, Derek (2006). The creative process: writing what you come to know. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 56–69.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: using memory. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 316–330.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: versions of a life. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 330–343.

Neale, Derek (2005). Life writing: life characters. In: Anderson, Linda ed. Creative writing: a workbook with readings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 343–358.


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